[v1.0.2.1] DoubleBlitz Commando - 100% faceroll, 99.9% unkillable

Should be doable with non-mythical as well. Without Beronath weapon at all, you lose heck a LOT of damage due to lack of conversion, and actual build falls apart, turning into worse version of S&B Cadence+Blitz Soldier.

I’m still new, and looking for a shield build, and would be interested in a fairly beginner-friendly build for a possible first-time playthrough – am I right here? I find appealing: Not too many buttons to push, no master-class player skill seems to be required. Beginner-friendly?
But until I get all those cool uniques, what do I do? Could you consider making a (short!) leveling guide?

its beginner friendly in the sense that it requires minimal skill to play. however you still need two pieces of required gear -> beronath sword and korvaak relic; both are craftable however and you can ask someone in trade thread to craft for u when u get mats ready.

markovian set is a bonus but its not actually an requirement. The gloves are also very uniquely strong. I would say that you are ready to play this build with just 3 pieces of speicfic gear, sword,relic,gloves. rest is flexible

OK thanks! So howz about a tiny leveling guide (not step by step, just how to do what and perhaps cheap respec suggestions, I find soldier hard to level with so far)? THANKS!

Hello, can you explain why you chose the elemental balance rings over Mythical Reign of Ice and Fire?

Edit: I was wondering if the flat damage bonus on the epic set made it better, but I didn’t notice that the proc on the mythical ring doesn’t have % weapon damage. So the epic set lets you leech from the proc? Is that why?

So I’ve got issues with the skill points as in I’m at lv 98 now and no way will I have enough to match what you have posted in Grimtools? I have 3 more to get which will leave me 4 short of what is posted here. I have done all 3 HP quests. What am I missing? There are only 7 extra points correct?

Edit: just wanted to add that I’m loving the build! Really grateful that you came back to the game @jajaja . Your hard work certainly helps out us pleebs :smiley:

Good lawd… this build is insane.

2x Blitz feels so good (remembers old Mark proc:cry: )

Has the crucible gotten harder because I’m having a hard time clearing and am dying quite often. I have the same gear, skills, devotions, and everything. Any thoughts or do I just stink :slight_smile:

edit: well I was able to complete 150 but needed defense bonus aura and life / dmg tributes. The nemesis bosses still do a ton of dmg. I guess I just haven’t figured out their mechanics yet and so get facerolled without knowing when to avoid.

edit 2: This is an incredible build btw … thanks so much for posting it !!!

I was able to take down the gate boss at Malmouth pretty easily without any of the required items. I’m sure I could push further, but the damage has really gotten bad. I still have yet to have anything really hurt me.

I think you have a mental error in the devotion setup. It’s the Primordeal for Dire Bear…you got three points from Panther and one Point from the Crossroads. But you need 5 Points ^^

you need one Point, but i can’t see where you got that from :o

Plz explain :slight_smile:

Dire Bear grants 1 point as well, so it can fulfill it’s own requirements. You’ll need to burn points in another primordial constellation (Eel will do it for 3 points), and then when you complete Dire Bear, you can remove those points.

How comes the rings you equip are lvl 90 … but in game, they are 82?
Did i miss a nerf ?

Do myth Reign of ice and fire should not be an option too?

He’s probably using a higher level component or augment on those rings which is why the item level looks higher

Myth. Reign of Ice and Fire is good but for %Weapon Damage builds the flat bonus of Elemental Harmony is better.

I’m new player. I like your build. But could you show me some tips for leveling. I still don’t know which skill to level first and how devotion path?

Would anyone happen to be able/willing to help me get a Korvaak’s Deception? I have the mats, but have no luck with recipe drops.

I am currently lvl 72 using this build and I am having the issue with being able to equip rings. At any point should I be putting points in spirit or is it all in phys?

The general rule with all builds is to put what ever points you need into spirit or cunning to equip gear, and put the rest into physique. There are exceptions, but you will have to put points into spirit for most builds, in order to wear rings. Cunning is needed to wield ranged weapons, swords and daggers.

Interesting. I have leveled several builds. This is the first I have had to do that.

Dont worry too much about that - for some quests, and in crucible, you’ll get a potion that allows you to reset your attribute points.

BTW, despite most builds have to put all spare points into physique, builds that inflict “corporeal” damage types (physical, trauma, bleed, pierce) have an option to put some of spare points into cunning as well (and this build is one of them). When you put points into cunning, your trade defence (HP, DA) for offence (damage, OA). And tradeoff is more or less fair for those builds.