[v1.0.2.1] DoubleBlitz Commando - 100% faceroll, 99.9% unkillable

Can I put in a request for a leveling guide? I really enjoy them, and lets me turn the build into a lego kit, where I put all the pieces together.

ah thankyou so much makes sense now

Tell me how this build should look at 60 lvl
And is it possible to kill an avatar on veterans?

As for viability as a leveling build:

I leveled with this build as a general outline and made it through AoM elite no problem. This is my second character and I helped with gear from my first play through but overall it clears content easily. On Act 4 Ultimate at lvl 84 now and kills are slowing down on bosses due to the lack of relic/beronath reforged and the accompanying conversion damage but the build is so tanky that I can run all the way through dungeons stopping to crap on hero monsters and bosses and hardly even notice the trash.

Its such a night and day difference from the Skeleton Cabalist I played my first time through and I can’t wait to get the rest of the gear for the build to watch it really shine.

how do you level this build? Can provide some steps ? thks

dua biji telur, you can leveling a commando with forcewave or cadence, + blitz.
Bound Falcon to Blitz, and enjoy your leveling with two omelette eggs :smiley:

oh okey thks how about the progression of the devotion/passive tree?

double dash builds always super fun, nice job

out of curiosity, why not go for Elemental Seekers on this build? Their raw dps is unmatched among devotion procs.

I run them in a full elemental to aether conversion spellbinder build I made and they’re really awesome for both clearing out huge waves of mobs and focusing extra dmg on single targets.

I made up a quick devo change here http://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYz8gX2

basically drops bear + panther + giant blood proc to grab toad which is all you need to grab Blind Sage. dumped extra points into revenant for more ADCTH, which this version has much more of. Loses a lil bit of phys% from dropping bear, but the bear proc is bad dps in this build anyways imo.

Only thing wasn’t sure on is where the procs should go for best benefit. I picked what I thought would work best for them. Assassin’s Mark should be OK on Blitz cause you’ll get it up on bosses fairly quick if not right away and it’ll never fall off.

(could always 1 pt mortar trap and put E.Seekers on that if not a fan of Assassin’s Mark on Blitz)

Just ask the author :smiley:


still waiting for this leveling progression guide @ post #2
hopefully he gonna make one :smiley:

I’ve leveled several soldier-base types, just use a strong skill in 2nd mastery class early to clear trash mobs (for Commando it is Grenado/BWC, WBlade is Dreeg eyes etc…), then when you hit lvl 50 reset skill points to equip Stonefist Rebuke/ Praetorian set, max Blitz and Cadence til you hit 75 change weapon to Leviathan/ Warborn set, 84 Mythical Stonefist Rebuke, then rush to 94. With Lokarr set and XP bottles you will reach 9x in about 14-16 hours+ in game.

Following this build but really just have the rings, medal and finally the shield is my first Markovian drop after 200 hours with this game (excluding non-mythical helm pattern).

Guess it’s time to hit the trade threads.

You can just use Forcewave (with 2-hander) to cleave through leveling content as Soldier - it has quite high early damage, decent AoE and relatively low cost.

Hey, I’m fairly new, and my friends who are more experienced told me that they learned mostly from your posts, so I was wondering if you could give me a rough guide for leveling a commando? Please and thank you!

dont have energy to do an aom one , but this is still fine

look at guide there and ignore the swap to DW melee part. instead go DW guns til 75

Leveling guide for the noobs like me. The Korvaak Decption blueprint, is that a reputation item? Need to take the right Reputations in a leveling guide

Google blueprints like that, and you’ll find:


Because it doesn’t have a faction at the bottom like this:


It is a random drop.

Man, once you get that relic made it’s a different game, lol.

Fun build.

Is this build doable without a Mythical Beronath weapon?

I’ve not tried gladiator crucible but I did challenger and main campaign with non mythical weapon and armour.