V1.1.4.1 Item Tuning

Not sure if anyone has pointed this out in the past: is Krieg’s Shoulderguards missing % Aether damage and the Grips missing % Physical/Internal Trauma damage intended or an oversight?


+1. Krieg set could use extra 80-100%dmg.


I was find it weird. I search aether shoulders and where’s Krieg ?

I don’t think little extra damage will break the game. And BM and DK are not the flavor of the day.

+1 Agreed! Definitely odd to see this missing.

Yeah, yeah, very funny, well done, HOWEVER.

Battlemages still need some form of good RR. Consider, please, making it for them. It’s really desperate, I don’t have to tell you this, this problem has persisted for ages.

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Btw I always wondered why Titan Pauldrons require just 2h melee weapon, why can’t be used as 2h Ranged? Lots of items passive bonuses are for both melee/ranged style. And non set shoulders are rarely used anyway.

Something minor but capping pierce resistance with Trozan Warlock is a pain in the ass. Replacing the vitality resistance on the shoulders or replacing the freeze resistance on the chest armor with pierce resistance would be ideal. That is of course if it’s just slapped on any armor pieces without replacing any of the current resistances, which would be the best outcome.

And no, i’m not gonna use greens because screw that.


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Yeah game should not take into account that green items are good for capping resistances, remove them all together from the item pool.

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For balancing purposes, it shouldn’t. Far too unreliable because of the huge pool of affixes. I shouldn’t have to rely on items with random affixes to just cap resistances with a legendary set.

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sounds like a boring game where every build has a specific item, component and augment one must/should use in each slot then.


Capping resistances with a legendary set
needing random greens to do so

Yes, and being forced into items with random affixes to cap resistances with a legendary set is good game design.

Almost all items are random drops to begin with. Being force into items that are random drops is good game design? :stuck_out_tongue:
I have played 90 hours now since my restart, I have found/crafted 18 boots with stonehide prefix but only 7 stash tabs with legendary items. Just as an example.

What do random drops have to do with anything? You are talking with someone that has at least 95% of the items in the game. I don’t need to care for random drops because i already have them.

Also, greens are random on top of random, i have to drop them and then expect to get a good affix. Legendaries and epics aren’t like that. And yes, being forced into green items with random affixes to cap resistances, not overcap mind you, with a legendary set is bad game design.

You could have just told me to maybe use another legendary or epics, but had somehow convince me that using greens is somehow a viable way to cap resistances with a legendary set. Because pretty much every slot is already occupied by an item with either resistances, skill bonuses, OA/DA and other things i need, and removing them would mean having to shuffle things around.

If you want to BiS endgame load out any build in 5 mins you can always just go play D3…

Kidding, but just GDStash as Crucible/SR pushing appears to be the aim anyway rather than campaign content, so why would you care about finding things ‘properly?’

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Pretty hard to convince members of the no green mafia…

I thought my example of how many stonehide boots I have compared to number of legendary should give a clue that even though greens are random upon random, you can still get a decent amount of them and thus become a stable in builds…

I don’t even know what items you are using apart from “Trozan set Warlock”, are everybody supposed to know what rings and pants you are using? Perhaps the devs know idk :woozy_face:

Yup, in many regards, many grim dawn builders approach grim dawn just as they would have approach Diablo III builds. Sets and uniques, sets and uniques…

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Or, i can just play the game and drop them? Using GDstash would outright destroy the point of the game for me, which is to farm loot.

I talked with a few other players and it seems they have the same issue i have with Trozan Warlock, which is to just cap pierce resistance.

Pick up and craft green items too, as my example showed - I have already 18 stonehide boots (not all level 94 tbh but still) but only 7 stash tabs with legendary (and at least one tab is level 50 legendary)

I actually restarted since I play for the same thing, I wanted to farm the loot and make builds from scratch again.

Just to get the feedback of lacking pierce resistance lacking on Trozan set, could you post a few of those builds? I think that would help devs and community to determine if set needs it or some other items can be swapped?

But even with sets, the greens usually are just “glue” items. Especially boots are there just to cover the blind spot from legendaries. At the same time lots of MI items are irreplaceable for skill mods. Sometimes is really funny when guy decide not to used greens and missed vital green , that basically made the whole build :slight_smile:

I’ve had trouble with pierce and bleed:

Repeating myself from earlier, I wouldn’t mind seeing either resistance in Starfury Emerald, which “only” has 20% lightning and cold (cf. Stormseer and Aetherbolt pendant, which have some ~15% non-thematic resistance); the 20 DA can go if need be.

I wouldn’t agree with vitality being removed from the shoulders, it worked for me. I agree the freeze resistance isn’t very useful – seems it ends up heavily overcapped in most Trozan setups – but I don’t really mind either way.

I already said my piece on this but again: not gonna use greens, end of story. Far too unreliable. Greens should be placeholders or to push a builds to its absolute limits and not to do just basic stuff as capping resistances. I should be able to do with a random assortment of legendaries and epics.

Also, to respond to this again: i never claimed such a thing. At no point that i say that every build should have only one item per slot. I said greens shouldn’t be used for basic stuff like capping resistances with a legendary set. See above as to why.

But nice that some people are liking a post that claim something that i never claimed.