V1.1.5.2 Discussion

Mythical Gutripper got a nice buff to the modifier. The damage is almost good now. But I think the numbers on the weapon aren’t the problem, rather that it has a lot of useless stats:

  • Lifesteal - doesn’t work with bleeding damage, and this is the end level 2H weapon with the lowest base damage in the game
  • Increased duration on the bleeding - a little excessive, especially since it doesn’t really help with Grasping Vines
  • Bonus to Deadly Momentum - just gives a negligible percentage bonus to bleeding damage if you keep the buff up
  • Proc, slower target movement - doesn’t stack with Grasping Vines
  • Proc, DA reduction - doesn’t stack with Howl of Mogdrogen Celestial Power, which you’ll always want to pick up

I wouldn’t mind trading it all for 1 useful stat. I realize some of these are thematic, so they might stay regardless.

For a bleeding Warder like the one I’m playing, it’s unfortunate that Bloodsurge and Lacerator Girdle are bad compared to the alternatives (despite the latter just getting a buff; merely increasing the numbers misses the mark I believe).

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Its not that radical. We know that excess conversion is scaled down to fit 100% range. If you have other conversions diluting your target conversion, then the excess conversion helps with that.

In the case of Nadaan’s Reach, it just means you’re not forced to use Mythical Pack of Treacherous Means if the weapon itself can give you all the conversion you need. It gives you more flexibility in what you want wear in the belt slot.

Its true that I can’t imagine the full ramifications of this. But will the option to equip a +1 skills in the belt slot really jack up the power creep by that much?

You are literally asking for the conversion of 2H weapons to be doubled. I’d say that’s pretty radical and invalidates essentially the entire purpose of skill modifiers.

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Oh I thought you were making fun of the fact that I proposed the conversion rate go all the way to 108%. This is a different case.

Here’s a little build trivia. What would you gear for if you want to play aether Drain Essence? Uroboruuk’s Guise set or Fleshwarped Tome + Chains of Ygraad or whatever vit to aether conversion you can find? Most of the time, the answer is Uroboruuk’s Guise even if you can manage to slap together 100% global vit to aether on other sources. So I really don’t get your argument that 100% global conversion invalidates skill mods.

I guess its about builds not crafting. But i will do it anyway.

  1. Crafting Dynamite without Aether Shards would be nice.

New Dynamite Reciepe:

  • 3x Cracked Loadstone
  • 3x Searing Amber
  • 3x Scrap
    = 1 Dynamite
  1. Lowering Ugendblooms needed for consumables to 1 but add Tonic of Mending and Elexir of Spirit.

  2. Less Restrictions of components in accessories. If it is for rings, then why not for amulet or medal?

  3. Let us dismantle Aether Clusters to gain Aether Crystals:

  • 1x Dynamite
  • 1x Aether Cluster
    = 3/4/6 Aether Crystals
  1. Let us craft Aether Clusters:
  • 1x Aetherial Missive
  • 12/8/6 x Aether Crystals/Shards
    = 1 Aether Cluster

(6. My wet dream, so ignore this, if not the whole reply):
New Component:
Seal of the Stars: +1 Devotion Point (amulet only)

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: [] Sister Crimson 2:14

gore option needs to be worked. Everytime I want to spread diseases via chicken pox enemies are instantly disintegrated when this option is switched on. I dont want to put off gore everytime I want to curse people, cause gore is love… blood is life :smiling_imp:

Aura of censure burning strong, comrade. Dumping posts to closed threads no-one can reply. Before I’m out, my list of things I think should be changed in

  • IVEEs (Immortal Vs. Elemental Enemies - cool name, huh? - read: “eye-veez” :rofl:) - bug or no bug it looks like a monster bug
  • aggro bugs in Crucible
  • Ugdenplants within spawn zones in Crucible
  • Bumrushes in SR. Imo they shouldn’t aggro in full force right from the start under no circumstances.
  • Access to base dmg values in the game (hold Ctrl+Shift or sth and see base dmg values - like in gt - without your current character’s global % modifiers
  • Skipping inventory auto-sort confirmation with Shift+click
  • Buying health and energy potions in bundles just like when moving items (ctrl+click and type a number). Unless “How Many Potions Can You Buy In Five Minutes” is a thing? I wouldn’t be surprised at this point… Could even make an Olympic sport out of it!
  • Crafting menu: ingredients listed in a recipe working as hyperlinks to those ingredients (like open a relic recipe, click on the first ingredient, hyperlink, craft it, back, click the next one, etc.). This is one of the things most widely criticized by YouTubers reviewing GD - looking for each ingredient manually when crafting (I call them NoobToobers becasue most of them don’t really know shit)

As for build balance only 2 points:

  • Lightning strong because of Box? Noooo. Because you get to max 2, 3 or even 4 mains (Cyclomentalist: Devils, Totems, Mines, BwC). Simple solutions like nerfing one of them won’t do (or will do more harm than good). Sets and auxiliaries have to be re-balanced so that it’s not possible to stack dmg from so many maxed top-tier sources.
  • If there ever was a LINE, vitality is out of it more than anything. Close to da meta level ridiculoupiedness. Those builds are unsinkable in caster armor, low cc res, 2.7 da, etc. And boast close to top-tier clear times, too. Dark One needs nerfs, gentlemen. Setups that stack heals (and passive heals working under cc!) to levels equivalent to 5 digit numbers of health regen just by maxing their dmg skills - they need nerfs.

Re-work Bleed damage effects! Should be illustrated by fountains of blood gushing (like from a 90ies anime).

Considering the travel speed of a gun projectile, the animation speed makes sense. Though frustrating of course. Maybe travel speed of all projectiles should be increased?

2400 DA spellbinder with 4:20 Cruci, Belgo 4:30 Cruci - WE NEED TO NERF VITALITY

I know there are faster builds but can’t look at Cruci times alone (especially when done by top pilots on suicidal setups that only work in their hands). Start doing that and what happens - nerfs to Silver Sentinel or Box of Elgolol

I tested a couple of the latest vit setups and I’d never seen anything like that. Not even on warlords post FG release. I didn’t try that Vines ritualist of yours but I get the picture - SR100+ without even trying to be tanky (offensive augments: Wraith Screams and Ravager Harvest, 2.7da, 2k armor).

You might have missed how vit builds work. It always struggles on DA, armor and CC res while relies only on ADCtH.
I have 3 builds for SR 90+, and vitality isn’t the strongest of them. Vitality is still way beyond retaliation and pets for SR.
Moreover, Vitality wasn’t buffed except little more OA on Rattosh. Dark One got Shaman support and that’s it
The only two SR 90+ runs here now are @John_Smith with Dark Conj and me with Wildblood. Meanwhile we have 2 pet builds and several retal builds with SR 100+

My 2 requests:

  1. Please add the energy cost reduction to terrifying gaze in the DEE skill line to make DEE spam possible without ulzuin’s buff

  2. Do something about affliction


Then don’t get hit by it because that’s your punishment. That change would neuter arcane heroes because all you would need to do is back off and run around for a bit and then the buffs would return. I also don’t think the engine can even do what you are asking.

People think that constantly bringing up arcane heroes will somehow cause the devs to nerf them, but i think the reverse is what happening. The devs are probably becoming more and more resistant to any nerf to arcane heroes.

That would work with a skill disruption aura or PBAoE nova. Imagine taking away your SKILLS instead of or (if you feel sadistical) ON TOP OF your buffs?

I don’t think arcane mobs should be nerfed. I think a unique symbol (different from the star ones you see on normal hero mobs) should be placed over their heads, to demarcate them from the rest of the run-o’-the-mill rabble rousers

Hell, I wouldn’t mind something as obnoxious as this:

That would be overkill because they are already so easy to spot in crowd of enemies. Purple was purposely used because nothing else in the game is purple when it comes to regular enemies.

What really ticks me off is people wanting one of the very few heroes that actually forces the player to assess the situation to be nerfed to the point it’s basically like any other hero. And most heroes are a complete joke.


Assuming I didn’t have GI running:

Spotting a potential arcane hero here is easy how?

EDIT: Losing track of where your mouse cursor is is already a real problem for many players. Let alone trying to find one arcane enemy hidden in a pile of bodies and explosions


Using skills with a bunch of obnoxious effects will make you spot no one (the game really need toning down in certain effects), so that’s not an argument. But i haven’t lost track of any arcane hero in all my builds.

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