V1.1.5.2 Discussion

That way is called looting, as in opening chests, searching corpses, breaking crates etc.

I don’t recall ever buying a single potion in the campaign, or ever running out. On the contrary, the pots keep piling up and I always sell them once I got a stack of 100 (or 999 with GI). Even my weak builds that use pots a lot have never seen a shortage, the drop rate is just too good.

When you enter Crucible with a fresh character you don’t have to buy pots either since there’s a corpse that drops a few.

I think most players will be fine with a few dozen potions in their inventory at any given time, so I don’t really see a reason why Crate should implement yet another complicated UI change just for mass-purchasing stuff that average players don’t need under normal circumstances. And if they do, they should ask themselves why their build sucks like that, and what to do about it. Using potions en masse isn’t the answer :wink:

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I wish Health Regen was more prominent. I feel that casters need to rely too much on adcth or totem to keep up with damage loss.
And making health regen work remotely close to adcth requires semnificative investment in skill points, constelations and gear. Tree of Life provides some support with this, but it’s still temporary and cooldown based.
I would suggest bumping up health regen numbers on gear to a more substantial value to make it a viable sustain option.

Thanks for listening.

A great idea just popped in my head and I thought I would post the suggestion here.

Can you add some of the component recipes to the Path of the Three merchants in FG? I think you could add Seal of Blight to Dreeg, Seal of Resonance to Bysmiel (because pets) and Seal of the Void to Solael would be very fitting to the themes of each group. You would have to farm the rep to Revered, so it would still take some time to acquire them.


I thought about that and it’s probably the constitution and auto regen system which screw health regen. I hope they’ll change it for GD2 but doubt it would do before (health regen has been buffed many times across the board so I guess devs are aware of the problem)

last time i checked there are some crazy life regen things possible. The key however in surviving is having many healing sources and small increments to constantly heal. Its the mistake i made when trying to get life back in big chunks instead of many small increments

I like this idea, it sounds solid and thematically

I am thrilled by all the new global damage conversions on items, I’m having fun trying to use them in builds! What I feel is still lacking is fire to lightning conversion. You’re very limited when it comes to item choices, and if you want full conversion, you have to use one of the Demolitionist bomb one-handed guns or Stormheart. So you end up seeing the same few items on a lot of the lightning builds.

For example, lightning Blackwater Cocktail has support through a conduit and Mythical Wyrmbone Handguards, but converting the fire damage requires sacrifcing both weapon slots.

I’m a little surprised this gear is so scarce, considering how often fire damage is paired with lightning. There are no epic or rare items with this conversion at all, despite the recent huge update to them!

Did anyone else find some other needed conversions to be lacking?

With Empowered Essence of Beronath nerfed, would you please consider buffing Mythical Peerless Eye of Beronath?

The dirty secret of this item is that it is the same item as the non-myth version back in vanilla GD. When AoM came out, the non-myth was nerfed and the myth version taking its old stats. With the current meta, this item is now kind of outdated. A slight boost to its stats or adding another kind of resistance would be so much welcome.

Buffing this item wouldn’t invalidate specialist amulets as skill mods and procs are still more valuable. It would also help alleviate the need to farm for godlike Kaisan amulets which are a pain to farm.

Buff the slow pets by making them faster. Slow pets like the skeleton from black grimoire of og’napesh, blightshard amulet, dirge of arkovia and the other slow pets.

Even if just a little so they arent terribly slow.

You get 60% from Cindertouch gloves and Dawnshard Chest which works beautifully with things like Cyclone (sadly LD blocks the chest). There’s an another 30% on Stromseer Saphire amulet.

I agree it’s scarce but I don’t find it lacking. Lightning has top skills in the game and super easy 100% aether conversion.

Conversions between elements are very tricky in balancing. Put too much of it even on some crappy blue gear and boom Plasmodermic’s 4:30 cold Devil/TSS druid.

+1. Another res (except vit and bleed) is needed there, could be at the cost of sth else.


I request the following to improve Cold DE Cillwisper performance.


Maybe not RR to grasp of the dead. Might make it too strong an item.

What would be very nice is giving the set ~5 - 10% phys res on 3 piece bonus.


+1 to this.
Phys resist is also useful for Infiltrator.
I feel Cold DE is a little inferior to Infiltrator. Maybe I need -DA too. (Currently relies on Nemesis reric)
I also tried Speaker for the dead to stack-% Cold RR, but it wasn’t good.

You know what I’d like? A conduit option to convert cold to lightning for Rune of Hagarrad :thinking:
If it does piercing to lightning as well then that’s good too :eyes:
All I want for Christmas is a Vindicator with lightning Rune of Hagarrad.

i would also love to see some buffs to yugol’s constellation. Currently, it is completely bypassed on archetypes focused around cold/acid damage.

Why I think it’s lackluster:

  1. damage from multiple pools do not stack = crappy proc
  2. no %frostburn/poison damage
  3. expensive to unlock even for a T3
  4. no crit damage

Have to agree on chillwhisper DE being weak. phys res would help, but it needs some more cold res RR too imo.


Could you please increase the inner hit radius of Guardian’s Gaze, Targo’s Hammer, and other similar spinning effects around the character (while leaving their outer hit radius as it is)? It is annoying to have the procs trigger and then hit no one as monster is literally between our character and the said hit radius. Eye of Korvaak doesn’t have this problem since it moves outward from the character itself.

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It’s not great but I wouldn’t say it’s completely bypassed. Acid kinda takes it because it’s close to Abomination (and because there’s nothing else to take, to be honest). But it’s the adcth that’s the main selling point.

Did you test it? It should stack as an AoE kinda proc just like Vines or Sigil o.C. Or is it a pseudo pet with an aura or sth?

+1. 5-10% crit dmg would do nicely.

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According to GT, they are player summon pets, and they apply a debuff - so no, the damage shouldn’t stack.

I’ve personally tried yugol before, and it’s just lack luster imo.

You’re better off getting much needed stats/crits if you’re running an acid build

@ya1: imo, dervishes are probaby better off taking aeon’s/DG combo than yugol/abom

I’m puzzled as to why the Mythical Wraithstalker Band got it’s +2 AAR changed to +2 Calidor’s Tempest. With this change it’s very, very difficult to hit 26/16 AAR with Vitality AAR since there are specific items you are required to use for conversion while maintaining decent +% Vitality Damage. :thinking:

Can we have this change reverted please?