V1.1.6.0 Itemization Discussion

I am quite sure that Z was being sarcastic, here.

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I haven’t really been playing GD much as of late, so can’t give an ETA, but yeah will try it out and see how it fares when I can.

After discussing one of my builds in the build-discussion discord channel, I was encouraged by Evil_Baka to suggest the following changes to improve itemization for Lightning Cadence builds:

Change the bonus to Fighting Form on Mythical Exonerator to a bonus to Cadence.
Maybe also increase attack speed or the flat damage on it to bring it a bit closer to other ranged Cadence options.

Change the bonus to Markovian’ s Advantage on Mythical Signet of Astral Ruminations to a bonus to Deadly Momentum.

In general, while I am aware that Lightning Cadence is and will remain a niche build, it still feels extremely unrewarding and limited when it comes to item choices, compared to other conversion buids.
Specifically, it feels like Mythical Exonerator is a worse option than going with a less specialized weapon and achieving conversion in other ways.


Agree on Reckless power, adds some dmg conversion sound nice.
Mythical Exonerator +1 skills to Soldier or granted skill enables the ability to dual wield ranged weapons wont make game breaking.

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Dawnseeker’s Light
I used this to create a Lightning retal warder, but the performance is much worse than Asid retal WB or Phys retal WL.
So I think you should do some buffs.

  • Reduce the recharge of weapon proc skills and add% RDatA.

  • Move the weapon’s 6% Savagery mod to the 4-set bonus and give the MA or ZT% RDatA instead.

  • Reduce the Lightning resi for the 3-piece set bonus by 50-70 and give% AS and% OA instead. Lightning resi is excessive, while AS and OA are significantly lacking.


Here’s my build with these weapons.

I would say the attack speed bonus is small and definitely Soldier class boost is welcomed.

The performance I have isn’t based on the strength of weapons but on lightning build procs and synergies with the set.

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Silver Sentinel set: please add somewhere 25% stun res (probably instead of avoid chance) as both WH and Infil (infil even more) struggle with getting it.


Wrathguard needs some stronger offensive support or better Oathkeeper bonuses. As it stands, no one’s going to use Wrathguard/Oathbearer on a purifier when Valdun’s is right there and so much stronger; if they do go pistol/shield, it’ll be with the Stronghold set instead.

However, Oathbearer/shield isn’t awful on a paladin, skewing heavily toward defense. I’ve tested this spec, and even there, Wrathguard is way behind Watcher of Erulan. Just looking at the granted skill, you’re trading a decent amount of pierce damage for huge physical resist with a higher attack speed bonus to boot. Maybe some pierce RR to guardians, % cunning, or +1 Oathkeeper skills would make it semi-competitive.


Black Scorch Covenant
Chaos / Vit FoI has two sets, so we propose to change this set to focus on Chaos DE instead.

I was looking at tools when thinking about this, but the Chaos / VIT equipment doesn’t have much + DE tree. Mythical Chthonian Thread Sash or Mythical Chains of the Hungering Void is also not used in Chaos FoI, so we suggest changing it to something in the DE tree.


A few more:

I’ve said that a few times but nothing happened in the hotfix so here I go again. I never use Conduit of Destructive Whispers with the mod to Mortar Trap because because a blank conduit with no affix does the same thing but better (because you don’t fool yourself it actually does something). -0.5s cooldown reduction is hardly even QoL, and +4s uptime is not needed in any possible scenario. It’s a kind of an oversight, a copy-paste from Storm Totem and Wind Devil conduit stats that has no practical application, please correct.

I never use Temporal Tempest because generic weapons like Spelldrinker (or Malakor) do just about the same thing for elemental inquisitors dabbling in WoP but way better. Pure lightning WoP is not happening because you can’t convert the remaining cold. Anyways, endgame lightning builds spend points better in Box. It’s 2020, gentlemen, can’t have no +1 to all, no proc, no nothing on main weapon unless it’s a part of a set.

I don’t use any pet offhand for pet conjurers because… pet offhands for pet conjurers do not exist. It’s been the case forever, and nothing has been done about it. In the meantime, certain skills are getting a third dedicated set. Do I have to spell it? D-I-S-C-R-I-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N.

Yes, yes, and furthermore yes. Also, 500 health and another ~30% worth of res. Crate only takes but never gives! :wink:


Just saying… For as long as I can remember buffs out number nerfs anywhere from 2-5 to 1 depending on the patch. How is this crate always takes? I cant say I always agree with all of the nerfs, but I generally understand why changes are made.


@Valinov i think it was a tongue-in-cheek statement

Gildor’s Pulverizer
I don’t hate niche items like this weapon, but there are few legendary items that combine Pierce dmg and VM mods, so few people will use this weapon a lot.
Also, Inq can increase Piearce dmg with Renged weapons. Therefore, i suggest changing Inq support and Pierce demo to be more focused.

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I rather doubt that they’d consider giving the Thermite Mines more range (or at least that much) but I see where you’re going with that; I can’t recall seeing any ranged builds that use Vire’s Might that much, and certainly not Piercing ones. It looks like an interseting weapon, but I for one am not likely to be using a 2H ranged weapon on an Oath Keeper build, and if it’s wasting bonuses on that, it’s less likely to get used. Narrowing the focus is more likely to help than hurt.

+1 to suggestion, at least if you either replace or drop the range increase.

As an aside, you’ve got an extra ‘a’ in Pierce.

What I envisioned is to make Rimetongue Saboteur or Purifire better.
If it becomes an OP, there is no need for the TM range. Also, adding -% Reduce dmg instead of TM range may be a better change for Saboteur.

Chaos to Pierce may not be needed as well.
It might be unique and interesting if it is temporarily 100% converted by BS or VF.

Thanks again for pointing out. teacher. Always welcome.:wink:


@xOMOCHIx: Whatever it is you smoke on Mondays, I want some too :rofl:


You’re right. I that was right before I went to sleep :crazy_face: Didn’t read it that way


Has anyone ever figured out a use for this weapon?

Looks fine for a 2H Ranged Cabalist, just needs the completely pointless bonus to GoE either dropped or replaced with something relevant maybe a bonus to MoT since it already affects that skill. Could probably do with either a Cast Speed bonus or changing the AS bonus to a Total Speed bonus, as well.

I made this a long time ago.
I stopped playing because it was not durable and I could not clear Cr170.

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