V1.1.9.0 pre-bitching discussion

This, without a doubt, is a perfect summation of this entire situation and drives home the point on I was trying to make on the initial thread.

In addition, when everything is said and done, some players are bummed to not see whats coming (such as early patch notes) because a tiny percentage of the player base just pick it apart.

I hope this doesn’t negatively impact information to the community in the future as it is one of the things I look forward to while this game is still receiving content. I do miss early patch notes. :expressionless:

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And here I wanted to make a fap corner thread for the new aether savagery (and PS!) ritualist set that no longer blocks necklace slot like bonemonger


I am not sure about the PS part. Maybe PS + Savagery. It doesn’t block amulet not for Bonemonger but for aether PS then.

Don’t be in the corner, fap in the middle of the room with pride



I’m surprised your advice didn’t also come with this

(though I’ll never believe you if you tell me you weren’t thinking about it).

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I agree with most of the sentiments on this thread but that set never really screams paladin at me. It’s a warlord/tactician set. If the conversion just becomes ele>pierce then it’ll be a strong tactician set on its own (damage-wise. Let’s not talk about the missing phys res here) and even on the current preview it’ll be playable but clunky.

I know zantai always says nothing is final until we get to play the patch but if we get those previews and everyone says the sets are cool (don’t get me wrong, the skills they boost are cool, there’s just some things lacking) then the chances that things are gonna change isn’t gonna be much. Look at Noctirn. The previews showed 25% conversion on the weapon and everyone bitched so it got changed to 50%. Now crate might step up and say the bitching wasn’t the reason the weapon got buffed but the fact is the bitching happened and the buff happened. Hoping the same will happen here too.

or maybe just not post entire item stat previews so there’s no bitching till the actual patch :rofl:

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i don’t get it?
people moaning about no phys res on new sets?
people complaining about their specific desires/build ideas not getting buffed in a specific way to run sub 4 cruci?
people derping out because what, quadruple influx of meme potential?

-when the most egregious thing is they haven’t announced an increased summon limit to cosmetic pets so you can have all out while you dance on the corpse of your enemies! :triumph:
if you wanna moan about something, complaint about something important, derp out about that^

also, why don’t all existing sets ingame just get 15 free phys res? ez, everyone happy, no whiners for patch 1.2.0, right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I fixed the phys res boss

I am looking forward to the agro and grouping changes of bosses in SR. That looks cool.

Can we buff hysteria pet and savage pet to make pet builds without skeletons actually good around the time you can get those pets?

I play conjurer and when I can get hysteria and savage caster is still superior and not even worth going for. They die way to easy even when focusing on pets. I’ve leveled 5+ conjurer’s and never once was pets the better leveling option than caster at least not until elite maybe.

Also the pet from blightshard amulet is also awful. Having a ranged pet in conjurer that isn’t the bird would be cool but that pet is flat out bad.

Completely unrelated to anything anyone’s talking about but :woman_shrugging:

@Maya use your magic to get these buffed

It’s not like these pets are viable end game or buffing their survivability would break the game anyway.

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I mean, that ship has sailed long ago to a degree. We used to post patch notes ahead of patch day, but the response, a sampling of which we got yesterday, was so toxic and premature that we decided it was not good for the community to maintain the tradition.

The purpose of posting the set details with the dev update was to give everyone a preview of what sort of playstyles the new sets will support. Most forum-goers are capable of looking at that and be satisfied. Some hop on their armchair with a red pen, ready to give their unsolicited advice.

Numbers are utterly meaningless out of context. Maybe Dreeg’s Evil Eye base skill got buffs? What changes did the Tome of Atonement get? Maybe it gives 5000% damage to DEE in v1.1.9.0? In which case everyone can cry about how devs are nuts instead (although with some past buff suggestions, perhaps that would be right in line with expectations…). But nah, it’s better to write off a playstyle because it’s a meme right now.

How exactly is something supposed to stop being a meme without changes and/or additional gear support? If we relegate everything that’s not already meta to the dumpster, then everything will stay the same. How many more ways do you need to build AAR or Shadow Strike? I think we’ve got a veritable rainbow of those now.

I’d rather experiment with unusual options and give the community those things to experiment with than just do more of what already works. That’s not variety.

Not to mention that being shown a new set has literally zero bearing on what changes are made to existing items. Omg, Bleed set that can be used by a Paladin?! WHAT ABOUT CHANGES TO EXISTING PALADIN SETS, CARTE?

There’s over 300 bullet points in the log as of Today and the patch is at least a month away if not longer. You could probably blurt out a struggling archetype at random and chances are it’s affected in some way.

I don’t remember that specific example, but on the off-chance an item shipped in an underwhelming state…so what?

We could pump out hotfixes daily if we wanted to and address legitimate concerns. We’ve already made a habit of including balance changes in hotfixes specifically to address anything the community brings to our attention. Balancing doesn’t stop because content made it past playtesting. Playtesting lasts forever, by the entire community.

Anyone feeling like build variety is stagnating (a questionable verdict) need not look farther than the playstyles that aren’t doing sub-5 minute Crucibles and SR100’s. Play those, let us know where you struggled and what the build was. How many buffs have happened because the community asked for them (whether directly or indirectly)? Hundreds by now? The GrimSheet thread was a treasure trove of data, for example.


Both Blightshard Amulet and Savage summons are on a long list of pet-related changes next update.

I’m not sure pet builds need a leveling buff. They are a very safe, if not speedy, way to level.


Conjurer isn’t speedy for sure. Not sub level 40 and also if you’re untwinked too.

They speed up once you get maxed conjure primal spirit, this is your main boss/hero pack killer and some aoe devotions on them like elemental storm.

Hysteria I wish was on your list too. I get it’s one you can buy but it’s still not good. He dies too easily. His aoe and damage is probably fine.

Blightshard needs most love though. He is always late to the party he’s super slow and his projectile speed is slow too. Could see it being a nice addition as a ranged pet but not as he is now. Thanks for the reply

Zantai you´re awesome. Tell the devs they´re awesome too. I´m eagerly awaiting the patch (and this thread is a very juicy treat as well) !! Its like my own little christmas present from Crate!! :smiley:

I should have been more specific but my comment was more directed to what was shown in the related post. That I hope some information continues to get shared regardless of the “oracle” comments given without testing or seeing the patch notes.


Ah Diablo 3 balancing philosophy


Legit lol’d at this one. See: newly buffed Bone Spear Necro build :rofl:

I know. But right now it’s either “post detailed previews, get a lot of bitching and drama” or “don’t post detailed previews, no drama till patch”. It’s ultimately your choice and I do think you got used to the pre patch toxicity here already.

Totally agree. There is this talk floating in these places that the new sets are gonna be crap and while I might agree, every conventional playstyle has their own sets already. We don’t need another dark one. What I’m agreeing with when it comes to the bitching is really just that the sets feel incomplete, starting with the phys res. I know, numbers not yet final stuff and stuff. And I know you released stuff like Noctirn, but then you guys also released stuff like Voidsoul and Rotgheist, which existed for a few patches already and I’ve never seen anyone be satisfied with those two sets. Also, incoming “changes are coming for these two sets” but I’m talking about current patch as these two are currently in the game and they suck.

It’s fine to make sets that support unusual playstyles, and I love that you’re making them. I already love the concept of the vindictive flame one and the bleed paladin one (no matter how many people meme that bleed set). But sets such as these need more things to be playable compared to you usual cookie cutters, especially since these sets won’t have many complementary non set items that can fit since the sets support an unusual playstyle.

Honestly, what I’d love to see is a set that just screams PALADIIIIIN!!! Cause currently the only one that does that is Octavius (and even then it screams warlord more than paladin. The new set also screams tactician more than Paladin) and that’s probably the paladin aspect that needs the least amount of changes.

Anyway, honest suggestion. Please do change the conversion on the bleed set from Fire>Pierce to Elemental>Pierce. Just cap it off at two items instead of three. We don’t need another build that uses pack of treacherous means + bladetwister signet just because there’s no other way to convert that word of pain


Infiltrators be like:
