V1.1.9.0 pre-bitching discussion

I don’t know what to tell you man, you’ve seen a pic and a topic referencing the change, and at least 3 people in this topic recall it having the conversion

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It is a consipracy, don’t belive them :smiley:


Nothing wrong with having multiple sets that support the same skills. As you pointed out as well in the same post - Veilwarden unlike Avenger has the weapon slot free so isn’t only restricted to 2-handed melee.

Not in full amounts for some conversions that you’d want for Reaping Strike/Necrotic Edge.

Lightning would get the short end of the stick if left as is, for example conversions for Vitality->Lightning and Cold–>Lightning that you’d want for both of Necro’s WPS are really scarce and either don’t get to 100% or use suboptimal pieces for an auto-attacker. Only Aether->Lightning is easy to get.

On the other hand, Vitality->Aether and Elemental->Aether are far more abundant.

The entire premise of the set itself is pretty interesting to me - to my knowledge we have never up to this point had any items that try to push Lightning Necromancer and Veilwarden attempts to do just that. That it also gives Aether Shaman combos like Ritualist a helping hand is a bonus.

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Yeah sadly it’s not available for DW melee, but DW ranged is still there with the Darkblaze gun, but if using that gun wasn’t it the same or better as using the whole Darkblaze set? The set seems to be used as CD caster Pyro or AA Sabo.

Regarding the skill point especially the Occultist part looks like there is not much of an option with only Phasbreaker and Exterminus that boost Occultist skill while still supporting the damage. In my personal opinion, the set is designed to be a caster so CD reduction is the sexier stat needed which is available from Grim Fate and Tome of Atonement both item combined can yield about 20% CDR, but those item also didn’t provide Occultist skill so the choice for Amulet, Belt, and Relic is more limited. The Occultist conduit also support the Chaos DEE so it can be combined with the Tome to be Fire-Chaos Hybrid DEE, the off-hand itself also partially convert Guardian Gaze devotion, so there is at least a bit of sustain in there together with the Vindictive Flame mod, the base energy regen looks ok with the setup below, this setup also the most + Pyro skill I think it can get: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNkmnKRV

Welcome to the club, buddy.


nowadays, i check a new update when i first open my computer everyday. Iam quite eager to play new update, but it does not come. this is my first bitching point:)
secondly, can you put a little portal after maggot level of crate boss:) the road is taking too much time. I have 800 hours of gameplay, maybe i will succeed in killing him at 1000 hours mark.

Thank you for continous support of the game.

Ok, this doesn’t belong here but I saw Zantai here and just wanted to thank him and team for making this great game! Bought it with AoM and FG and can’t wait to play it. If by any chance new content comes I won’t hesitate to throw my money at it. Keep up the good work!


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