Alright, so we’ve figured Valdun got nerfed to death because it was god-tier or something like that.
But there’re sets that never performed great - or at least some parts of them. Set in question is a BLUE one, so you can’t really expect it to shine over a legendary set, can you.
The set is: Flame Keeper. The only rather recent build I’ve found that uses it is by @tqFan: Flame Keeper of the Blaze - my results | 7-8s MQ | Crucible ready
And… that’s a Purifier. Who would’ve thought? But anyway, I decided to make something different and do a Shieldbreaker instead.
Now, OK part supports Vire’s Might - which I enjoyed and was happy to try a “run-n-gun” build. But Shieldbreaker has some big problems. Here’s a video of a FULL SR 60(!) run which took me 15 minutes.
If you don’t want to torture yourself (because I’m a rather bad pilot and my PC is a potato) and just want to see boss rooms, watch at 4:35 and 11:47 marks.
I admit that I did some piloting errors, but being a great pilot is not a criteria is it? Main problems are as follows:
- Resists. Barely capped Cold, Lightning, Vitality and Acid res (which is under the cap in GT). Aether and Chaos are only slightly overcapped.
- Physical resistance. This one is separate from others because… it’s even more terrible. If it wasn’t for huge 7% phys res from gloves… It can be somewhat fixed if pants are swapped for Hellforged Legplates though.
- Need to rely on boots affixes, namely, on Of Featherstep suffix to be able to ~cap stun and trap res which are crucial for this high mobility build.
- Demolitionist portion of the set supports BWC, although it is highly implied this set is for autoattacking: huge attack speed, granted WPS. I had zero points in it because you can’t be bothered throwing it while skating, shooting and casting Thermite Mines and Flashbang.
- Vire’s Might puts you in harm’s way quite a bit. I like the idea, but had to leave the main skill at one point and max out Volcanic Stride. With VM maxed it eats too much energy and leaves you skill-point starved.
So what can be done? Well…
- Replace bleed res on belt with acid res. Like I already said somewhere in this topic, getting acid res on elemental builds (fire especially) is tough. Bleed res you can get from more sources (like Bloodied Crystalls which will also help with armor a bit). Increasing aether and chaos res on shoulders is also welcome, as those are the lowest present on the set.
- Add phys res somewhere on the set. ~4% on chest or shoulders should suffice.
- Replace skill bonuses to BWC to some generic stuff like Flame Touched, Blast shield, Flashbang, etc. It’s not a BWC focused set and this skill is only used for debuffs on such builds, so you’d probably don’t want it above softcap anyway.
- This one is sorta optional, but still can be rather important: some freeze res on 3-piece bonus perhaps would be great. Boots need stun and trap res on them as I already stated, rings need Bloodied Crystalls or Runebound Topazes in them, depending on what you’re lacking. I grabbed Throne and Clarity of Purpose provides some, but that’s it. Being frozen interrupts skating, and that’s the main idea of Oathkeeper’s part on the set.
Sorry for the wall of text. But I hope I was able to make my point.