V1.1.9.1 Discussion

58 posts were split to a new topic: AAR vs FoI Discussion

I recently made a build with the following off-hand Mythical Skull of Gul’Amash
and it seems to be missing something:

I suggest the following buff so that it’s less annoying in the inventory screen:


Having theorycrafted, made and played with a Cold/Vitality Drain Essence Reaper the past few days, I have some suggestions to make to improve Gravetouch, a shield that I have very rarely seen talked about on the forums and only seen used maybe once. I have been building and playing dual damage builds since last year and it’s a different way to play for sure. Fun, but not for everyone (or every class)!

These are the changes I would suggest:

  1. Remove the Lightning support (Damage % and the RR on VoS) - I have no idea how this would be used as the only skill on the item with Lightning Damage is Soulfire from EoR and you would want to convert all damage on EoR to Cold using Chillheart or Rimetongue chestpiece or even convert it to Vitality with Morgoneth set…

  2. Increase Cold/Vitality RR on VoS to -15% each - All supported class combos are single RR classes and Ill Omen/Rumor need to spread, so effect is not constant.

  3. Add “2 Meter Target Area to Veil of Shadow” - Increase application of RR to make more consistent. Damage from DE is low already, anything interrupting casting drops Damage/Life Leech. And monsters running around confused from Ill Omen don’t get the effect…

  4. Remove “30% Vitality Damage converted to Cold Damage to Drain Essence” - This shield is the lesser cousin of Speaker of the Dead which you should use for full Cold DE with Chillwhisper for great effect. Having this conversion removes the ability to use it for Vitality DE or hybrid Cold/Vitality DE.

  5. Add “-30% (or maybe 50%) Skill Energy Cost to Drain Essence” - Energy is a huge problem when using a shield with DE. The +4 Energy regen on the shield can help, but it is brutal even when trying to bump up the regen and using 8/12 Phantasmal Armor and Scales to get Energy. The only time Energy isn’t a problem is in boss fights, but there you need to worry about the poor single target damage output of DE instead (that’s another problem).

Making these changes would help with this item’s identity in my opinion. Here’s the character file if anybody wants to play it: _Eternal Hunger.zip (1.0 MB)


Also, can we please get 3-5% Physical Resistance added somewhere on the Morgoneth set? Unless you’re going Dual Blades or Might of the Bear, it is very, very difficult to get with this set. It’s rough enough not to have any Attack/Cast speed with Morgoneth…


Yes, please add the Fire/Burn Damage as previously requested as it’s strange the Darkblaze Source is missing it.

Also, as I mentioned in a suggestion thread months ago, please change the Vitality to Fire conversion to Vitality to Chaos conversion as most (if not all) posted Darkblaze builds are Chaos focused and the converted damage is a damage loss.

For example, my Fire/Chaos Darblaze Pyromancer is fine with it (it adds very little), but it literally gives my Vitality/Chaos Darkblaze Pyromancer a ~20% damage loss and from that amulet conversion alone. If this was Vitality to Chaos it would not get in the way of using the Darkblaze set for hybrid characters. Also, converting to Chaos may help other builds like using SoC/Oblivion combo.

Also giving it global lightning to cold would be very nice



Yes I will repeat again. It is my chance after all . Please make the radius on Crypstalker the proc at least 7m+. 5m just doesn’t have any sense for a pet build.



Or I have an idea, since that item drops like candy from totems, it would be fun if the game had a skill similar like “iron golem” in diablo 2, where you summon a pet out of an item… hmmm

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Well, since the last update, I have squares instead of letters with accent (éàâôï…). I launch the game in French.

If any Devs are listening…

UPDATE (03/13/21) : No more problem, don’t know why. I’m playing on GeForceNOW, maybe that was the problem.

Only since last update? All my skillbar hotkeys (2-0 specifically) in the English version of the game do not take the numbers on the keys into consideration and instead go by the Czech accented characters (ě, š, č, etc.) on them, so my whole skill bar is just labelled with white squares like that. BUT it has been like this for me since I bought the game in vanilla. If it would be possible to do something about that, I’d definitely appreciate it. Didn’t know things like character recognition changed between patches, so there might be hope for me yet.

Honestly, I think all non-Nemesis MIs that drop at the end of a 1-2 zone dungeon should be 100% droprates if they only drop from 1 specific monster. Like for example, Cronley should drop a ring 100% of the time, but I’m fine with Balthazar’s crest not being a 100% drop (because it’s a short run).


It happens when you don’t restart the game after downloading a new version of the translation, have you tried that ?

There’s very little reason to seek out Blindside bonuses in gear to hardcap it either compared to Nidalla’s Justifiable Ends/Volcanic Stride so for all-intents and purposes, Blitz’s main damage just comes from 1-node meaning it uses substantially less skill points than it’s brothers.

I wanted to touch two things with this post that I’ve seen discussed. Censure and now Blitz.

Blitz+Blindside is a very welcome spell for any Tactician who either needs to use Censure for RR or any Soldier who cannot use Oleron’s exclusive for any other reason and therefore loses out on the crazy OA bonus. The huge, 100% uptime DA shred on Blindside also allegedly stacks with the small shred from 1 point wonder Box in Inquisitor tree.


I used to talk in Discord a lot about this 66% Fire Forcewave build I homebrew-crafted - really proud of it because it’s my first homebrew GD build and I was also able to clear SR80 despite the Discord community being extremely skeptical about the build’s chances, especially with Arcanor.

For example, the build suffers from extremely low OA, DPS and physical resist.

Physical Resist I somewhat covered with 22/12 Seal, and I successfully addressed both OA and DPS with Blitz+Blindside. It’s funny how in a “Forcewave build” the main damage spells are Blitz and Blazing Charge from the rune.

The maximum Blitz I can get to is 24/16 with this items and Blindside I ran above 12/12 for the longest time because I really wanted the extra shred, but I eventually settled on 12/12. Forcewave is more than enough to clear trash mobs in SR, while Blitz and Blazing Chrage save my ass in boss rooms, where Seal is relatively worse compared to smaller, but more common damage ticks from endless hordes of trash mobs.

Having said all that, I do not imagine ever using Blitz as my main damage spell in its current iteration because of its long cooldown and I believe something could be done about it. After Alkamos scythe was buffed in 1.1.9, I tried to build a Cold Blitz Blademaster, but the build was all over the place, and, most importantly, not fun, because I just did not have anything to deal damage with once Blitz was on CD. The 20% chance to reduce cooldown by 100% is also way too memey. A static CD reduction is better than randomness. In Comparison, Octavian set at least buffs 3 spells at the same time, so any class combo you use always has 2 spells to use - Octavian supports Forcewave on Soldier, Aegis on Oathkeeper, and RoK on Inquisitor.

And finally, Censure. I love the skill, I love how it combines stackable RR and % DR into one node. % DR also works really well with Inq Seal, if my assumption is correct that % DR kicks in first and Seal only after that. But having to choose between Oleron’s exclusive and Censure exclusive is like having 2 children and only having enough savings to allow 1 of them to study their dream degree in college. I’m not sure if it’s because Censure is just so different compared to other exclusives, or Oleron’s is just so busted with its OA. If we changed the Move speed to Total Speed like someone suggested, it would easily be the most busted exclusive out there, if it isn’t already. I would, however, like to see the damage on Censure removed and changed with something else, but I don’t know yet what would be a good alternative.

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Sure. But you do not need to go deep into the 12-22 area for Blindside at all for that. Just softcapping it is generally enough for the easy 270 DA shred was the point I was trying to get across, it’s rare anyone will require as much as 370 DA shred or that they will design their character with it in mind unless they are seriously desperate for OA and can’t get it any other way or refuse to sacrifice anything in their build for it.

The Trauma damage on it is not massive either so anyone trying to use Blitz as a DoT damage source won’t get a lot out of maximising Blindside at 22/12 either.

This follows my experiences with building Blitz as well. Blitz in it’s current form doesn’t work as a single-usable skill that some people want it to be as is the case with Shadow Strike/Vire’s Might. It has to be paired with something else. Some builds like Nery’s Carrot Tank/Ceno’s beginner Blitz Warlord use a spammable like Righteous Fervor as filler, others use the fact that Blitz uses very few skill points to pick up 1-2 more damage dealing cooldown skills that they can rotate around and like your Tactician, they can even mix in movement rune skills as a freebie as well.


Non-Tremor Forcewave is the lowest-hanging fruit possible, but many Blitz MIs compete with Forcewave MIs for the same slot and when we start converting Blitz to Cold, etc., Forcewave gets left behind. However, I doubt that combining those Blitz MIs with Forcewave MIs that specifically buff the Non-Tremor version is in the scope of a small balance patch

And then there’s also the gazillion or so Blade Arc MIs, which could also mean that Blade Arc could be used inbetween Blitz casts, but Blade Arc, unlike Tremor Forcewave, is a solid spell on its own. Which means that Blade Arc builds are fine with spamming Blade Arc for damage 100% of the time and only using Blitz for the utility. :confused:

you’re overstacking DA, conversion conflicting your dmg type/main skill, skipping bonus OA ex in devotions, and picking items that lack of OA which you could get such sources

blindside being “lackluster” wouldn’t solve that there

the problem Blitz has, is that’s it’s ridiculously powerful. That means if Blindside were to be upped it could potentially quickly compound, and if it were addressed in the sense of SS fashion “main skill”, it would be utterly ludicrous in potential, probably just ending up seeing nerfs, making people’s desire for Blindside or Blitz even less.

i think Baka is right on the money here with Blitz, and Blindside “as is” serves its purpose fairly well when not intended to be a SS competitor.

Doesn’t mean that building for Blitz is a fools errand like maybe holystar alluded to, just that one has to keep the “cost savings” and power performance in mind when wanting to try include it in the “siblings” leagues like SS - as Baka mentioned.
for less costs it comes with more damage than VM and almost compares to an unmodified SS. Making it a very useful “freebie” to incl or even dedicate a little more investment too.
Touching Blitz-Blindside would just quickly spiral out i think if it started to get treated like an SS/Vm “main”, and the “abuse” potential could be big, just resulting in pointless nerfbacks anyway

Ask here [French Translation]

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I am not advocating for direct buffs to Blitz without tradeoffs, or at least that’s not what I wanted to do. I just shared my experience because people were talking about Blitz. I know it’s ridiculously powerful. I even pointed out that Blitz is the best spell in a build that is supposed to be all about Forcewave. My own personal issue with Blitz-first builds is when they don’t have anything else to do once Blitz is on CD.

Anyways, I wouldn’t mind the damage of Blitz being reduced if the cooldown is reduced - I play a lot of Soldier and 99% of the time it’s a utility, not damage spell anyways - or if items that support Blitz also gained support for 1 other spell that could be used while Blitz is on cooldown, especially if we’re talking about converted Blitz. Fire Blitz - Justicar set - already buffs Forcewave, okay, but I would appreciate it if we didn’t have to use weaves of Forcewave on every Blitz build, especially if that is a converted Blitz build and Tremorwave.

I’m sure you will agree that Tremor Forcewave is just the most boring, underwhelming spell in the game. It is both un-fun in how it plays out and the DPS against enemies that matter the most in the long run - bosses. Finally, since I decided that my 1.1.9 Alkamos Scythe Cold Blademaster will not be going Cold Forcewave with the Conduit, I had nothing to do for DPS after both Blitz and ABB went on cooldown. Might as well cast Meme Barrier at that point.

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and i think that’s the point, or at least the point Baka arrived at in the other thread; they don’t intend it to be a direct SS/VM mobility spam
also if what you suggested happened, it would exactly make blitz blindside underwhelming in any build not fully dedicated too it, where as now it’s actually useful. “long” cd means it wont interrupt your main skills much, be it spam FW or whatever other thing that’s going on. And also mean it doesn’t get silly having a 4sec debuff on a suddenly spammable mobility

imo Blitz sits really well how it is. It can be built around if desired, but more so it has greater utility at minimum investment than ex SS 1p mobility. Which i think is good, and “desirable”.
1pt blitz 12pt blindside is amazing utility for fair investment, likewise if one wish to benefit a little more for blitz the dmg scaling of Blitz itself isn’t terrible-
So any “touching” it would just jeopardize the sweet deal we’ve currently got going - either because some people feel “all” skills should be VM/SS types/mains, or because their choice of skills/items/devos just doesn’t mix “perfectly” and don’t get decent/“enough” returns on their skill combinations with blitz-blindside investing.

without actually tooling it up/knowing/testing, a thought i had that ex could apply in your example, could be “same” build but as oathkeeper instead, cycling untransmuted FW with Blitz and VM, maybe judgment.
In my experience when you have “enough” skills on cooldown, pianoing through them means you suddenly don’t notice the CD on your “main”/favorite skill
^suppose the same could even be possible on Tactician with untransmuted FW and using Stormfire for filler in-between Blitz, Glyph, FW :thinking:

either way i don’t think “tweaks” to Blitz-Blindside is the answer, but a reevaluation of how people see the skill and their others in conjunction. :man_shrugging:
Just my take on it ofc, people are free to desire buffs/boosts/skill changes as they like :sweat_smile:

suppose i’m just one of the few weirdos that like Blitz how it is ?:face_with_raised_eyebrow::joy:

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Play some items skills:

  • Winter King’s Might

    • target farmable low level version of this in Ancient Grove
  • Voracious Reach

    • EoR-like ability from relic
  • Chillspikes

    • Icespike for low level

More here: Skills granted by items [video, GT links, damage types, source item types]
And here specifically the more powerful ones only: Acid Purge vs. Flames of Ignaffar, and can Seal be used offensively?