V1.1.9.2 Discussion

Buffs everywhere. I hope Zantai can translate half of them into nerfs on opposite ends.


I think need to add lightning/electrocute damage to Mythical Tremor for support lightning FW (phys base can converted mod helm).
It also seems that the Mythical Titan Pauldrons is not used in the final physical builds of the shaman (bloodragers and avengers sets have shoulders) and their can be reworked for support lightning FW.

Please change 105% fire/lightning damage from Invokers rings to elemental damage for more support cold/elemental PRM. Can we get global converted (15%) or mod (to aura) for another PRMs builds core items (Farath cube, Slatsharr creest, Wendigo eye) ? This helps dealing more AoE damage (PRM have very bad solo target dps)

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How about no? Some of you people are obsessed with retal it seems. But this armor isn’t just for retal, but also for regular physical damage builds.

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Ever after releases, local saved characters with cyrillic names still not loads. Is it enough this message for, or I need create more another bug report?

One mismatch I noticed long time ago is normal/empowered/mythical banshee’s misery
Items have following skill bonuses:
normal - +2 to Night’s Chill +2 to Ill Omen
empowered - +2 to Night’s Chill +2 to Necrotic Edge
mythical - +2 to Night’s Chill +2 to Rune of Hagarrad +2 to Ill Omen

Is not Necrotic Edge must be replaced with Ill Omen on Empowered version?

Want return to my 100% WPS Myrmydon DK , went the way from 1160 to 1191 without major changes.

Now I know what to say!
First - granted skill. normal and mythical version have same one. Mythical must have skill level 2, that exist but some reason not used. Moreover, I’ve checked all epic sets, and this is only one who hasn’t get skill update. Probably it old bug nobody pay attention.

Second - clearing speed. It is not top-tier but well designed build, but it really slow. I dont aim to any records and it is not critical for campaign, but still often build may not keep within the allotted time in late Crucible and SR.
I can rearrange some skillpoints from WPS to Cadence (1-0-12 for example), and build become faster, but lose reason to use Myrmidon Strike.


I won’t go into a lot of detail because it’s tedious, but the bottom line is that I want a Gildor buff.:wink:

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I already posted thread about Ludrigan but I think I repeat it again - set is underperforming severely as autoattacking set so inquisitor support there is pretty much filler

As for additions I’d love to see is more melee WPS coming from items. Right now overwhelming amount of itemised WPS in game are ranged. Just to compare:
If you want to go range but fo not have wps, your options are

Now, how many wps for melee characters are there?

There are also some universal cases:

Here is link on grim tool to compare

As a result combos without wps access has relatively little problem collecting decent pool of WPS on ranged builds, but has almost no access if goes melee, especially on non dual-wield builds. Just to compare: ranged Sorcerer can have two Rutnick, Korvaak brand and Lucky bullet for overall 15+15+15+12=57% chance of WPS skill. Will need some elemental to aether but thats not that impossible to findl If he also get some Chaos to aether(not worth in my experience) and stick 2 Seal of Void on weapons, that number would be boosted to 57+16+16=89%. And thats withotu dedicated relic

At the same time if we will want to run for example FS melee sorcerer, we would be at max, at absolute max able to reach with 2 Mythical Notched Bone of a Thousand Deaths, Mythical Brawler’s Gloves, korvaak’s brand for 10+10+12+20=42 % chance and also will need fire to cold and pierce to cold items to unify damage. Two seal of the void can help, but would require also chaos to cold, so have fun with itemisation. And that ignoring actual bonuses onto weapons and gloves mentioned.

Want to run weapon and shield or twohanded melee sorcerer? Situation even worse. Mythical Brawler’s Gloves + Seal of the Void for whooping 12+16 = 28% wps and no dedicated relics

Bonus points ranged itemisation have dedicated WPS sets like Vuldun…

So I’d love to see some sets with dedicated melee only wps access so something like melee FS purifier or melee deciever would be able to collect something that at least look as partially decent pool

I mean that’s cool with me. Not that Crate would destroy Azragor for other builds because you suggested that, but I shudder at the thought regardless… =)

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so maybe it’s better to buff Gildor instead of turning Azragor into a niche item?

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If it is used also for regular physical damage build, conversion from phys to vit will gimp them aswell.

Yeah, I have not seen or even considered using Gildor myself like… ever

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I have a bad personality. xD
We seem to be in agreement about Gildor buff, so let’s hope Z makes a good decision that pleases everyone.

Just a quick one: Trying rimetongue for the 1st time lately. Horn of Gandarr CD goes down to 0.3s. Though the animation speed for HoG is as awful as nothing else in the game I dare say, resulting in more of a 0.8s CD. I’d love to toot with a higher animation speed - that would rly increase the fun with that skill. TY!

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That’s exactly what I said? =)

As to how EXACTLY buff Gildor’s… I would say 4-6% attack speed would probably make it more appealing, considering it’s not retal only item too (has +3 to Fighting Form, although I’d rather like to see +3 to Deadly Momentum instead). Speaking of skill bonuses, it also has points to Blade Barrier for some kind of retal BM or Dervish shenanigan? But something more related like +2 to Menhir’s Bulwark or Counter Strike would play ou t better for both retal and non-retal.

The skill built for AoE and not single target damage doesn’t have very high damage. Fitting, don’t you think?

And a skill being a cog in a larger machine is extremely common in this game.

I don’t. Blade Arc, Primal Strike, ABB etc - these skills are also about AoE but still do significant solo-damage while having 200+ WD. FW, in comparison, has approx. 140% WD with 2Hander and transmute penalty which is kinda … underwhelming when we look at similar “AoE” skills?


All susceptible to fumble and impaired aim, and only PS really has the same range and that’s in ranged only.

Again, you have provided no evidence that it needs a buff. Maybe show how it’s underperforming.

The image is uploaded for easy comparison. It seems to take a lot of buffing to make Gildor competitive with Azragor. I’ll leave the ideas to you guys.

Survived 1 out of 8 Grava encounters, after running around like a headless chicken. And for what?

In this build, the skill is stacked with enourmous mods and full conversions. % dmg is high. Base node is capped. The build feels afwul to play. The skill feels awful. It’s one of the worst main dmg dealers in the game, and probably the worst spam skill designed as a main period.

Forcewave is less AoE than any of forementioned skills, and everybody who played it knows it: monsters in the game surround you, they do not form a line infront of you, it’s not Britain.


Lightning Forcewave does suck, but my issue was with the suggestion of adding the 70% weapon damage mod from Obsidian Cleaver to the base skill of FW. And that’s a blanket buff to all FW variants.

And you showed actual evidence, which is all i asked. Afanas wasn’t showing anything, and yet claiming it needed a buff.


I’m not sure about the amount and nature of the buffs the skill should receive but it deserves a look.

Also it’s very hard to get ranks to the skill nodes outside of phys items and Justicar.

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I’ve asked Rhis about it and it’s such a deep-seeded issue that non-english characters shouldn’t have worked to begin with. That they did was a fluke of TQ and it all finally came crashing down.

Basically, even if Rhis somehow managed to make cyrrilic work for save names again, there’s nothing we’d be able to do about already corrupted ones. The system would not be able to parse them.