V1.1.9.8 Discussion

I’ll look into it, you got me interested. If you say it has no AoE then I’ll try the Chaos WoP conduit with all (or all except the 1st) nodes maxed for AoE. As you say, the build will need to be tanky enough to stand in the Seal. I actually really like this skill and not very mobile builds in general in contrast to other players so I’ll try to make it work.

On the topic of what a set is supposed to support or not - this is not true. Chillwhisper is very good for Infiltrator and there’s is no Pierce → Cold because you can get 100% easily with 1 Spectral Blade, the gloves and the rings. You can respond - I don’t want to be forced to wear these. You’re not, you just lose the conversion - that’s called a compromise. And I think other players are fine with that - and i.e. build more towards Frostborn damage from what I’ve seen. I could agree Chillwhisper might not be optimal for Apostate but this is because of the nature of Drain Essence which is a channeling skill and doesn’t intertwine well with a short cooldown spell like Rune of Hagarrad. And needs to cast Ill Omen too. I haven’t played this variant though so take it with a grain of salt.

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