V1.1.9.8 Discussion

Yes! Please! Two of my favourite skills to use.

Current build: Spellbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
It’s not elite tier (and I’m not an elite player) and I’m still finding bits I need, but as the build’s overall strength grows, RoS doesn’t grow with it.

RoS still just doesn’t feel like it’s doing any heavy lifting. Is it designed to be a utility skill only? I’m leveling Bleed, Cold and Pierce RoS focused builds and all seem to hit a pretty quick ceiling with RoS power.

didn’t comment on your thread but can’t do anything but agree with this
it’s a horrible DR source for any build that moves just a tiny bit around
i get it, it’s a glob a goo, it’s super thematic it’s not zooming around like Zonic, but still,
if speed change is out of the question then maybe an increase to it’s aura range instead to compensate? (massive increase please?)

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And i recently respecced my Deathguard Reaper to a more Shadow Strike oriented one and respeced out of Ill Omen and picked this devotion lol. Those goo’s are always anywhere but near monsters.

it’s also worth mentioning that as BBoY is triggered AFTER hit, if you’re under dr, it’s own DR would be not 16% but less (iirc).


an easy fix would be making it proc on the attack instead and making them multiple more roaming around so it looks like a black swamp.

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could we please get some radius to PS to Rotgheist set? now extra radius is locked behind lightning items (lultos set and green shovel) and vit one feels like lacking aoe and damage quite significantly.


The similar statement is to be made about most single mastery sets, unfortunately :frowning:

I’m just gonna say this as well.

Buff aether crystal and Cthonic seal drop rates.

Purely speaking from personal experience, i have (atm) over 3100 hours in GD, and i have my 41th character maxed out today (i don’t have any other dead hardcore character or anything) and only by gearing this characters, and maybe respeccing a few a couple times in history, i never have any stock of aether crystals in my chest ever. There is literally one spot to farm crystals so i suggest at least give them a 50% chance to drop 2 crystals.

As for Seals, geniunely asking, is the drop chance anything higher then 2% ? Cause if so, i wouldn’t belive it. There is only one dungeon that has somewhat decent chance for Seals to drop in the game and that is the crypt at Asterkarn. Have fun finding 4-6 seals here and resetting game. Why on earth did their drop chance nerfed back then anyway?


I remembered one more system thing for SR that I wanted to talk about.
Shattered souls grants temporary charged buff similar to charged attack (Savagery etc.), however it expires all charges at once unlike charged attack where charges chilled one by one. This causes Shattered souls charges to end up to next chunk battle if you need run to portal much long.
If it is possible, please, change charged buff mechanics that it expired consecutively.

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This. If I just craft the components I need to ready a char for ultimate (Sacred Platings, Seals, Runebound Topazes etc.) and then finish Ultimate with them, I end up with significantly fewer Aether Crystals than I started with. An entire playthrough of the campaign, with full exploration and quest completion, isn’t enough to cover the Aether Crystals I spend on the half dozen components plus Devo Shrines (Aether Shards) etc. Multiple times I’ve GDStashed 1k Aether Crystals and a couple playthroughs later they’re all gone.

It’s one thing to have to farm for gear, you hunt specific monsters, sometimes difficult bosses, and you look for quality affixes, rather than sheer quantity of items and that is rewarding. But beating up on static crystals for hours on end just to fuel crafting is a chore, there’s no challenge or strategy to it, it only wastes time. Either a boost to how many crystals can drop, ability to break down Aether Shards into Crystals or a decrease in Aether Crystal cost on some of the prominent components would be welcome. Just crafting a Sacred Plating seems to eat half a playthrough’s worth of Crystals.


+100000 for breaking down shards in crystals


dunno - left the stuff of a current lvl 100 character on its way through act 5 (before component and gear upgrade), right the stuff of a lvl 100 character after all upgrades. While leveling my characters, I have run out of chrystals (in self found mode) perhaps twice, but is was surely not a general issue


if you farm Port of Valbury, there are plenty of crystals/shards every run, but it’s not everybody’s cup of tea.

they have 100% drop chance tho? :thinking:
you can farm over 100 in 10minutes - and there are 3 good spots to farm them, with similar returns

Warden lab backwards
burial hill

If you farm the entire Port, you can craft 1 (one) Spellscorched plating.


I don’t think that’s possible. Even if you pick a spot that has a portal right next to a bunch of these crystals you’re gonna spend 10 minutes just on loading screens from resetting 50+ times.

A single Sacred Plating eats 48 crystals to craft. A casual run through all of Warden’s Cellar to Krieg will probably spawn you maybe half of that many crystals to break. Some of those are also gonna drop Shards which are useless. Sure if you know the spots and optimal routes you’re gonna be more efficient than if you just run a whole dungeon start to finish. Doesn’t change the fact crystals get naturally eaten up through crafting way faster than they naturally drop during a playthrough. That’s not the case for Ancient Hearts, Bloods, Manticore Eyes, Wendigos, Missives, Eldritch Essences or really any other mat other than Binding Seals. I always have an abundance of all rare materials, except, ironically, for the most common one.

In my over 5k hours of playtime, I’d say I’ve eaten up about 4k more Crystals than I’ve naturally found. And I don’t respec or overhaul characters much at all. Even if your 100 crystals per 10 minutes were correct, that’s 40 hours of farming.


why would you reset 50 times to get 100 crystals?, are you only farming a place that yields 2?

and yes it’s possible with a super speedy character like something with 2-3 movement skills

a run results in 13 fixed crystal spawns iirc, majority, 95%? will result in crystals + a couple of RNG bonus spawn crystals

and is still a hugely faster/less farm than other resources given their drop rate and usage

PS calling shards useless i think is ridiculous, since you do use them too, so any shard gained is 3 crystal farm saved

PPS, this is not me objecting to doubling crystal drop, but questioning the notion that they are as “bad” as suggested
i’m always for increasing most drops, but i crystals were still def not terrible to farm compared to other stuff


Can we get more options for Chaos Damage in the Legs slot, because right now it is either Greens or (Mythical) Demonbone Legplates, there is literally nothing else.


It would be cool to see items with 100% average damage conversion (i.e. Warden’s Judgement, Korvaak’s Burning Blade, Ugdenbog Boltthrower, etc.) get their minimum conversion % increased so I can stop pulling my hair out when I get 98% conversion on an otherwise perfectly rolled item. I think it’d be fine if there was a small chance for <100%, but so miniscule that if the item ever rolled under 100% conversion I could laugh and curse RNGesus.

I’m pretty sure I read it was an engine thing and can’t be changed, but it would be nice to have only the level 94 version of MIs drop after the character hits 100.

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if you are getting items with 98% conversion, then it’s because their avg conversion is 100, game does ±20, so items with avg 100 conversion gets 80min rolls and 120 max roll

it would, it would indeed :pensive: - multiple threads asking for it has been made before too
and it is technically possible…
tho i don’t know if it also has the consequence of interacting with lvl 82-84 epics/legendaries, but some people have modded MIs to always be 94 atleast because of getting tired of 84 MI drops.

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