V1.1.9.X Discussion - March of the Memes

All HC, all marked as untested have finished ultimate FG but not in SR/CR

Targo Templar using aether set jewelry for the lighting bolt with devastation shield almost full conversion of aether and full elemental, cleared SR 50 can go higher.

Yugol relic duel acid/cold shattered realm set wearing witch hunter…cleared SR 75

Yugol relic duel vit/chaos sentinel using blood orb in off hand…untested

Yugol relic duel cold/fire shattered realm set nex/ortus sabo…untested

Physical DEE using the set witchblade…untested.

Radaggans purifier with vindictive flame with full elemental to vit conversion. Untested

Bleed dervish using blood knight set and scarab shield. Cleared SR 50 with some difficulty but very unoptimized.

Duel wield lightning deceiver wearing allagast and off handing lighting doom bolt MI. Untested.

Apostate duel wielding panetti wands with bonemongers for as many inquisitor seals as possible. Funny but not so good. Not tested

Physical panetti missile battlemage. Not tested.

Radaggans infiltrator PB. Haven’t tested since sometime after Release of FG but cleared SR 50 easily.

Physical mortar commando. Absolute monster, nuff said. Requires some very specific stuff that can be really hard to get.

Hybrid Ghol/deathguard using acid reaper. Exploding pets are fun. Untested

Many others. I only play meme stuff really :man_shrugging:

Two things would make the game marvellously open to fun! Some pierce conversion, give us aether to pierce on pb or something, and also 1% wpn dmg to maul, i want that thing to be convertable to pierce as well!

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  • Acid build struggle with cc resistance
  • Arcanist provides cc resistance
  • Acid devastation in need of support

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Daega Acid Devastation ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Aegis of menhir total damage reduced by 50%, cooldown 0.
Replace lightning bwc conduit with pierce (hopefully some time in the future cyclone will get reworked inti lightning bwc + wind devils instead of thermites)
Acid aar, cold aegis, pierce judgment, acid shattering smash, physical bone harvest…


What about some conduit that makes Wendigo Totem a good damage dealer
and perhaps converts it to some other meme damage type so that it’s not too strong / doesn’t synergise with Vit builds.

I’m really not sure about specifics so here’s some quick example:

Wendigo Totem conduit

  • +2 Summon Limit
  • +124 Fire damage
  • Vitality damage converted to Fire damage
  • no longer heals

I’d actually like to see acid devastation support on Deathguard set. I’ve been fiddling for a while with acid devastation Templar, and while I haven’t settled on a setup I like, I keep coming back to the idea of 3 piece (no helmet) Deathguard. If set bonus and skill point support were there as well, I could definitely see taking the helmet as well.

On a separate note, I’d like to reiterate the sentiment of this thread:

Zero Cooldown Aegis!
With adjusted damage ofc.
Was a nice, already modded, idea of TQfan if I remember correctly.


I wanted to suggest more support for hybrid pet builds, but I guess this is still out of scope…

How about items, which change a true pet into a player scaling entity and vice versa? Broken balance guaranteed?


What i’m getting from Zantai’s post is that he wants ideas that match the damage types from the conduits. And since Shaman has no fire conduit, it means no fire wendigo totem and storm totem for that matter (which is a shame because i wanted fire storm totem).

Of course he can add fire conversion mods to shaman items that are not part of the conduit line, which in that case both could be a thing.

I would love some pierce vines. It’s not really meme material as I can foresee some OP builds but that would make some fun trickster casters

Definitely not touching that with a 10 foot pole. :laughing:


We’re talking about adding new rolls on the Conduits, not doubling up on modifiers on existing options.


Lol i thought each one meant a new mod for already exisitng conduit mods.

That means fire Storm Totem. Get on that, please. :scorv:

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Fire Storm Totem. Fire Totem? Firestorm Totem!? A Totem that casts meteor rains!?! :eyes:
Add that conduit please! :scorv:

Just dropping in here to say we need a conduit that supports all of the amazing poop items out there, with some nice brown fx.


I can definitely see Rancor becoming something if pierce Vines are a thing. lol

now i want it

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  1. Fire Storm Box of Elgoloth, not sure where to add though. And if adding extra -%15 RR sounds too much addition to AoC, it can provide 20-25 flat RR.

  2. Acid Fire Strike, obviously for Saboteurs and dual-wield melee. A conduit should solve this, maybe some FS points on one or two acid items.

  3. Vitality Forcewave, Spectral Warmaul can be adjusted for this one, or even Obsidian Cleaver(since it’s chaos stat doesn’t really help anything)

  4. Vitality ABB.(sounds good :stuck_out_tongue: but only for support ofc, like lightning ABB skill points can’t be gathered )

  5. Lightning Blade Arc, it’s surely easier to build than lightning forcewave…

  6. Lightning Bone Harvest, it can be combined with Veilkeeper.

Edit: Mythical Soulthief;

Since Oathkeeper has elemental resist now; and the ‘‘elemental awakening’’ points on the weapon are basically useless; it may have RF skill points, maybe someone can make a DW melee elemental Templar or Paladin.

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Prolly should have took a nap before I posted my previous nonsense.

This would be the thing I would like to see most, more specifically changing blight fiends to player scaling so I can make a proper non pet scaled exploding pets.

Physical wind devils

Fire Storm Box as mentioned

Acid phantasmal blades

Cold doom bolt

Personally would rather see more items like yugol relic, decree, oblivion, etc. and a proper item that allows some sort of hammerdin build
outside of a devotion proc and a set proc.

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the best sword in the game needs aether Forcewave, just saying…

Not really on topic of conduits, but can something be done to Mythical Soullance? It’s a gun that tries hard to produce pew-pew by providing huge attack speed AND being a “caster” weapon by providing CDR. At the same time it supports the weirdest shit ever. Bloody Pox mod? Uh-kay? MoT mod is… fine, I guess? But +4 to Siphon Souls and SGoE? Really now. Haven’t seen this gun being used… ever? I tried to use it on Rotgheist vit PS Ritualist, but it turned out as a buncha turd, for the most part.

I honestly don’t know what treatment it could use, but I reckon someone here could have an idea. Someone who cares for that gun, that is.

I was imagining something among the lines of +2 to Shaman and/or some support to Savagery or Primal Strike. Like 20% weapon damage and 50% passthrough to Savagery / +1 meter radius and +n vitality damage to Primal Strike.

Here’s another thing that IMO would make a great addition to Grim Dawn:

"Have you ever been crafting or farming for that one MI, epic or legendary item for countless hours, days, even weeks… only to be greeted by an absolute abomination with bottom roll conversions, damage, cooldown, speeds or resists?!"

"If the answer is yes, this change is for you!"

"Only at the meager cost of sacrificing your 1st, 2nd and 3rd born child to our lord and savior the ravager your wish might become a reality!"

Ok… jokes and memes aside.
I’m not sure if this is a thing to ask in here but I’ll do it anyways…
There’s truth to the joke I just made and that is indeed not being able to reroll the min-max values of items.
It would be great if this could become an option at the inventor at lets say for the cost of 1x celestial lotus, as an example.
It has always kinda bothered me that this option was never in the game tbh.
Would be extremly nice if something could be done about said issue in a future patch. :sunglasses: