V1.1.9.X Discussion - March of the Memes

A 2H that doubles as a shield so it can also block

That’s - so - great! Already picturing my next build, that’ll be fun!
Guess it’s too much to ask for if we could have it on a non lvl94 item? Would be super fun if we can even level with 0CD aegis…

Some random ideas for range meme:

Reduce projectile speed by 60% but provide 100% pass through to x skill: bullet hell in reverse.

Some new ranged wps to gloves/medal that shoots like chilling rounds for 2h (three shots) at 30% rate so that we can finally have a 100% gattling 2h wps build with
Each wps shooting three times per attack for many bullets per second.

My wish list in no particular order

  • Pierce grasping vines think adding small weapon damage to vines on gutripper or pierce% to bloodsurge (Warder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator)
  • Lightning vines conduit roll. small added RTA 3-6%, phys to lightning conversion, +duration. EX build: Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator currently can run around the 5 min mark. I swapped my warder to this after guardians received ele rr… better QoL overall and a little faster, but less tanky
  • Piercing Doombolt with a spear/sword FX similar to spear of the heavens scaled larger
  • Acid PB mods on conduit with -.X cooldown reduction to make a working dervish with that one rifle
  • No cd aegis
  • A tiny radius version + reduced leech of sigil of consumption that carries weapon damage and % total damage mods
  • More options for multi projectile devastation (looking at you acid and cold conduits)
  • Option for spam forcewave with a shield
  • Option for 2H weapon AAR with % weapon damage
  • Option for 2H weapon with decent chunk of % weapon damage for stun jacks
  • Better support for aether/acid wind devils
  • Aether Rune of Hag with aether crystal FX
  • Demo pierce/phys support on Belgo set… ex temper ranks or added flat/% damage on flame touched (Saboteur, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator)
    *on the really meme side a weapon that gives reduced armor piercing % so meme phys belgo builds can be better Infiltrator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator or an apostate even (couldnt find old link)
  • Acid support for Inquisitor and Necro that isnt locked into the amulet slot
  • Arcanist support on Korba set, Demo support on Vanquisher set, Inquisitor support on Spellscourge set, Occulist Support on infernal knight set, shaman support on Diviner set, Demo support on Allagast set

Might add more later


Ok, I like these!

Now you’re making me think about sets that could support other masteries. I’d like Inquisitor for Vanquisher and Oathkeeper for Spellscourge, though. Clairvoyant already supports 3 masteries so I don’t see it getting another. Occultist support for Infernal Knight would be one of my greatest wishes come true. More fire Sigil god please Sigil of Consumption yes.

One set I think has been sorely neglected is Demonslayer. It’s a 4-piece set that supports only one mastery and doesn’t even have a +1 to all skills to that mastery. It’s so point-starved. It would be great if it had support for 2 out of Occultist, Shaman, Necromancer, or Oathkeeper, and had +1 to its masteries.


I thought about demonslayer as well, but it’s already so strong even as a single support build… It would be hard to add secondary support without making something broken. Unless of course, you went with something like arcanist, demo, or soldier that wouldn’t really bring any synergy to the table.

Although that certainly would be meme worthy :wink:

Spam Bone Harvest


urg, that perma-noise…

Lightning Grasping Vines :zap:


spam aegis

spam 1h forcewave

0cd this

0cd that

spam bone harvest

easy solution:
make a “catch all” conduit,
no +1 all mastery skill, but just 1:XXX chance of getting one of all the current cooldown skills reduced to 0cd/spam version as prefix
to balance it out a little bit the conduit suffix could forgo the resist and then have some 1:XXX chance of a real annoying effect, like increasing cooldown to X skills/reducing duration of temp buffs
ex, “catch all conduit” craft rolls with a spam aegis prefix, but rolls with a +100 sec cd to blast shield suffix, - is no worries if you’re a templar, but you might wanna recraft that on a shieldbreaker :smiling_imp:
basically make it the “badge of mastery” type pain in the ass RNG to get the effect you want, while also slightly potentially penalizing you in the process :grin:

I don’t have any ideas that others haven’t already said but I want to throw in my hat for acid Grenado, cold and/or lightning Grasping vines, and no-cooldown Aegis.

Cooldown AAR
*0.5s cooldown to AAR
*20% total damage modified
*100% weapon damage

Basically imperial guard lasgun, extra bonus if it need 2h rifle


Thought about this while theorycrafting a sabo build… We have Fire Blade Spirits, what about Fire Phantasmal Blades?? :fire: :hocho:

Do this.

thought of something similar, maybe for Soullance image or Venomlance? image

I dont know if its been sugested, but what if conduits have dual functions?
One Nightblade conduit has Aether Ring of Steel,
So maybe it can have Acid Phantasmal blades.
For Soldier maybe Fire Blade Arc and Aether Forcewave.
And so on?
Would double the amount of meme builds anyway which is always nice.

I asked for this in a somewhat joking tone, but it would actually be great.

Fire Sigil would be amazing, but the set already supports three skills (to fair, two are Demo skills). I guess the solution here would be to drop the +3 to Mines on the last set bonus and put +3 to Sigil or Destruction in its place (of course keep all the mines mod intact, similar to WoP in Black Flame).

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Warborn supports four skills, and two are for soldiers. I’m not saying every set should be warborn tho (especially there’s still demonslayer that only supports 1 class)

Why not? Sounds like a better reality than this one.

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