Hi guys,
Finally they are here, the mysterious builds from China
Over 100 builds for the current version (V1.14) for you to play with!
Download is available from the attachment.
Special build Compediums with CN bds .zip (978.9 KB)
update record:
2019-11-11 V1.14L
Now for those who are interested, what is this PDF documuent?
- It is the collection of builds from both Chinese community and this forum, and some other places where I can find quility builds as well.
- All collected meets build-forging requirement from Chinese community which bears quite a difference from here, and will be explained in the next.
- Full class and build type coverage. Fire, ice, lightening, vitality, aether, chaos, pet, … you name it.
- our build standard: SR7576 is the basic requirement, most of our builds can actually climb higher/much higher than that. Kill-speed of the celestials or clear time of gladiator is not in the consideration. We want to focus on the most lucrative system, the Shattered Realm which should be the core of this type of hack N slash game in theory and also is the most challenging endgame system comprehensively speaking. So to say, it’s deep SR oriented.
- By our standard that also implies no or no excessive use of SR buffs, and elixirs, no / few deaths, and challenging the worse combos of mutators but not the easy-going ones, and better not 1 on 1 to take the boss at “lower” levels such as 7576.
- 75 to 76 is the basic demand. Because that means two different sets of boss groups and two different boss chamber rooms. The greater complication there is, the more stable the build can turn out if one can beat all of that. But if your build can clear 81 like it’s nothing, then there’s no need to dwell on 7576.
- It wont be too much trouble for your to understand since all builds are provided with a GT link, even though it’s compiled in Chinese. It’s originally sorted by skill, damage type, playstyle and gears.
- The whole document is very explicit as it is divided by class and version
- As I mentioned, It is also integrated with some of the finest builds from this world, so let me take the chance and shout out to all creative build creators, and great thanks to Mr. Dammitt to make our gaming experience much easier.
This is how it looks like
Meanwhile let’s sit back and wait for the drop of V1.150.