Disclaimer: I had to remake this post because I accidently deleted the original when trying to edit it. I am not trying to spam anything and am a first time poster on these forums.
I have noticed on several abilities across multiple characters that I have created, that they are missing exactly one projectile. All of these abilities release projectiles that radiate out around the character in an evenly spaced, circular manner. I have also confirmed that this bug effects bosses as well, and seems to affect all abilities like this in the game. Below is a list of abilities that I have confirmed that are affected, as well as one screen shot of one of my characters using such an ability. (I would attach screenshots of everything I’ve seen, but it seems I’m limited to one per post. I can try to reply and post more if needed.)
Mythical Hallanx’s Head (Legendary Item): Toxic Burst (Proc): Supposed to have 6 projectiles, has only 5.
Mark of Dreeg (Rare Component): Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze (Proc): Supposed to have 10 projectiles, has only 9.
Akeron’s Scorpion (Devotion): Scorpion Sting (Devotion Proc): Supposed to have 6 projectiles, only has 5. Note that I also recall the range of these projectiles to be greater than what it currently is for me. Perhaps related to this bug, or something else entirely?
Korvaak, The Eldritch Sun (Devotion): Eye of Korvaak (Devotion Proc): Supposed to have 6 projectiles orbit and radiate out from the player, only has 5.
Shar’Zul’s Incinerator (Legendary Item): Shar’Zul’s Wrath (Item Ability): Supposed to have 12 projectiles, only has 11.
The Sentinel (Boss): When The Sentinel uses it’s sundering ability, where it creates evenly spaced physical shockwaves along the ground, it is creating only five instead of the 6 that I remember (and Grimtools says that it should be 6 as well).
I hope this is enough information to help pin down this bug.
P.S.: I would like to thank the creators of this game for making it as awesome as it is and for continually updating and maintaining it. I’ve gotten many hours of fun out of it.