My first build here. This is a rework of Ceno’s build Maelstrom
This is a Dual-Wielding Static Strike Stormheart Saboteur.
This is a strong build capable of taking down the toughest enemies of Cairn. The build is easy to make since the main weapon is a guaranteed drop in Ultimate (Check Item Section))
Stormheart is being used not only because it’s strong but also because the original build by Ceno used it. The lore/questline around the weapon is pretty amazing and the fact that the weapon itself is a guaranteed drop makes this build very accessible to new players.
Grimtools -
Saboteur -
*Screenshot with Pneumatic Burst and Permanent Buffs
Elementalist -
*Screenshot with Permanent Buffs
Purifier -
*Screenshot with Inquisitor Seal and Deadly Aim
Which is the best one among the the three concepts?
Saboteur > Elementalist >>> Purifier
Saboteur is the safest setup with two strong circuit breakers, enemy OA shred, dodge and deflect chance and a heal skill with a low cd. Offensively it beats the other setups as well thanks to the WPS
Elementalist’s defense is high HP and Wendigo Totem and offensively the Crit stacking and flat Electrocution are a big boost to DPS
Purifier is the worst one. I had high hopes for it but its mediocre in both defense and offense. Naturally it can tackle the content with ease but when compared to the rest it falls short
Is Kiliran’s Mace not usable here?
Both PrinceXavier and I have tested it independently, Kiliran’s Mace even with good rolls is still only comparable to Stormheart and not better. Considering the difficulty one is bound to encounter to get a good mace I suggest to simply get 2x Stormheart instead.
What is Mythical Stormheart’s location?
To get Mythical Stormheart read Step 3 of this guide.
Remember, the weapon drops once per character.
Leveling Tips-
-Use the Fireblast skill from the component Searing Ember for quick leveling. Then when you get it, use the Greater Fireblast skill from Flintcore bullets. SS is your friend, use it to skip trash and go straight to the bosses.
-Devotions vary based on your situation, if you die too much during leveling then rush Behemoth and Ghoul. If damage is an issue then rush Elemental Storm.
-Level 50 you can either use Fire Daggers (and go fire temporarily) or Use Lightning Daggers and spec to this build if you have some gear.
-Level 75 you can spec to this build (if you already haven’t). Get Stormheart from Tomb of Korvaak
-Level 75-100 your playstyle will have little to no variations
In Closing:-
I’d like to thank Ceno, creator of the original Maelstrom for allowing me to post my version of his build in a separate thread.
Credits to SuperFluff for suggesting maxing Quick Cut and suggesting Kiliran’s Soul for the Attack Speed.
If anyone wants to use Lethal Assault and Spark of Ultos for Lightning Damage going this route.
This is one of the most enjoyable builds i have played so far and i hope you guys enjoy it as well.