[v2.0] The Maelstrom

Focus means Off Hand yes

Could you tell me how many Devotion points you have left and how many have been invested and where exactly?

At low level your weapons hardly matter imo, but it’d be added bonus to find a Lightning Weapon

Gear on the other hand, just focus on resistances. Elemental Resistances are primary imo

I do advice you don’t ignore the stuff on the ground, pick up One handed Lightning weapons

And try to keep Spirit/Cunning investment to a minimum

I have 4 into wraith, and 4 available

Also all focus require like 264 spirit. That’s a lot of spirit that i dont have even with the last 3 levels going into spirit.

Huh? :confused:

Karvor’s Conjuring bone is a focus, a low level focus should be usable

Keep looking for low level focus, if it’s too much trouble then start a new character and get Karvor’s bone and place it in shared stash of smuggler. The item’s level should be low enough for your character to use


Something like this should be good for you defensively

Of course use Aether Crystals at the spirit guide to move points in devotions

I like this build.
Does this build still effective in ultimate v1.0.9 ?

All my builds are

It seems that some of the pics in the guide are not working. Any chance you could post a current build with grimtools? Thanks!

Hello, I can not build up the point of belief as you instruct, in particular I do not know how to add points to poison, I use googgle translation so the question is rubbish, sorry and expect his guidance:cry:

I am not sure I understand what you mean
Do you mean you want to add more Poison resistance?

Also, if translator fucks stuff up too much then try typing it in your own language as well and maybe someone can translate what you mean

Simple, I need you to guide me more points in Devotion Setup, I do not like you, sincerely apologize and help me:cry:

Okay clearly you need a better translator :smiley:

You want me to tell you how to progress in the devotion route? Try mapping the devotion yourself on GrimTools it will help you understand how devotion routes work
If not helpful then I’ll help you

Is this build significantly different performance-wise than the popular Tri-element sabo from jajaja around the forums? Any major gameplay differences you can think of?

Lightning seems fun, but not sure if it’s way behind the powercurve by comparison.

Would be blasphemous to say I haven’t tried that build? I think someone who has tried that build can best answer that

Haha, no worries. Guess I could try both and compare myself, but that’s… some work. :rolleyes:

i need 1 pic devotion full plz,quote it lost full

you can check grim tools too…


GT link added.


sorry if I read this wrong or just can’t see it, but for devotions how do you even get any of the devotions that have eldritch requirements? On the crossroads, you don’t put any points on eldritch and the devotions you put points into, they need atleast some eldritch requirements (for example, hawk and Rhowan’s crown). I’m probably looking at it wrong or something, but any clarification would be appreciated!

I think this is what that guy meant Poison, Mr. Chthon. Poision was refering to a Devotion.

In other words, you need to mention the Devotion Path. They will need it.

To help you broken415, it is simply a play of add point, get devotion, then remove the point. Example you want to get an Eldritch like Hawk. Frist you get the point in Crossroad. Then starts to get the Hawk. After you complete Hawk, you can remove the Eldritch point in Crossroad because you still have a point in Eldritch thanks to the Hawk completion.

Thank you so much!!