[v2.0] The Maelstrom

I have started the process of updating my guides. The Grimtool link for the updated version has been added

Please notify me if any of the links is broken in any way

For now it’s only the GrimTool Links. I don’t have too much time at the moment but will update the write-up at some point. I have around 20+ other build guides to tend to so I am sure you guys can understand


Level 100 GT Link for Sab added


Playing this at the moment, with the updated devotions map (going to pick up Ghoul for the proc though) and damn does it still wreck playing AoM on elite. Need to use GDStash to craft the greens and grab the rest of the gear, since I don’t play Crucible for farming.

Only problem has been the new Ch’thonic nemesis, who utterly massacres me every time I run into it. Mainly those damn sweep attacks are the problem and hit and run melee tactics aren’t helping. Reaper on the other hand dies easily as long as you disengage to let Blast Shield go off cooldown, but given all the procs, he’s still getting damaged even while I’m running away :smiley:

What would be a good way to level this build?

Did you read the guide? :eek:

Ah yes, I am still looking to make tweaks to deal with HP reduction mobs. Some of the new content is indeed bothersome, but they melt easily so it’s not too tedious. Overseers and Regurgitators piss me off.:rolleyes:

Once I get all the new gear and up to level 94 those fluffing Rylocks are going to pay. Harder than they do now, since the devotions changes boosted dps considerably making Elite relatively easy except for Grava :stuck_out_tongue:

I think besides Grava and Kupa you shouldn’t be facing too much trouble. They are of course doable with some PITA, for Aleksandr dodge his meteor or better yet fight him under a roof

I did, but i do not see any skill description, i’m very new to this game and don’t understand all the mechanics or levleing builds.

Leveling Tips-
-Use the Fireblast skill from the component Searing Ember for quick leveling. Then when you get it, use the Greater Fireblast skill from Flintcore bullets. SS is your friend, use it to skip trash and go straight to the bosses.
-Level 50 you can either use Fire Daggers (and go fire temporarily) or Use Lightning Daggers and spec to this build if you have some gear.
-Level 75 you can spec to this build (if you already haven’t)

How do you go about devotions setup for the start of the game?
Do you just go for buffs in the demolitionist/nightblade while leveling or add skills such as BlackWater Cocktail?

Since you mention the weapons being guaranteed drops, how dependant on items is this build overall? Would it be good enough to start the game with no items in the bank as of today?

Cap the resistances and go for any weapon with base lightning damage.


Rush Behemoth, Turtle, Chariot
They’re useful at early levels since they help with survival. Respec out of them at around 50 or so

So from recent play through of this build (with some small modifications*) it’s fluffing excellent and can farm 2nd difficultly of The Crucible as long as you maintain situational awareness of high damage spike threats. Like fluffing golems. About the only issues I can see from my play time with it is the lack of health and the lowish DA, although Veil of Shadow helps with that. Manages pretty much everything in the main campaign, albeit you need to be on your toes in regard to high burst damage sources and reflective enemies.

As for devotions binding changes:
Elemental Storm - Thermite Mine
Hand of Ultos - Firestrike
Reckless Tempest - Amarasta’s Quick Cut

Thermite mine easily procs multiple ES’s, even with the only 25% chance, while RS procs more readily on AQC due to the fact it does 3 separate hits, each with their own chance to crit. And so worked much better than having it on Execution, which despite pushing Flashbang out to 15/12 doesn’t reliably crit, but placing it on AQC now has RS procing every battle.

*Mods - Ghoul taken for surivability, put more points in to VF for the attack speed boost and into FS to get a slightly better chance to crit. Points taken from VoS and Thermite Mine. Used 2 Mythical Stormhearts instead as well as otherwise lightening resistance reduction seems enough not to need it and the chain lightening proc is so fun to see in use.

Yeah the second weapon is interchangeable with Stormheart. I am still testing it. But I’d end up with two stormhearts as well mainly cause of AS and proc since we have enough RR
I’ll do a full update once I farm the greens and legs. But the main update will have to wait till we get the green signal to post location for Mythical Stormheart. For now, I don’t wish to reveal it

I can understand burst damage, but reflective enemies as well? I never had problems with those, I guess the Electrocute ticks are working against me. (Curse you Storm Shepherd!! :rolleyes:) Thanks for the feedback mate, it helps.

No worries, and it’s more the resistance reductions are the problem :stuck_out_tongue: Between Arcane Bomb, Ultos and Elemental Storm + Viper, a reflective enemy being affected by those can potentially drop your resistances below 80%. Which with large mobs of enemies (or Archmages in Malmouth) can lead to a pretty hairy situation.

Haven’t died yet, but having Divine Light proc is pretty much an “oh sh*t moment” for me.

Gah, Repear of the Lost is a right bastard on Ultimate. Definitely needs a small nerf as current it hits just a little too hard for a fight with it to be anything other than frustrating compared to as other nemesis’s with this build, bar Grava of course.

Why do you even bother going against Barrowholm? I mean sure they’re pure evil but it’s one less enemy to deal with if you side with them and they’re actually pretty nice if you’re into the stuff they’re into :rolleyes:

I generally don’t side with greater evils :stuck_out_tongue: Especially not ones that are cannibals.

Besides, I’m sure Crate has some nasty surprises plot wise in future for anyone that brings the Ravager forth into Cairn. Although here’s hoping he ends up getting distracted or killed fighting the Ch’thonians, or Mog decides to banish him again.

completed this build to lvl 100 using 2 mythical stormhearts… but changes to the item may allow us to use another 2nd weapon as another option. I will just use illusion so I can still pretend I am sticking to the theme of the build:rolleyes:

Mythical Stormheart: increased Fire converted to Lightning modifier for Fire Strike to 100%…

sticking to stormhearts then…

(with procs activated)

Stormeheart is indeed close to BIS as we can get. The only way to confirm it is to test it with some God Level Lightning MI which sadly I don’t possess yet and I doubt I ever will with shrinking hours spent in the game

Good setup but your illusion screams “Cold Reaper” rather than “Lightning God”

I have reserved the lightning setup for my stun jacks build:p

Speaking of MI’s, I would kill the dying god, for a Thunderstruck of Elements type of Kilrian skullbreaker…:stuck_out_tongue:

when I think of it we lose valuable vit res, lose points in static strike in favor of an ultimate ranked firestrike. It would result in more sheet dps for sure but not sure in actual practice.

That’s the problem with this thing, we can’t comment w/o tests. And since I rarely picked up his MI before AoM testing this isn’t easy

Btw major update to the build. Guide updated with Elementalist Setup as well and new screenshots.

great update. Does your screenie include battle cry and devotion procs?