Visual changes through Item Skill Modifiers

1.1.7 MI update
1.1.7 Conduit changes
1.1.8 New item changes and Chaos/Physical RE
Aether Ravenous Earth
Vindictive Flame Fx Conduit Fx
Bonus Aether Blitz/ Chaos Shattering Smash I forgot to ever include Changes
Physical Flames of Ignaffar


Those videos made me think how awesome it would be if skill modifiers were granted through different means, other than forcing you to use some specific gear type. Something like the devotion system or something like that.

Using golden colored inquisitor seal without having to use a crossbow… imagine that.

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Then they wouldn’t be special. Besides, there are skill transmuters on the masteries themselves that change the skills. Obviously they were not included in the videos.


Microtransactions :rofl:

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p2w 10chars

Added some 1.1.7 stuff. See you next year.

Added some conduit stuff that I didn’t notice earlier ( whoops).

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Added 1.1.8 item changes, goodbye forever.

Amazing video for the new skill fx changes spoiler alert you forgot chaos ravenous earth from soulcatcher and fiend’s resolve they turn it to pink :slight_smile:

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Thanks for mentioning it. I bypassed RE conversions cause only Blightlord had visual changes up to this point so I thought it would be the same with them.

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Well looks like Aether RE is a thing so I posted it.

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Added Vindictive flame Fx

I could not find Aether Inquisitor seal or maybe I am just pepega

Inquisitor/Oathkeepo video at 1:49

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Yeah right, Bonemonger! I totally forgot about that one, I was expecting that MI medal :stuck_out_tongue:

n00b confirmed

Added more Vindictived flame Fxs.

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It’s been a minute since I’ve done this.
Added Conduit changes


Added Chaos Shattering smash and Aether Blitz and Physical Flames of Ignaffar. For some reason other Blitz conversion items don’t change the visuals.
Added Conduits and acid Phantasmal Blades of course.
I think this concludes the skill changes through item skill modifiers… for now.


Thanks for the video. I didn’t see some of it - I like Fire Storm Totems.

I may be wrong but I remember Acid PB not looking that good but perhaps it was with the other nodes taken that add some colors to it.

Maybe you remember the league one

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