[W.H.Y.] What is happening here ?

Ravager of Souls : https://www.grimtools.com/monsterdb/368/skills

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZljQi2NltE

The only thing I find related to my life steal, imo, is the following :

40% Life Leech Resistance - which is far from how much is needed to acutally be immune (90% also is not 100%)
26% Vitality Resistance - dunno if this has any affect on life steal
85% Bleeding Resistance - 85% is not 100%, and i think bleeding res does also not affect life steal, but pls correct me if im wrong.

Does the fact the he has all res over 100% means I cant life steal ?

I mean I have 52%, more than half ADCTH, is he immune as a celestial ? If so…why doesnt it say in the monster database ?
What is happening ? What is the problem ?

so you really feel that there is a thread needed with red flags all over the place every time something doesn’t go as planned for you… JoV made a full guide for non shield melee(I saw you post there) but if you don’t read i sure as hell won’t tell you.

It clearly shows your life getting replenished with the ADCTH. And did you honestly expect to facetank with just high ADCTH alone when you have 2292 DA? You need to have over 1k more DA at least and even then it’s risky as hell.

Yeah it does, until someone who knows the correct answer and comes with it, not bragging just to be in the subject, nothing there explains why i cant life steal from ravager of flesh.
The only things related to him in his thread are theese :

“Ravager of Flesh - Ground AoE that leach 169 energy per sec with 5 sec duration and 6 sec CD.”

“By now you know that hardest Ravager incarnation to kill with this build is Ravager of flesh and here is why: when he uses his secondary attack you have to move in order not to be totally energy burned but even before you get out of its AoE you will probably lose around 200-400 energy. That’s maybe not so big deal for builds with high energy regen, but for this one, that needs careful energy management, is devastating. So it’s not just that it will break your attack pace and force you to move, it will, in some situation, leave you totally crippled before energy tonic gets of CD. If that happens only thing you can do is to run around waiting energy infusion from tonic, and believe me that’s more than irritating.”

He does say “Counter only heavy hits with PB or tonic of mending, let ADCTH do its job with weaker ones.” but related to Ravager of Minds.

In general, not fighting ravager, if i only have 5-10% ADCTH, 1 hit gets me from 10% life to full
I have 52% in the video (not adding ghoul devo skill, bat devo skill or lifegiver granted skill), and if he has 90% life leech res, than i do 10% of that, meaning 5%, so it should at least fill 35-50% of my health per hit…but it doesnt.

He has 103% lightning resist, which means you deal much less damage to him.

And is that the real reason ? I have res reduction that i apply on him, ultos, elemental storm, arcane bomb, viper, wind devil…

If u watch the 3 avatars facetank video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73BtWLN9ojY&t=17s), u can see that my life steal is mostly the only thing keeping me alive, and its 26% in that video, half…not my DA or armor, but aslo them as well…

Two handed build trying Ravager, LUL

The name of this game is Grim Shield Dawn, they just forgot to modify it

Mogdrogen summons minions who are easy to leech off.
Pretty sure 3x Mog > Ravager, so unless you screwed up something in modding and summoned a weaker Mogdrogen accidentally I don’t see any reason why you should be having any troubles with Ravager

In my experience Ravager is actually much easier to kill cause the entire fight being 1v1. He is much harder to tank though

2h Rifle build can kill Ravager. You do realize that, right?
Look I get that you enjoy trolling but the joke about shield builds died even before Ugandan Knuckles memes so can you stop that and find a new joke?

I spawned the elite/ulti ones, not normal !
And that is why I could tank them, cause of the pets, if u watch there when pets are not arround I stop stealing life, i thought he was immune as a celestial. That is why i ask about ravager, cause after i went to try to fight him, i got so mad cause i could kill 3 avatars, but not him, and i went to check his stats, but still 90% life leech res is not 100%, and his light res i reduce it a lot, so it’s still very wierd with 52% life steal to not even fill 10-20% of life per hit, with 17k life, even if that 52% on him is actually 5%.

Yes, that is the real reason. Enemies having very high resist means much less damage dealt, meaning much less life steal.

Just to be sure mate you might want to try and kill the actual un-modded ultimate mogdrogen before you attempt the Ravager

I did, facetanked in party : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdsDt0Jauo&t=2s

I dont know how to make the calculations but :

My 52% ADCTH with his 90% life leech res means i only steal 5.2%

His 103% Lighning res reduced by my :

Wind Devil : -37% Elemental res
Arcane Bomb : -35% Lightning res
Elemental Storm : 32 reduced elemental
Ultos Hand : 25% reduced elemental
Viper : 20% reduced elemental

Ghoul Skill : 85% ADCTH for 6 sec

Bat Skill : 25% ADCTH (dunno for sure if its from my actual dmg, or the skills dmg but still there)

Lifegiver Skill : 33% ADCTH (same as for bat skill)

IMO, i think i should steal more life than i actually do…or im missing something…

And I assume you attempted Ravager in a party as well? If not then do Mogdrogen in solo

lol…if u watch the video, i solo fight him, not with help, i also killed avatar in single player, facetank also.

Ravager was in single player if u watch the video.

“It is an optimization issue on your end”


“You need more experience against this guy a.k.a need to die more to study his move set”

These are the standard replies and that is all I can give you because,

  1. Ravager is fine and not bugged in any way

  2. It’s already been explained in this thread how enemy resistances influence ADCtH returns. So this means his title of “celestial” doesn’t mean much
    Take Lokarr for instance, he is a Celestial but I personally find him much easier to deal with than certain Nemesis bosses.
    The only enemy in the game who you cannot leech off is Zantarin, The Immortal and that is an intended feature

  3. There are builds who have solo’d him with multiple times so maybe those build threads can help you

My 2 cents:

  1. Your pth is not 100% due to your low oa and his high da. judging by the stats on the video you have 84% chance to hit him. In reality it’s probably higher due to buffs, but he also has an attack that reduces your oa.
  2. His soul well causes fumble, so if you facetank him, you stay in it permanently having fumble 30% of the time.
  3. Set level to 112 in monsterdb to see the correct stats, e.g. oa/da will be higher, some resists too.
  4. Monster db doesn’t account for monster equipment at all, since the items may vary. In case of ravager on ultimate he always has his legendary helm equipped, so you should also add 27% ele resist to the stats show in monster db.

In the end you just don’t him often and his resist are rather high to rely on adcth.

OH SHI~ That’s the real surprise :eek: