[] Then this Tank-Cannon may be just what you are looking for. This is not a hybrid build which sacrifices a good chunk from both ends of the spectrum. On the contrary, this build is able to comfortably dish out six figures in damage, kill Loghorrean with procs alone (see video below) and yet survive Ultimate Hardcore as I have to it’s completion. I’ve actually found this build in large is able to bridge the tank/glass cannon trade off. If you were a fan of Sky’s rage (from TQ) and like shock-n-awe (pun intended) that lights up your screen and damage output that has no end, then an old biddy like this two-handed Punching Hag may be just the toon you’re looking for.
The old saying the best defense is a good offense applies here. However, this build has gone through some refining from the traditional Ultos builds in that this hag is using unconventional combos (Savagery, & Life Steal, Electrocute DoT & Poison DoT, etc.), and non-traditional methods (Non-Transmuted Primal Strike, Circuit Breakers, Weapon-Swap as a skill [see below], etc.) to maintain maximum damage output (100k+), lots of criticals, never ending high damaging procs and fast mob clearing while persevering through the end of Ultimate on Hardcore. I wanted a build that was Ultimate Hardcore viable (comfortably) but still able to dish out the big numbers, this setup did not let me down.
(Two-Handed Configuration w/Savagery Stacked)
Judgement! Even training dummies will trigger their circuit breakers. Laying aside the safety of the shield and putting on the full power of Ultos you will dish out damage that ripples through all in your presence. Literally everyone on the screen will suffer at your hand. While the damage may show 100000+ on the stats screen (using Savagery), many of your procs include weapon damage in them which carries those numbers into their damage (i.e. devotion procs such as Falcon Swoop, Spear of the Heavens, Tsunami, Maul, not to mention gear procs of which this build has many) Even the procs that are based on lightning such as Reckless Tempest are backed by 1700% lightning damage modifier. There’s one other benefit which is almost pointless to which no horde can withstand. I’ve found nothing but the training dummies can hold up to this AoE damage output and even they take damage as you’ll see in the videos below.
This is easier to show than to explain. Procs triggering other procs, crits throughout. Fun stuff!
Punching Hag Training Dummies Demonstration (as only they can hold up and even they show damage): https://youtu.be/gZHR4baGGRk
Punching Hag vs The Horde (only enemies I could find that came fast enough to give a demonstration): https://youtu.be/uH81GAk-bfg
Punching Hag vs Ultimate Loghorrean (Without ever actually attacking him, I kill him entirely using secondary procs): https://youtu.be/ZmVc0cDrcDc
Punching Hag vs Ultimate Hardcore Shar’Zul (Bastion of Chaos Boss) https://youtu.be/PdzK-ZoDZNk
Savagery Based! Savagery was chosen over Primal Strike for a few reasons, first because it works better with life steal (This works with Primal Strike but like procs only applies to the weapon damage portion), it also offers more single target DPS with the procs taking care of group clearing. With higher DPS more “attack damage is converted to health”, the biggest reason for me was as the stacks of savagery go up, so does the base weapon damage in all your procs (and other skills including Primal Strike), which adds to why I was able to kill Ultimate Loghorrean using nothing but procs (see video above). Plus, I still get to throw Primal Strike in there! With only 3 points in primal strike, because of the +skills of my gear, I still enjoy a primal strike that’s past midway in levels. Like procs, Primal Strike is made more powerful as Savagery stacks climb (since it too has a base weapon damage modifier) and since I don’t use the transmuter, one swing from Primal Strike is very powerful on top of fully stacked Savagery. One last thing to note. Since I play hardcore, the physical resistance provided in the savagery line was a nice bonus.
Procs Begets Procs! One focus of this build was to maintain a cascade of procs that would continue to proc themselves apart from player interaction (which led me to the Ultos set though other legendary sets do have some intriguing possibilities as well). While I do have certain procs that only engage on player instigation there is also a balance of heavy hitting and critting procs combined with DoT procs that will, with a high success rate, maintain themselves, continually proccing eachother as long as their are enemies present as you can see in my videos above. The training dummies are the only “mob” strong enough that can hold up for this demonstration. Watch how the procs trigger themselves independently from me attacking or from being attack. When I engage, the procs enhance and more of them trigger, the same occurs when my ‘on hit’ procs trigger from enemies hitting me. This is just the first method I’ve found for maintaining an independent proc cycle that’s lightning based. I’m very interested in those that find other combinations that work this way as I’d like to implement them in other builds.
Note: if you guys find other combination of procs using other gear, classes, devs, etc. please post! I would like to see and try some other working ones.
Fun to Play from Start to Finish! This build never feels as though you are grinding. This build is quite dynamic. Through the level process in both the skills and devotions we’ll change the dynamic enough from one map slaughter skill to another that you’ll never get bored!
Life Steal! With damage output provided by Savagery it’s not hard to see your ‘Attack Damage Converted to Health’ keep your HP tank topped off! This is easily achieved with minimal effort between Feral Hunger, it’s synergy with Haunted Steel and ALL procs that include weapon damage. For breakdown see gear & components section of the guide.
Multiple Passive Procs! Because of the passive skills that activate for a two handed build such as Feral Hunger and Upheavel, you can assign multiple devotion procs to your default attack. Since he’s a melee/tank, on-hit procs (of which there are many) are sure to trigger since your in the fight. Between that and all the other procs, when you watch any of my ‘vs mob’ videos you will see crits fill the screen.
Critical Strikes! With high OA (with some variation can be brought higher yet, Chains of Oleron [see Components], etc.) this build brings a solid percentage to land criticals both directly and through procs and DoT. Even without crits your damage output is superior. My current OA runs around 2300, this amps up to ~2700 (as seen in the pic below) with passive buffs like Fighting Spirit, Field Command, and Tenacity of the Boar.
Lazy Compatible! Like my Retaliation/Reflect Warder Hetzer this one too is lazy compatible. As you can see in the linked videos above the procs will trigger themselves in an endless cascade and produce damage and crits that other configurations struggle to reach using their primary source of damage. For fun, I killed Lorhorrean without ever hitting him directly [click here for video].
Finally a Productive Use for those Shields! This build is very shield generous (as any Paladin build should be). Whether your preference is more damage, playing it safe, or looking cool this Paladin build offers a lot of flexibility with shields while maintaining simultaneously high damage output and survivability (for us hardcore folks). I’ve held 60,000+ damage with a shield equipped (Savagery fully amped) as you can see in my video here. One thing to consider if you favor the shield is resistance reduction through Arcane mines or Raging Tempest (see skills & devotions section of the guide).
(Sword & Board Configuration w/Savagery Stacked)
Use Weapon Swap Like a Skill (Swap = Heal)! Turn over to the 2H side and dish out 100000+ damage while your procs begets more procs (see video above) in an almost never ending reign of judgement. Turn back over to the shield side for instant heal (see video), shield block protection, and a substantial amount of health and health regeneration. In this video I’m using Meat Shield but Lich Guard or the like may be a viable alternative.
Circuit Breakers! Like Hetzer this build comes with hardcore friendly built-in circuit breakers. Because your weapon load-out is either sword & board or a two-handed weapon, Menhir’s will guards you in both instances. I however often opt to use item based circuit breakers such as mark of divinity, avatar of mercy, etc. so I can free up the skill points from MW for more damage oriented skills.
100% Game Completion, Zero Deaths With Melee! While I’ve found ranged to be easier in terms of hardcore survivability through Ultimate there’s more of a thrill for me to be in the fight.
Versatility! I’ve respecced this guy a few times (to respec a skill point at this moment costs me 10,000 iron bits) and revamped my devotions (ty for tonics of clarity there) having fun with changing this build up using Blade Arc and Primal Strike both which are very good alternatives and depending on your load out, may suit you better and provide faster clearing (though that’s a moot point). I’ve favored savagry for the higher damage output, but Blade Arc maxed offers a nice 13 target simultaneous sweep attack that attacks just as fast! Some would say to neglect primal strike in a lightning build is ludicrious (which is why I switch back and forth to it). Beyond two handed options this build is VERY shield friendly (in my opinion more so than any other class combination) so you get to finally use all those killer shields you’ve picked up. I’ve changed my damage to physical and back to lightning, both which clear very fast (though physical oriented builds offered more survivability).
Multiplayer! Because of the versatility this guy can fit in pretty much anywhere that’s needed, damage, tank, crowd control, group buffs (like field command & mog’s pact line)…or he can simply carry the team, even at low levels.
Enemy Reflect Spells Doom. With damage output over 100k and procs that don’t stop, my greatest fear with this build is coming across a boss with reflect, a mage who casts mirror, a thug who casts blade barrier, or those skeletal knights hidden among mobs that return damage back to you. Because of this my alternate carry is sword and board (still 60k+ damage) and I switch when it doesn’t look safe to have the 2H out. Once nice counter to this however is having ultra high lightning resist (over 100% with radiant gem). Since the majority of your damage is lightning, if it’s reflected back to you it’s not as detrimental as it is to those you are striking. Circuit breakers like Menhir’s will, Avatar of Mercy Amulet and Mark of Divinity will guard you should a surge of damage befall you. Avatar of Mercy and Mark of Divinity, in addition to providing circuit breaking skills, also increase your lightning (and all elemental) resistance and it’s maximum.
Not a Team Player. This guy not only distracts with his full screen light shows, he tends to make other players feel like they aren’t pulling their own weight. I’ve also seen builds like this give a false sense of security to other players to their demise (hardcore).
Study: Take the time to learn the build. It’s fun but it’s advanced. Learn why it does what it does, at least to some extent this way you can better make use of your skill set. This way you don’t do things like diving into a group of obsidian shaleborns/ravagers/defilers relying alone on life steal to sustain you (as they are resistant to that).
Don’t Rush: Take the time to map clear, this not only allows you to level up at a healthy pace but it will allow you to perfect your build and practice using it.
Keep An Eye Out: With this high level of damage output don’t go blitzing a boss until you first verify it’s not a reflective one or one that may cast blade barrier or anything else that will return your damage to you (see also cons section).
Use Consumables! They are in the game to be used not collect. They offer some nice offensive and defensive stats so use them! If you aren’t needing the defensive ones than you may want to evaluate if you could squeeze out a bit more damage if you did factor in using them (such as trading out defensive components for offensive components, etc.)
100% Damage Absorption! For those rare moments that look sketchy swap out Eye of the Storm relic for Menhir’s Bastion (which is enough by itself, same with using Aether Cluster consumables [see above tip]). Use the Menhir’s bastion skill combined with an Aether Cluster and you literally have 10 seconds of complete invulnerability. Honestly though this is not needed. For the hardcore group one circuit breaker should suffice, I use Mark of Divinity. With the damage output this guy does there is plenty of leeway to add circuit breaker items, skills, devotions, etc.
Attack Those Not Resistant to Life Steal. There are very few enemies in the game that are immune to life steal, if you come across them, attack those in the mob that aren’t and let your procs and area/multi target damage take them out.
Other Thoughts: Props to Crate first. While we may be creative with the builds, they likewise in making the mechanics of which we are working within. This is my 2nd posted Warder build and it’s very different from my first Warder [Hetzer] and yet the same masteries which indicate good dynamics. Secondly, props to others in the forums who have produced similar builds and shared their education on the mechanics that helped me to enjoy this build. I acknowledge I’ve in no way brought new revelation to this game or build nor have I perfected this build. As with all my builds I’m continually refining them which is helped by input/insight from other players.
Punching Hag Training Dummies Demonstration (as only they can hold up and even they show damage): https://youtu.be/gZHR4baGGRk
Punching Hag vs The Horde (only enemies I could find that came fast enough to give a demonstration): https://youtu.be/uH81GAk-bfg
Punching Hag vs Ultimate Hardcore Loxmere Nightmage: https://youtu.be/BXw_He64RC4
Punching Hag vs Ultimate Hardcore Commander Lucius: https://youtu.be/6mrZ8sOSMzY
Punching Hag vs Ultimate Hardcore Loghorrean (Without ever actually attacking him, I kill him entirely using secondary procs): https://youtu.be/ZmVc0cDrcDc
Punching Hag vs Ultimate Hardcore Shar’Zul (Bastion of Chaos Boss) https://youtu.be/PdzK-ZoDZNk
Punching Hag vs Faldonir Aetherborn (Flesh Hulk Boss): https://youtu.be/3_fUbBM2s-U
Using Weapon Swap as a Skill (Skill=Heal!): https://youtu.be/eICmosq5VV0
Punching Hag Sword & Board Training Dummies Demonstration: https://youtu.be/jqp0L3VtP4I
(more to come)