[Warder] Ultos Lighting Shaman Ultimate Game Agreement 40k DPS / 500 Heath Regen, and so more...



Hi guys, i read many post on this forum and thanks you to everyone for that. I tried many builds,
sometimes full soldier, with buckler or H2H, and ofc with a Big 2hands weapons.
Also i change many times devotion points, i tried Oleron devotion build too and it was great… BUT…
I dont have fun with trauma and physics retaliation build, i know it’s great build maybe the best for warder,
but hey! i like when it’s rough!


So, my first goal was to play a 2 hands shaman specialized in lighting dmg with aoe,
and who is able to manage a bunch of mobs while being able to finish the game in ultimate.
and why not in hardcore ultimate too.


Answer is simple… Everywhere. SoT, BoC, Challenging against nemessis without potion, and so easy with potion…


SoT Moosilauk


- Insane Damages, 40K DPS…

  • 9 lvl Savagery, bosses takes only few seconds too explode in pieces.
  • Greats Lightning AoE cleaning dozens of mob in a second.
  • Very nice Single and AoE Vitality Damages converted to Health, more mobs you catch and better you get health !
  • 500 to 1500 Health regen. Feel safe in every situations.
  • Many skills to use is very fun to play.
  • Lovely spiky doggy!
  • Many devotions Skills that can be used quickly
  • This Devotion build is very flexible, switch Tempest with Maul constellation, and you can change completely your damage source…
  • Also, about devotion constellations. Wendigo and Scales of Ulcama are complementary, Both do vitality damages and converts damage to health.

- Can be hard to play if your start Ultimate game without enough skills, stuff, or devotion points.

  • I died on Mogdrogen…


After many test, i realize i prefer to put points in several good constellation skills than spend all my precious points on small constellations
(not usefull and without skills) to reach the highest constellations which are very expensive.
That’s why i have chosen only constallation with 75k lvl point.
This way i get 5 constellation with good skills + Kraken passive damage.

1- Crossroad 1pt in ascendant
2- Complete Empty Throne
(Reclaim Ascendant crossroad point)
3- Crossroad 1pt in Primordial
4- Complete Eel
(Reclaim crossroad primordial point)
5- Complet Tempest
6- Complet Schloar’s Light
7- Complet Chariot of the Dead

8- Crossroad 1pt Eldrich
[COLOR=Red](Reclaim 3 pts Schloar’s Lights)
8- Crossroad 1pt Chaos
9- Complet Behemot
(Reclaim crossroad 1pt Chaos and 1pts Eldrich)
10- Complet Wendigo
11- Complet Kraken
12- Crossroad 1pt in Order
13- Complet Crane
14- Complet Lion
(Reclaim 3 points in Wendigo)
15- Complet Scales of Ulcama
(Reclaim 3 points in Lion, and complet one again Wendigo)

Devotion Build



This gear is focus on Lightning and Bleeding damage, Regen and Vitality damages > convert to health

Total Bonus skill point is : +6 Shaman


Rokall Warder NO GEAR
Rokall Warder GEAR

GAMEPLAY (The most interesting part!)

At first i want to explain why i use Grasping Vines. Actually i dont really care if that skill is efficient or not. The point is to combine that skill AoE with the Wendigo Constellation!

I tought, “why bind this wendigo on a single attack, when i can multiply the vitality damage and the converted health on all mobs around me”
Range is great, and cooldown is about a second. You can spam it, wendigo will reset every time the Grasping Vinesticks on mobs.

So, More mobs you will catch with your Grasping vines and more Health you will get! lookt at that

(For the other skills i think everyone understand easly how to use it.
But i will explain my strategy and why i like it very much.)


a - On a bunch of mob, spam savagery on the first mob you get and up yours charge to lvl 9.
b - Spam your Grasping vine wherever you find mobs, it will give you health and nice add damage.
c - You can also Spam your Primal strike, it will help a lot.


-Do the same than case 1 but no need to switch target! focus on the strongest mob/boss until they die, and spam every skills you have.
Savagery ofc + primal strike + Grasping vines + Wendigo Totem + Storm Tap. Tempest Constellation and Stormcaller’s Pact will proc
All of these skills will clean all mobs around you.
As i said before, more mobs are close to you and better you will survive even a boss or a nemesis is hitting you.

Just be carefull to spam Grasping vines in all directions to catch a maximum of mobs!

-About little spiky dogy… dont laugh at the Primal Spirit, sometimes it’s very usefull, release him and he will tank the second or the third boss for you!)

-I did not talk about WarCry. I have two ways to use that skill.

a- If it’s an easy fight then, use it anytime you want.
b- If you have to fight with big boss and you are not sure to win, so wait until your life go down to 50% or less, at that moment use War Cry.
If you wonder, why i do not use Terrify, reason is simple, because i want the mob to stay close to my grasping vines.

I will not talk about Blitz, Field of Command or Mogdrogen’s Pact… it’s easy to understand why there are essential and how to use it.


I like this build very much, it’s not safer than a pure soldier with a buckler, but it has huge dps and very interesting passive and active skill that make fights very fun.

I hope you will try and like it! hf gl.

/reserved for later

Im looking foward to trying the build but i just wanted to say that this is a really well laid out guide. Rarely do i see one posted that is less about showing off and more about being helpful and giving straight information. Awesome job dude.

This looks awesome. I found a stormreaver and have been thinking about rolling a lightning shaman.

The one thing that scares me though: your Wendigo-Grasping Vines idea is so good it will probably get nerfed.

One thing: why did you complete the Soldier tree if you don’t take anything from the last tier? Was the extra life that big?

Okay, two things: what Physique/Cunning/Spirit breakdown did you use?

I’am happy if my build give you some ideas :slight_smile:

I will make a video soon to explain better how the Grasping vines works :wink:

for the question. I tried many builids full soldier also… but i prefer Lightening shaman

atm i have 40 / 37 / 10 attributs points.

But i think 5 points in spirit is enough, i should do somethink like 42 /40 / 5

nice build and guide

Yep, how about Shar’Zul and Fabius ?

thx, i made this vidéo in SoT and Moosilauk, i used few potions but it’s not difficult at all. SoT Moosilauk
i will try a vidéo on fabius also

cool to see a warder build that looks fun to play!

savagery doesn’t scale much at ultimate lvls, u should try using the ultos weapon instead. the double aoe procs are huge, and IAS. esp when u sorely lack aoe.

warcry is kind of a waste with kymon’s will enchant completely replacing it. u cast so much stuff that its gonna get in the way of autoattacking - dps loss. u can get much more out of maxing fightingspirit/squad tactics with point saved.

if u gonna get warcry should have 1 point in breakmorale for the silence at least.

chariot and tempest sucks. go spear of heavens/arcane bomb. u are sorely lacking on on -resist. 40k dps means nothing when half of it gets resisted in ultimate. im sure my 25k dps primal will drastically out dps your 40k savagery due to ur lack of -resists in the present setup.

I have a Warder with a similar item setup to you. Here are some objections to your build, in order of importance:

  1. You should not have any points in Cunning with any build except a Blademaster or if you need a few points to reach a requirement for something like pistols or Dreeg’s dagger. Too late now, but for future reference and so you don’t recommend bad ideas to newer players. Tbh, stats are not that important in the current version of the game, so your build will still work, but i put this first as a warning to anyone reading because the choice can not be reversed.

  2. You want Falcon on your main attack (savagery in your case). This is non-negotiable, it is by far the best devotion skill for any build that uses a 2-hander. At max level, it shoots 6 projectiles that deal 65% of the weapon damage. Since you will be in melee range, larger enemies like bosses will be hit for 350% of your weapon damage every few seconds. Think Nightblade’s Execution, but it hits every enemy directly in front of you and uses a 2-handed weapon with 300 base damage.

  3. Put a scaled hide in your shoulder!!! You are wasting so much armor by not having 100% absorption.

  4. For fuck’s sake, use Chains of Oleron in your chest armor, there is no way 20% poison resistance is better than 100-ish OA you get from it. You are heavily reliant on crit damage.

  5. You want widow. There is no getting around it, -33% lightning resistance is too good. It is far superior to Wendigo. Vines will proc it all the time and keep every enemy under it’s effect at all times, but Upheaval procs it reasonably well too.

  6. I don’t see the point of Scales + Wendigo when you have no vitality resistance reduction. Most of the time they will do close to zero damage (Nemesis have 80-90% resistance, so do skeletons in SoT and Shaleborn in BoC; Ghosts in SoT and Void leeches in BoC are completely immune), and even if the enemies aren’t nearly immune to vitality (for example, in the new dungeon they are planning which will probably have aetherials), you don’t have enough bonuses to vitality damage to really make use of those skills. I could understand still getting them with some sort of a squishy caster, but you are playing the tankiest class combination in the game, you have more effective ways of staying alive (lifesteal with Falcon and a lvl 15 Wendigo totem do the trick for me, but you can go Tree of life with your massive regen bonuses if you want to be indestructible). You can see from your video that the lifesteal procs do very little for you in your fight vs Moose, your health keeps dropping dangerously low, which wouldn’t happen if you had at least lvl 12 Wendigo totem. I tanked Avatar of Mogdrogen on elite with only a lvl 15 totem to heal me, it’s amazing.

  7. Your DPS is quite low, you should be able to reach 35k without Savagery charges easily, especially with the Tempest constellation. What you lack is attack speed. You could easily get extra attack speed by removing Primal strike that you don’t need, and putting those points into Squad tactics and Storm touched. You could also try using the Ultos axe, you lose the skill points, but gain a massive DPS boost trough the attack speed bonus and the procs (most nova from the axe, but also the cloud from the full set).

  8. Put as many points into Stormcaller’s pact as you can. 5 points in SP after lvl 12 is equivalent to having Attuned lodestone in both the amulet and the medal. 2% crit damage alone is better than almost anything else a skill point can give you.

  9. Find a way to put points into the Wind devil skills. Raging tempest is a must because it’s another source of lightning resistance reduction, Maelstrom does a reasonable amount of DPS, especially with +6 to skills. Another great thing about Wind devil is that each Wind devil you cast casts it’s own Raging tempest (they don’t share cooldown afaik).

  10. Finally, try putting a few points into Zolhan’s technique, it gives you much needed AOE.

  11. Edit - I forgot this:

Not only does casting it reduce your DPS, but you can not refresh it like PRM Battlemage or Blademaster can, meaning you can’t even keep it active 100% of the time.

Also this.

But seriously tho, primal strike is just plainly better than savagery in every way, even on single target. savagery doesn’t scale much, a lvl 26/16 primal and 22/12 torrent is going to be better in every conceivable manner. this is espeically true with u are using stormreaver for extra +skills and less aoe. not that i’d recommend stormreaver or anything but…

also primal strike counts as 2 attacks due to torrent, so 2x chance to proc falconswoop even on a target . on AOE fights its pretty much 100% chance to proc it due to so many hits. this fact alone makes it better than savagery probably.

Thx, for your advices, it’s help a lot. and that is true, chariot is not so good as i thought.
and i will change try to change some skills!


In fact i never thought about -resist until now. That was a big mistake i understand that. so i’am glad you answered me with so much details.

Tbh, i had some doubts about my damages, and vitality damage from wendigo or scales because it’s really effective on trash mobs, or heros, but not the best vs nemessis. I understand it’s more important to do huge single target damage than aoe which are not effective vs them.

that’s why i will think very different build, but dont get angry, as i said at first, it’s not the best build for warder, and i knew it.
I said it’s pretty fun to play and until now i did not had so much trouble even in ultimate. :wink:

also, i know chains of oleron is the best enchant for chest, but i thougt it’s more important to maximize resists, event if i lose OA.

I have two questions, about scaled hide, i realy dont understand why it’s so overpowered ? I mean, without i have 1326 and whit scaled hide i have 1333.
I dont see a big difference.

And the second, I used wendigo totem also but i wonder if we have to up blood Pact to 12 or only wendigo totem at maximum?

The almost +100 OA from Chains of Oleron is just invaluable, especially when compared to the 20% Poison Resist. Try to cover your resistance with augments.

You get the scaled hide for its 20% Armor Absorption, not for its minimal armor value.

I’m not angry, just trying to help. I bolded the part about attributes because it’s important for new players reading this to not get the wrong idea. Not saying Crate won’t make attributes other than physique more useful in the future, but for now they suck.

Wendigo totem is amazing because it heals by a percentage of your health. You have 15k hp, so 3 points in WT gives around 500 health/second extra regen. At lvl 15, you heal 2-3k health/sec, enough to outheal even Avatar of Mogdrogen (when combined with your massive defensive ability, physical resistance and armor). The Warder does not die!

As for poison resistance, only 3 enemies in the late game deal significant poison damage, two of them can be knocked down with Blitz and killed before they get up. As long as you have some source of regeneration active, you can easily tank poison from random mobs even with negative resistance.

As zell490 pointed out, Scaled hide + Scars of battle is 100% absorption. You need it so you don’t waste that beautiful 1300-1500 armor you can easily get with heavy armor and Field command.

Primal Strike requires skill bonuses to be effective, and life leech doesnt even work with most of its damage. And it drains insane amounts of energy.

Let’s say, if you want focus on lightning damage, Primal Strike is the best. But if you want to focus on physical or bleeding damage, Savagery will be better. For physical, Primal Strike just doesnt offer proper scaling. For bleed, WPS procs with Savagery offer powerful DoT damage.

Sorry but this is just false. Ur telling me ps doesnt scale when i kill fabius in 15sec with it? And thats a single target fight that doesnt even favor ps. Please show me a savagery build that can do better, physical or whatever. Physical savagery sucks btw, no flat dmg bonus at all. also PS has 2x chance to proc falconswoop as well as being AOE so in all likelihood, even physical PS is going to be better than savagery.

And the op clearly isnt doing a bleed build, its a lightning focused build with ultos

Lightning is really the only way to go for either skill as a 2h weapon. There just isnt any item sets that are remotely as well itemized as ultos for physical. whether phsyical PS is better than physical savagery is besides the point as lightning ps is better than savagery in any form

I have a lightning savagery warder with 33k dps w/o savagery and around 50k with it max rank. Farm Fabius, also killed Moosi and Valdaraan. I will post my version later.

Also, I don’t feel Widow is essential - the bombs doesn’t activate instantly, so it makes sense only for nemesis figts, everything else dies in a few seconds with or without it.