Warhammer 40 000 Global conversion

You simply adapted it to run on v1.2.0.0+ or update game data?

I donā€™t know what you mean by ā€œreference does not workā€, can you elaborate? Or show it with a screenshot.

I think I have explained it above.

When I downloaded this mod it was in the post [MOD] Dawn Reborn, but I donā€™t know if itā€™s still there.

Uh, I see, you mean you canā€™t open the downloaded web page.

Sorry, I canā€™t find another network disk that can share large files, can you provide one?

None of network disk on my disposal. Sorry. This conversation is over

Here it is downloading without even a problem and easy, a little slow but it is downloading normally yes.

Itā€™s too bad that WH40K Global conversionā€™s development was stopped, we could fight not only against chtonians and aetherials, but also against Orks, Necron, Eldar, Tau Empire, Tyranid, Warp Daemons (servants of Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeench and Slaanesh), and even fight against Chaos Space Marines (all Traitor Legions, warbands, and renegade Chapters). We could summon Dreadnought as pet and use many features that WH40K Global conversion could have. But, no. At least we can create Terminator Battle Set (chest armor, hand-off, helm and weapon)

What about GDRx2, dodge still not functioning and components not stacks

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Thank you very much for the work, Iā€™m sure a lot of people will like itā€¦

Iā€™ve already played renewed Grim Dawn Reborn 3.0 for GD1214h1, Iā€™m very pleased, and what is totally cool, Demolitionist now have Rapid Fire skill that allows shoot from two-handed firearms and crossbows like machine guns. Iā€™ve feeled myself as Devastator Space Marine like Sergeant Avitus of Blood Ravens Chapter.

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And really an excellent mod , even more so being so small , full of many surprises in skills , devotions and in monsters , I advise you to go for the ultimate mode ā€¦

In the Oathkeeper class this has a problem summoning the empirion guardian, he is paralyzed when he summons ā€¦

Mine is also like this, I wonder if anyone can fix it.

try import the new animations that happened after 1.2?
in PTR back then they froze because weapons or animations wasnā€™t updated/applied correctly i think
iā€™d assume itā€™s similar here since the mod is old/before 1.2?
*guardian file is referencing X weapon/animation table, but that isnā€™t there/where itā€™s pointing

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Thank you for your answer, my English is not good, I canā€™t understand the specific details you said. :rofl:

in guardianā€™s game tables there will be fields/references to weapons/animations.
After update 1.2 we got new animations for some stuff (halberds etc), during playtest ogres and guardians would freeze because new movesets wasnā€™t incorporated correctly if i remember correct.

Since this mod is older/originally from before update 1.2, i would assume the guardians then has the old weapon/animation moveset references in tables? - and would need to be updated to the new post 1.2.

*When a weapon or animation doesnā€™t fit the model will freeze or Tpose as i recall,
samething happened to me when i changed the mesh on my guardians but forgot to remove their mace attack animation(since rat model didnā€™t have that available), switching animation reference fixed it so i assume itā€™s similar here

unsure if that helped/clarified or too many words for simple translation :sweat_smile:

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Thanks to your help, I finally found the problem.

Warhammer40k_fix_records.zip (14.0 KB)

Just replace the two dbr files of the MOD with the same name files of the main body to solve the problem.