Warhammer 40 000 Global conversion

This modification is a global conversion of the Grim Dawn game to the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Hello everyone, its happened! im finished after 1 year, a hard work, 1-st version of the mod and ready to share it.

most importantly, remember you are many, but I am alone.

The first version includes:

  • More than 200 types and various types of small arms for chaos and loyalists. (Bolters, Bolt guns, heavy bolters, plasma pistols, plasmagans, plasma guns, melt pistols, meltagans, shotguns, laspushki, gravigans, flamethrowers, combi weapons, Volkit rifles. Combi shields) many are distinguished by their mechanics, and have unique abilities in addition to ordinary shots.

  • More than 150 new melee items. including pilomechi, with sounds and animations.

  • More than 150 high-quality sets of power armor, shields of the Chaos Space Marine and loyalists of various orders of both heresy and 40k.

  • The ability to create and purchase terminator armor, an automatic cannon, a rocket launcher on the back, and power claws for the terminator.

  • 2 completely new types of weapons which were not in the original game, heavy weapons and weapons for the terminators.

-Added new abilities for items and weapons.

-recycled two original classes of shaman and necromancer who are now called psi-warrior and sorcerer. Now it is 50% completely different classes than in the original, the first one can no longer summon creatures, but has more skills for weapons, the second on the contrary has received more creatures and abilities corresponding to the class theme in the arsenal.

-Added more than 70 new visual effects for each type of weapon, glows, abilities, the effect of shells from shots, etc.

-Changed the original character animations, those that are more suitable for the space marines. About 40 new animations added.

-Replaced / added many game sounds for weapons, steps and more.

-Replaced 90% of the music of the game

-Added over 500 icons to display items in inventory and stores.

-Added skins Necron and Orc

Plans for version 2.0:

  • Dreadnought to summon
  • Adding / replacing monsters and NPCs on Warhammer
  • A complete change in the main settlements under the bases of the Space Marines / Mechanics / Inquisition.
  • plot adjustment possible
  • Jumping packs for everyone
  • new classes
  • Servo-skull
  • even more types of weapons and armor
  • Various abilities inherent in orders of the Space Marines
  • and much more.

Also, the plans have an idea for creating a pvp / pve mode (arena / battle royal / moba)

Version 2.0 will be developed in any case, and updates will be released gradually, whether it will reach the final, and whether all the opportunities are realized will depend on you, I should see the interest of the audience, material support will also not hurt, I have been developing for a year alone, daily for 7 hours a day, sacrificing health, talking with friends, sports, in order to give you the first version, fully playable, and this year I did not raise the topic of donation, did not open wallets, and if you like the modification and you want even cooler and more content, support the developer, or become one of the developers if you have real zeal, responsibility, perseverance, willpower and the desire to bring it to the end.
The development of version 2.0 will be carried out regardless of whether there will be donations, but speed will depend on them, and then how much will go into this version, because I am alone and I have a family.

Separately, I would like to thank the following people who somehow helped me, with what they could by virtue of their knowledge, of course this:

Denis Maslov, a man who was always ready to help find any necessary information on the 40x universe, and spent a lot of time on it. Thank you very much!

Andrei Samarin, a man who helped to understand engine issues when I had no experience. Thank you very much!

I also have to thank such people as: Mikhail Mashinin, Gleb Zabrodin, Vladislav Bolgov, Kirill Danilov, Georgy Zakharov, Linda Macgill, Roman Desyatov, Joazz and my girlfriend, who throughout the development, supported and motivated.

Special thanks to the modders of the GD community for answers to my frequently asked questions about the game and the engine: Okami29, asylum101, Ram, Elfe, and the entire GD_dev chat, Thank you all guys!

And of course, thanks to the developers of the original Grim Dawn game, Zentai and Alminoxi, for their frequent and quick answers, help, and development support, for an excellent game, and the opportunity to create this modification.

Sorry for my bad english. this is a google translate)

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oqrpihQyl308eTfFGOweuclV37e7BTZF?usp=sharing

nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/grimdawn/mods/80/?tab=images

  1. Installation guide:
    -Unpack the files from the Warhammer40k archive into the Mods folder in the root of the game and if you go into it this way will turn out - Your drive: \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Grim Dawn \ mods \ Warhammer40k
    (for russian community) -community_russian_1142_26_08_19 NOT UNPACKING, put your drive along the path: \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Grim Dawn \ localization ( DONT DO THIS, if YOU NOT NEED RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, dont download it at all)
    -In the main menu, select the custom game button modification
    -Go to the settings, check the boxes at your own discretion, choose the Russian language, and be sure to re-enter the game again, otherwise there will be squares instead of letters.
    -Do not create a female character
    -If the character is not created, delete the saves folder where

Do not pay attention to the names of objects, most of them are from the original.
Since the armor is now solid, this does not eliminate the need to collect the remaining details for the character’s characteristics.
Do not forget to press alt to find all the objects.
Often you will notice how this or that object falls out of the monster and disappears, this is a bug of the engine, do not rejoice in advance, the main thing to remember is that this is not a drop and you did not lose it. (it was also in the original, but now it will be more often and more noticeable for the necessary reason for the mod to work correctly)
At this stage, many NPCs can take pilomechi, or spaceborne weapons, randomly, in the future I will find a solution, I corrected many, but not all, of this is a large amount of work.
On certain types of weapons, by default, there are abilities, a flamethrower, gravel, shields with bolt guns, pull them to the panel to use.
In order to get terminator armor, you need to craft it, it consists of 4 parts, armor, rocket launcher, brass knuckles and an automatic cannon. To put it on, there should be a terminator weapon in your hands, it can be crafted in the “spears” section of the near weapon, spears because you are using a blank from the previous game, you could not rename it. Rocket launcher in the helmets section, heavy helmet. and brass knuckles in the offhand weapons section.
I advise veterans of makeup for a long time to play as a shooter as there are many new weapons of distant or necromancer / shaman, they have undergone great changes.

PayPal: [email protected]


Congratulations on the culmination of a lot of hard work!


Thank you!)

1 Like

Wow, that is an impressive amount of work, Congratulations on completing version 1!


Thank you too)

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Wow, a complete different GD feeling with my new plasma gun… :slight_smile:
Congrats for finishing this incredible mod and thanks a lot for your hard work!


Really amazing work. Congratz!


First of all, congratulations on the release, this must have been a ton of work.

I noticed that I see all 9 masteries, they all have new class art, so I guess that is intended even if only two are changed. The first 6 are renamed, but Inquisitor, Necromancer and Oathkeeper still have their vanila names, I do not have one called Sorceror.

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Wow, congrats on release! This mod looked awesome over the past year of you showing it off.

Persistence really paid off for you! :+1::+1:

I wish you the best in continuing this mod. Your plans look quite interesting.

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Awesome Job dude, congratulations!

Notifying @tt300 just in case he\she misses this because of this being in a separate thread.

Fuck it, notifying all the posters in the original thread so that they don’t end up missing this for reasons stated above.

@Maya, @RedFist, @jordonmojo, @Cavar, @Valinov, @BANITA, @mamba, @RxJunkie


++ 10 more posters

@Grimer, @Sharke, @Stahlherz, @Munin, @Superfluff, @The_Loghorrithm, @Orpington2019, @Avyctes,@Garfunkel,@Facebook_Player


++ 10 more posters

@LightningYu, @Gibly, @tontonUB, @GlockenGerda, @thejabrixone, @phantom16, @Algorithm, @Vexille, @Gnap19,@lqdhorror

Had to break down it into separate posts because the forum restricts the total number of posters that can be linked to\called out in one post to 10 (pretty low a number imo)

Just realized that mamba, glock and rxjunkie had already commented before me :no_mouth:


Tovarisch, it’s cool and amazing work! :+1::fire:

Probably will try to find time to test it.

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Yep thanks, i trying to understand how it work with gdx1-2, i have build image this files to text_en…but somethings wrong

Thank you man))

congratulations, it must have been a huge amount of work !

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Yea, thank you Okami)

Бесплатный совет: чтобы переключение между версиями перевода было более наглядным измени первую строку строку в language.def, например на language=Warhammer Russian
Ну, или сразу возьми этот WH.zip (193 Bytes)

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This is phenomenal work. I have no idea what amount of work went into this. I just imagine it’s a lot :slight_smile:

i’m a big warhammer 40k fan adn terminator armor is something i’ve always wanted in GD.


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Thank you, ya you need a 73 lvl for terminator armor)))