Hello! I have been playing FF for a long time and I have noticed that farming is a bit off (in my opinion) regularly the fields are going to rot and there are an inordinate number of late harvests. This is creating a mass of wasted labor that is not yielding the food supply expected on a regular basis.
I have also noticed that livestock go rouge way too much–like all of the time.
Not sure if these are bugs or just suggestions for tweaking in future releases.
Love the game and really impressed with all that has changed and developed…keep it up!
how many farmers do you have assigned per field? For example, a 10x10 can have max of 10 farmers but starts with 5 open slots. When i start to see late harvests, i up the number as needed. it also helps if you stagger the timing of planting and harvesting for all fields.
EDIT - i also failed spectacularly once when i fenced in my fields and forgot to make gates, whoops! that obviously led to some failed plantings…
Rogue livestock - do you have them fenced in? then it doesn’t really matter too much as they can’t go outside the area…
Max farmers and livestock is set to be outside area but rouge livestock eat my crops. I like to use them to fertilize fallow fields to boost fertility but then they go off and eat crops in other fields when rouge.
The point of the problem is that when converting to a farmer, the farmer is too far gone. To solve this, once they become a farmer, they must go to the field and wait. So far, I have set the number of workers to 0 and prepared workers and baskets next to the field. To cover the backlog of work, workers worked during the winter.
I had a bunch of chickens exit via the gate for the workers yesterday. The field was enclosed. Once they were out, the workers didn’t catch them again, and they ran around for a couple of seasons.
Indeed, I have always assumed the point of fencing was to keep wild animals out not domestic ones in.
Wild animals cannot get through gates; domestics can.