Here is a little mystery to keep you pondering… Along with a much expanded inventory, you’ll notice 4 additional equipment slots… because I’m evil I didn’t include the item silhouettes that indicate what goes where! hah… haha… hahaHaHaha. MUAHaHaahAHaHAHAHA
P.S. the top left-most small 32x32 box is where the weapon swap button will go. It will probably end up having a different shape so it doesn’t look like a slot. Bottom left slot is for the auto-sort button.
Also, this is pure designer art atm. Later on in the project an artist will touch this up and make it look pretty.
Yeah, well, it’s stand-in designer-art for the purpose of laying out the UI, so don’t expect too much. Artists will add all the interesting bits later once it is finalized. I doubt it will be Fallout3 level of awesome simply because we don’t have a dedicated UI artist but the end product will most likely have a lot more character.
What is tentatively planed for the two large right side boxes? The one below the P and the one to the right of the inventory squares ( this one I suspect is for expanding inventory another 6-7 rows).
Will the paper doll be rotatable so we can check out how our loot looks on the character?
Hmmm… 2x earrings (or trinkets, whichever you prefer to call them, extra accessories anyway) and a belt? The last one is most likely pants while leg protectors have turned into boots. Nice
About DarN’s UI’s: Altough the pics are indeed pretty, I don’t get a “wow!” effect from any of them (I do get that from the GD pic though, even if it has a sort of a standard’ish feeling; most likely due to the griddyness of the equip slot placement) and they seem a little “out-of-place”, not fitting in with the original art.
Considering that even as it is now, the GD window looks very good, I doubt that anyone except the person who is familiar with the style of art used here would be able to prettify it further without making it look like the rest of the art were just cut&pasted into place.
PS. Is she holding a gun or is it just me? Has there been any word on guns?
Given the opportunity to work on Grim Dawn, I am sure a dedicated artist could do some amazing victoriana that would fit the setting. Victoriana really is an artists dream, all the guilding, the wonderful use of raw materials, the leather and lace, the copper. It’s intricate and decorational, yet solid and functional.
I can see the inventory being composed of a rotting leather bound book that looks as if it was dragged out of a lovecraft novel, the world map looking like the chart right out of the conquests of the British empire, the compass a flip top railmans pocket watch… all of that sort of thing.
No earrings, although one 32x32 slot is something you might consider a trinket but one for which we’re planning to have in-game models attach to the PC. The item-type we’re replacing artifacts with is now a 32x32 slot too.
In all honesty, I apologize but I looked at some screenshots of DarN’s UI and without a side-by-side I’m afraid I can’t tell the difference. Are they just cleaned up / up-res’ed or is there actually new art?
Yeah, there will be guns. We’ll be taking some liberties with them though, so it won’t all be exactly standard victorian-era fare. However, we’re not going in a science-fictiony direction… no energy guns or anything like that.
Just about got it - final 32x32 slot is for “medals” or various other ornaments that you can pin to your chest. We’re hoping to be able to attach an in-game model to the chest armor for this. Right now we’re working on a new system for armor where it swaps out that entire region of the body so you aren’t wearing armor over a naked dude. This will eliminate issues where armor clips the player’s body and will give us a lot more flexibility in terms of the look of the armor.
For the tetris inventory it would be nice if you had gear take up the least possible number of spaces, like 1x1 and a 2x1, going into anything with 4 slots and above seems like it’ll take up too much space.
That’s 84 spaces to fill up, but having items like 3x3 shields or plate is pretty large, lets see, if I break it down by the total number of objects a player can carry vs max slots taken up.
Each one takes up -
1x1 = 84 total slots.
2x1 = 42 total slots.
3x1 = 28 total slots.
2x2 = 21 total slots.
3x2 = 14 total slots.
3x3 = 9 total slots
I think? Unless I got my math wrong. Either way, the more objects I’m allowed the carry the happier I’ll be.
I wonder what the biggest size you guys have in mind is, also I do like tetris inventory, but I don’t like bulky items that take up too much space.
It’s one of the things I hated about Diablo 2’s tetris system, too many bulky items, standardizing it would have been much better in my opinion.
That would be really cool, while clipping isn’t a particularly big issue (during combat at least), it would look a lot nicer when you’re shopping/standing around.
Is that a sci-fi equivalent of Bengal Belly/eating too much too hot curry/etc? Or a new, er, rear-facing AoE attack?
As far as the pic is concerned, it looks like a fairly standard/functional inventory UI (even if it is just something you knocked up with some crayons). As long as the UI doesn’t get in the way of playing, like S2’s does with the stash/combo master (please let us have a fast way of moving stuff between inventory & stash, like shift-clicking or something, rather than having to pick up & move each item individually) I’ll be happy.