What are all these boxes for?!

Yes there is.

I think it’s still relevant to support at least starting with 1024x768.

Hungary is in the middle of Europe.

Europe is for you a third world continent?
Geography is your favourite subject isn’t it?

MadWasp - I think you totally misunderstood heron. He just raised his concern, that Developing Nations are lagging behind our technology standards.

Maybe I misunderstood. Anyway I’m waiting for heron reply…

BTW - the new screenshots seem to have a 5:4 ratio whereas the previous ones have 4:3 … if someone donated Crate a 1280x1024 screen, so that could replace one of their 15’’ monitors with it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: OK, I’m silly! Firefix’s tool tips display 1024x768 (4:3 ratio) for the new screens and 1024x640 (8:5 … er, that’s called 16:10 ratio) for the old ones.

Well I did order my legendary key yesterday so perhaps they used that… :stuck_out_tongue:

I also think 1024x768 is still a relevant resolution. Up until a few months ago when I sprung for a new monitor, I was still using a 19" non-widescreen. I always used 1024x768, not because I didn’t have everything I needed to use a higher resolution, but I simply like having things a little larger… and yes, I can see fine, I wear contacts. I’m also not obsessed with squeezing out the best possible graphics… Wait, that makes it sound like I don’t like good graphics… hmm…

Even now with my 23" widescreen I still use 1280x768 on Windows and just a notch up on games. I think it’s a personal choice, or requirement, for whatever reason each person has. That means it should be supported.

On a side note, I like games that have native support for dual monitors (Supreme Commander is the only one I have). But I don’t think I would appreciate it if I was suddenly told that a new game required two monitors! Even if it would enhance aspects of it. I like having the option to use two, but I don’t like being forced. I think it’s similar with resolutions.

That makes me wonder what Grim Dawn would be like with inventory and stats optionally on a second monitor?

Also love the latest Inventory Screen! And the 4th bag!

Here is my theory about the boxes. I dont think I am too far off.
What do you say medierra?^^

With all those jewelry slots, I can dress my toon up like B.A. Baraccus

Nice guess. Try reading this. maybe you couldn’t find it with all the lot of post counts.

I didn’t even read that, heh. The mesh-replacing armor sounds interesting.

oh I didnt know they already kind of confirmed all slots.^^
well at least I wasn’ too far off. :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont quite understand that armor-thingy…

As I understand it, in TQ, the character actually wore the armor (it was put around the torso). Now they just remove the torso entirely and replace it with the armor piece you’re wearing.

Not sure if that’s the case though. If there’s armor that doesn’t cover the entire torso, they have to incorporate part of the torso in the armor. And that can cause problems when allowing players to choose different skin colors (although they could probably work in a layer which adjusts the skin color part of the armor to that of the character’s skin).

Really? I’m not aware of this. I guess I don’t understand much of that mesh talk.

Things I can see:
Helm: top middle
Belt: bottom middle
Rings: left and right of belt
Boots: bottom left
Gloves: bottom right
Wrist/elbow: above gloves
Armor: mid left
Weapon 1: top left
Weapon 2: top right

How was that?

So, let me get this straight:

There is going to be far less clutter loot to pick up.
There is going to be over twice the amount of space in your inventory.

I’m no game designer, nor do i have the aspiration to be, but more isn’t always better. With such a big inventory it could be very boring to collect stuff, as you don’t really have even the slightest feeling with the stuff you pick up.
What I like about ARPG’s vs MMORPG’s is that you don’t have the feeling of being a simple mercenary, searching for 10 Troll toes or something like that, but you are an important person in the story that unfolds. You fight to get better gear, but as the clutter on the floor (which will be solved) and the clutter in the inventory expands, the feeling of uniqueness could drown out at the start of the game.

The recurring visits to shops gave me a short break between the hacking and slashing. Shops could have great items too, you bought potions, etc.

Or is there going to be some sort of charms like in diablo 2 LoD?

Hey Medierra, I just wanted to comment on the new bags idea / addition to the inventory. Now, I hate, and I generally do not like arguing against things that make it easier for the player to collect items. I really don’t enjoy it but I have to at least, mention how I feel about it.

Basically, adding different sections or partitions to the inventory screen just feels overwhelming. I imagine a scenario where, while playing I’ve filled every last bit of inventory space (all 4 bags if you will) then unloading all those items either into a stash or selling them. This just seems to me like it would take a while to accomplish. But the larger problem is it makes me feel like we’ll be drowning in loot. It also takes away that feeling of deciding what’s important to pick up. I large enough inventory will cause that.

The reason I love to play these kinds of games is because they are short-action filled adventures. The loot is an added reward for being a part of the action. I realize we all play for different reason, some people are pack-rats and love the loot. But in terms of game design, I almost feel like there should be a choice for the player to make.

With enough inventory space it can feel comfortable to the player. Like they have plenty of time to kill the hoards of monsters vs. acquiring loot and not running out of room. But there comes a point when it can feel overwhelming; especially in an ARPG as traditional as this one. Essentially, with enough inventory space, it becomes less of a choice and more of a chore.

Psychologically speaking, you’re talking about giving the player an abundance of inventory space; it’s like telling the player to loot everything for the sake of looting everything. I almost feel that this type of system would be better if you had 2 – 3 bag types, rather then full-blown inventories.

I must sound crazy, I know, but I just already imagine playing the game, with 4 bags, and just looting everything for the money, and for what’s necessary. I just don’t think that these games are meant to be played like that.

I’ve always felt that picking up loot was a choice, is it worth the space to sell, or is it worth the space to keep for later use? Having an overly large inventory just takes that feeling away, it’s like “I could easily fit all that loot in my inventory, so I might as well.”

I feel that you should try to look for different ways to keep the player away from town. Like having the ability to sell gear on the field, or repair gear on the field. These kinds of mechanics would preserve a smaller inventory without the need to make it overwhelmingly big.

As for different types of inventory bags, I think that could work out. A bag just for crafting materials, and a bag just for trinkets or completed crafts. Things like that won’t necessarily cause the player to be overwhelmed by the enormity of their inventory, but will help to categorize their items in a way that allows for efficiency.

I know, I sound crazy, insane, dumb, whatever you want to think, but I just can’t shake the feeling that a large inventory is just bigger then it needs to be. I’m all for ways to allow the player to be in the field more often, but I just don’t feel that an enormous inventory is the best way to go about that.

I know pack-rats and the like will not concur, but I just wanted to get my opinion on the matter out of the way.

So please – think of other ways to allow the player to stay on the field, but for the sake of brevity, make the inventory size smaller (no bag expansions, or maybe just types of bags for specific item types).

I hope any of this makes sense… If you got this far, you’re a trooper.

TL: DR = Having 3-4 bags (extra inventory screens) feels too overwhelming and not in the same mold of picking and choosing what’s important to you. There should be other mechanics implemented to keep the player in the field without having to visit the town. Having different types of bags would be acceptable as well. I hate suggesting this, but it’s a view that I have and wanted to share it. Thanks…

Yep, as i’ve said in my post, and scryer said, Increasing the amount of inventory directly influences the impact of the loot.

I was thinking though, that there could be some differentiation in what bag is used for what purpose:

The big bag for all loot.
Small bag for relics, charms, potions.
One bag for the loot you want to keep. You could transfer it from the big bag to this.

This way you have a bag with stuff you want to sell, and there could be some button that says ‘sell all’.

Meh, I wouldn’t be worried about the player inventory becoming overly large just yet. I think it has expanded to a much more comfortable level but you can still fill it up fairly quickly if you’re picking up everything.

I’ll take your word for it Medierra, I’m just glade you know how I feel about overly large inventories is all. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply also.