What build makes the most blades

As the titles says, I would like to know what build produces the largest amount of random swords, which certainly means something involving nightblade. The more swords and random bladed objects flying around the screen the better.

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You could throw Biting Blades from Seal of Shadows
Add cooldown version of Phantasmal Blades to it
and Assassin’s devotion
Blade Spirits
Nidalla’s Outbreak relic has some blades proc
Seal of Blades component for blade Aura
Ring of Steel

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Other than the skills and few items tqFan mentioned, you could look at these specific ones as well:

Mythical Jarinthor’s Head.
Mythical Will of the Blade.
Mythical Korvoran’s Chestguard.


God I love it when people do characters like this. No waxing poetic on DPS or perfect itemization or leet crucible times or whatever, just a concept they want push to the max, simply because they can. :slight_smile:


totally agree with you. In my opinion this is even the most FUN way to play an(y) RPG.

How about we call builds like that ‘theme’-based builds? And maybe start collecting?

Having a Theme for a build and THEN try to get it Endgameviable is the real deal, imho.

I once made a bloody pox build with basically everything that spreads, trying to convert everything as well. BP, ill omen, seal of corruption etc. Quite fun. But well - also a bit weak.

can you elaborate on the ‘etc.’

There are only these three actively applied Spreaders afaik? SOme passives come to mind like Fiendscale or Corruption relic, but that’s it.

Others work like CoF (Haunt, Necrosis…) but do not spread at all.

Btw, it’'s only weak if it is poorly handled, trust me…

If you want I can post the gt later. I remember pestilence of dreeg, also a spreading skill. Well, dmg was just not as high as I’m used to. In sr70 I had no chance but to kite from grava for quite some time. That kind of “weak”, you know.

Yeah, never used it (Pest of Dreeg), is it active or passive? Anyway, not SOOO much spreading skills available, are there?

So lots of options to have fun AND make the Build viable. Spreaders are good to eliminate Mobs, and FULLY eliminate them.

Those Celestials canna be handled like this, so some Hybridisation is necc. Nothing new there…

Now… as soon as the Patch comes out I will restart gaming (WHÄÄÄÄN finally!? Come! On!). I think I will then make another thread about Theme-Builds. Of course it will be hijacked as usual but at least I will get my inspiration out of it…

spreader skills you have ill omen, pox, plague of rust, aether corruption, can then add in devos that spread like witchfire or murmur
already at 4 plague skills it starts to get real piano, since you’ll probably still need something else “decent” and other actives like BoD, CoF etc @_@