- fishing boat dock Other fish (salmon, whale) are caught in the depths of the lake
- Coal can be used to heat houses just as well as firewood
- a forester who will plant certain areas with tree seedlings
- adding livestock to plow the fields
- new resources: diamonds, whale bones.
new building jewelry workshop
in the jewelry workshop make products to raise happiness among the population - new resources: copper, silver
new buildings: for making new types of armor, home decorations
7.adding wild birds, wood grouse, pumas, lynxes - adding different locations on one map, permafrost, deserts, oases
- the ability to send a garrison on campaigns beyond the map to obtain resources and new settlers
- unique buildings: alchemist’s house, king’s house, factory
- the ability to create your own merchant and send him on a journey with your goods for sale
#2. Just ask London how good coal heating was, coal burning would bring down desirability in neighbouring houses.
#8. You’ll turn the game into that abomination, Total Battle.
I mostly agree with your opinion.
It’s a bit odd, but especially whales
Hm, they’re not making suggestions for Grim Dawn, they’re making suggestions for Farthest Frontier, Crate’s town building game.
ops, i oversee the tags, good damned, iam so stupid, i delete my post.
Apologies for my oversight; I’ll make sure to be more attentive in the future. Thank you for pointing it out.
I thought our villagers treckked off into the wilderness to get away from money grabbing Kings and Nobles?
Biggest thing I’d like to add;
Make fences/walls similar to roads in that you can select more than just one square at a time to remove/updgrade. You can layout a full line for the initial build and I like the ability to select just one square of wall for removing, but drag and mutli select for “oops, that’s not really were I want that” or “this entire wall needs to move or be upgraded”
Add a layer in the map to see the grid for planning building locations without having to be in the process of selecting a building location. If I know that a shelter is 3x3, if I put this other building here, will there be enough room for the shelter next?
Welcome to the forum.
You can already do that with the Manage Walls icon on the bottom right of the screen. Works for fences as well far as I know.
You are absolutely right! facepalm I apparently hadn’t seen that feature before.
Thank you for teaching me about that.
It was quite common in the 60s still around here
Not entirely sure why it would be much worse than wood tbh.
It’s the leftover from the burning. Wood ash breaks down easier and can be mixed with soil for growing plants/crops. Coal ash is heavier, is more likely to be washed into creeks and rivers and adds weight to rooftops.
One option right now is to count the number of squares and lay it out with a bunch of disabled flatten terrain zones. It does require pausing and turning off construction for all of them, though, so it’s annoying and fiddly and I don’t do it often.
Relatedly, I wish there were a way to see which buildings a shelter will be in range of when placing it. I often plunk down houses and then immediately go over to select the marketplace to see if the center (where the resource cost shows) is inside the circle, for example. (It’s … usually easy enough to eyeball, but I occasionally guess wrong.) That’s the biggest one, but wells (so that you don’t get “no water” warnings) and shrines or entertainment (which have minimum number of nearby houses for max effect requirement) are also sometimes relevant questions. Some of these can be sort of guessed from desirability shifts, but there are usually so many influences that it’s a little hard to tell even just for the drop from moving out of market range.
Good suggestions do you have. And a blueprint mode would be very nice.
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