What the next?

Good afternoon dear developers. I would like to know what we are waiting for next? Is there any roadmap? Six months have passed since the launch of the game in early access. Every half a month I go to the forum and leave sadly, not knowing in which direction the game is moving. I heard something about tier 5 somewhere, but nothing else. Maybe I’m wrong, but if you draw some kind of roadmap, where it will be written, for example, the first 3-4 months “We are doing optimization”, then “this is what we plan to add in these months”, this it would be really cool. However, the fact that you are always in touch and always answer, thank you very much.

And the patch notes which you will find here

Zantai said he’d be doing a new State of Early Access thread soon.


… which dropped an hour or so ago. (Update #03 that is)