What's the latest on Crate's town builder game? Now entitled Farthest Frontier

Hm, they do. You have to start your town/city from scratch, gather materials/resources, etc.

Sorry Alexei, I’m with Medea on this one, the classic city builders fit in way more then games like Port Royal, that’s more a trading Empire game not focused on settlement building at all compared to the others.

Yea i think i’m confusing myself with Anno and Port Royale. Actually both of them I don’t know how to play. I dunno why i quote them in that way there. What actually I really felt of FF is that it seems its toward of Settlers and Stronghold. So actually I’m disagree with all of the games listed there :stuck_out_tongue:. They are just my opinion anyway and we still haven’t got more than one screenshot of the UI so i guess anything goes atm.

That would be only the most basic and broad similarities between them I guess. In that sense, Age of Empire also fall into that category.

Not sure why you say that. Obviously we don’t know much yet about how Farthest Frontier will work, but for nearly all of those you have to decide where to put your town/city, start gathering resources, make goods, etc.

Yes, Port Royale isn’t quite the same, you can make a few buildings of your own, but it’s not a town builder as such.

Medierra did say ages ago that he wanted to mix Settlers with another game for the town builder. Sadly it looks like that thread was a casualty of the forum move and doesn’t exist any more. I can’t remember what the other game was now, but it wasn’t one I’d heard of.

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11 posts were split to a new topic: Are you considering to release FF on the Epic Games Store?

Wishlist is all very fine Medierra, but would really rather do this

Pre-order or just buy it. We can’t wait to do the above. :smile: So posthaste for that as Zantai would say.


Somehow I completely missed the announcement. As much as I don’t care about or play city builders, it’s a day 1 buy from me.
You are one of the few developers who actually used Early Access to make a much better game, so you have my complete trust, my wallet and my axe. Best of luck with your new project.


Same for me, it’s a day 1 purchase out the trust and respect I have for you guys

Already interest being shown on the Steam forum and the FF discord big M - so get that game out there for us to play! We need MOAR! :smile:


Cropped this from the store page inventory image for all your emoji needs.


That comment made me smile. Thanks man.

This looks similar an old game called Banished.

Of wow, I wouldn’t have though Banished would be considered old yet :smile:

…plus, rest assured - Banished has been well-referenced in this old thread :wink:

more so to me Pharaoh and Caesar are old city builders :smiley: I kinda think anything this century is new still :stuck_out_tongue:


if Banished is old, dafuq am i then? :no_mouth:

2014 it was released on Steam. I don’t know how much earlier than that the developer stopped working on it.

v1.0.7 of Banished was released September 2017. I think that’s the last update from Luke Hodorowicz. Development began in August 2011. It’s a very good game but, in my opinion, superseded since by Life is Feudal: Forest Village - which actually looks like a pretty close copy with updated graphics. It’s not perfect but I love it and keep going back to it again and again.

Hi, I’m new here, by the way. Just wishlisted Farthest Frontier the other day and I’m stupidly excited about it because these types of games are my thing more than anything else. So, hi everyone!

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