Medierra’s been pretty tight-lipped about it since the screenshot last Christmas. However he did say a bit about it in the 5th October stream:
kobrao :hows new project going @Medierra
Medierra :I think we’re getting close to being able to show more / announce the new game but we don’t have a website / marketing art or anything else set up… so much peripheral stuff you have to do beyond just making the game
"drazac :so is the new game a city builder, or is it a strategy with city building elements
Crank9000 :Has there been any info what genre the new game is? There was talk about some kind of RTS around year ago or so
Medierra :its a town-builder with an optional combat element
genericvillain :Is it confirmed that their new project has anything to do with grim dawn?
Medierra :new project is not related to Grim Dawn
CepheidSauron :Any new projects you guys are working this year, except for the expansion?
Medierra :“new” project, which is about 2 years old now, is a town-builder done in Unity though… then we’ll be starting something else soon"

A few more comments from Zantai in the 24th May stream:
"mauric1us : does the town builder game have a name?
It has a name. I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you yet.
DarkOmeh : what year you think that the new town building will come or have more information @CrateEntertainment
Maybe I should tell you cause they’ll be forced to live up to what I tell you. But it’s probably 2020. If they release it this year. Come on guys, make 2019 happen. What’s stopping you, it’s easy. I mean Grim Dawn’s been out for years, why isn’t the town builder done?
tuftyfella : is there a match 3 element to the town builder?
No. And I will dare say officially here that it does not require a phone either.
killmame : by town builder, not sure if you can say, but can you describe what it might be like?
It’s going to involve building a town and having people in that town and having them, you know, not die every winter."
Okay, a bit more info from FB. In a reply to a question about the round building - it’s the town centre.
A little more info from the GD Facebook page
" It does include resource collection and town defense vs. “raiders”"

Okay, a few more bits of info from the GD Discord just now. Make of them what you will.
townbuilder: is combat optional or mandatory?
I would say it is inevitable
I’m still petitioning hard for wolves to rain from the sky
will it have named characters/heroes that can level up, or do you send anon cannon fodder against the wolves?
you can name your villagers
how else will you get your family and friends killed off
does one playthrough span several generations of your family or just one?
it’s a town builder"
We have a NAME!

Website’s up for it too.
Farthest Frontier – Crate Entertainment
FB page
And a discord is being set up as we speak.
It’s finally happening folks!
Another new screenshot for us.