Whats the point in some mats being tradeable but not transferable?

So apparently wanting any feature in the game and finding a workaround to do that is cheating now? Huh.



Finding a work around for an unimplemented feature that you are requesting is in fact cheating. If it wasn’t cheating you wouldn’t need the work around in the first place.

and what you do not seem to understand is that this rule is rather inconsistent, making you jump through hoops to accomplish something rather than making it either possible easily or impossible

Nope. You did not.

you gotta be kidding me. If you cannot see that we both spent the same effort farming the materials we are then handing to another char, then you are so far removed from reason that there is no point discussing this with you.

What char I used makes no difference, your char also did not get the materials you are trading for. No one said I am giving this to a twinked char…

I don’t understand whats so problematic to understand that point.

quite ironic…

Damn Developers, T_T you force me to use an Mod/Tools/Workarounds to cheat; why don’t implement it fully in the Game already. I want in Vanilla-basegame an one-win button where i can easily respec everything of my character.

yeah, no point arguing with you, your example has nothing to do with what I asked for

If you want to play it, like it meant to be played, than you have to accept it.

that’s the thing, I do not want to play it how the current design is, and that is because the current design is flawed :wink:

If you don’t the Game supports modding and you can change the Game to your own rules. Or wait until the Rules change.

I am trying to get that rule change you know…

I really do not care if you call it cheating, I call it fixing a flawed design

Yeah, nontransferable and soulbound need to go, they are a completely unnecessary obstacle with zero sense.

I’m obviously in the minority here so I won’t drop posts about this topic after this one. People have their minds made up about this kind of stuff generally. It’s not like anyone who justifies transefering mats or not will suddenly have a change of heart about it just because of different arguments.

I’ll just colse by saying that I thing the game is fair with the player even I you SP ony. Getting decked yout with legendaries is very acheivable in GD even without trade. Mats drop often, especially blood of Ch’ton, and you can even change them in Necropolis.
Having mats early game would break it (assuming of course one cares about that) and the devs have chosen this as a design. I’s not “flawed design” just because someone thinks they should have that option to make things even easier than they are.

It’s like saying…why even have mats? Or implement a way to transfer them anyay? Why stop there since you get the mats you need and have all legendaries from Tyrants hold. Lets make lagendary drop rate 100% and be done with all this nonsense.:slight_smile:


how exactly does it break things ? The Tyrants Hold blacksmith only shows up in Elite and Ultimate, neither of which I consider early game - and even if you do, I can transfer the crafted uniques anyway, so not transferring the mats makes no difference here, or am I missing something ?

I’m surprised this is such a heated topic… It’s simple, and straight-forward, I want to be able to consolidate all of my materials on one toon, if I make trades or crafting runs to Tyrant’s hold, I want it to be worth my time to have one guy loaded down with all of them.

I farm the mats across all of my characters throughout leveling, and aside from Devotion Shrines/Quests, they mostly just sit there, gathering dust. If I could put them in a bank I could have an accurate number of what I have, as well as be able to craft things that require Aether Crystals/Shards from the bank instead of switching toons to find who has enough to craft a thing.

This doesn’t break the game in anyway. Right now I have to utilize another person to trade to new characters a bit of iron/aether crystals to get that early game help.

Soulbound is fine with me, I don’t think you should be able to trade augmented items.

The fundamental take-away is that if you can do it in the game, via any means without a mod, it IS NOT CHEATING. If I drop it in a game, and swap characters and pick it up, that is not cheating. It is intended by the designers. If that is the case, then there is no reason why they shouldn’t allow stash storage. Take out the hoops that everyone before me has referenced.

Just my input.

Soulbound makes a sense - factions. But materia like Ancient Hearts, Crystals, Scraps should be transferable IMO of course.

You can work around it using the Grim Dawn Train Hard program, but yeah… I never understood why you can’t just do it already without it :confused:

lol I bet you think that telling a story and lying are the same thing too

your lack of comprehension re: nuance, shades of grey is laughable and I don’t know why anyone is even trying to engage with you

Damn straight!

Someone didn’t seem to have had their breakfast and they’re all moody. There’s no game breaking involved if you are able to trade mats between lev. 85 toons, right? So calm your panties down, naysayers. I have no objection to this being available only once you reach max level. Where’s the effing cheating there? My friend is usually too busy playing OW so I can’t ask anybody to help me transfer my mats, not without a “fee” anyway and I refuse to feed greedy people. I just want to be able to craft stuff without risking the infamous “blacksmith freeze” which makes it a veritable pain in the sphincter.

Another idea for this issue, if Crate really wants to keep crafting mats soulbound for whatever reason, is to make so crafting mats can be dropped from yellow and perhaps even white enemies as well, although having a much lower drop rate for these mats than a Hero/Boss.

I mean… those Bloodsworn cultists can drop those Chthonic Seals of Binding, so… why not allow the same with other mats (I.E Ancient Heart) as well? :undecided:

You could even increase the amount of crafting mats req for crafting legendaries from blacksmiths, if you’re worried that people are gonna be showering up in legendary gear… there is a lot of ways to improve this;

Isn’t it ironic that blueprints are shared across all characters but mats are not?
Riddle me that…

also a valid point.

The argument that you can power up new chars with crafting mats, I mean, I’d argue that some of the components are OP on new characters. And I can buy any potions or gear that I want on my main and transfer it over.

All I want to do is consolidate my mats onto 1 character so I can delete some mules