Where is the Church?

That’s what you have the shrines for I guess. Nature brings atmosphere, pray to that and live to keep it that way. Plant some trees buddy, don’t chop them down :slight_smile:

Please remove alcohol. Its also a bad thing and some religions dont support it. Add also next to man and womens other genders, because transgender will not be identified in this game. Also please add rainbow flags… Sorry arguing like this is pointless.
Just say we will not implement religion and its ok. You are who decides what should be done :slight_smile:


Zantai literally just said they may consider a fictional faith system down the line. They just don’t want real life religion in the game


This would be super interesting/fun to play around with in this world. I’m sure you all would do it justice as well if you go this route. If not though, just a couple more shrine like assets would fill the void and allow players to continue having their own head-canon


I’m an atheist so normally loathe to push for any kind of religious inclusion in games…but it does seem strangely odd there’s no ‘temple’ buildings in the game. I think something should be added: doesn’t have to be called a church. Could just be called an ‘elders gathering place’ or similar.


The mechanic does not need to be complicated, just a desirability bonus will work. Please let use have churches :slight_smile: Honestly I am an atheist and could care less about religion but I love gothic church and cathedral design, they are beautiful! The old times are just not complete without churches, especially with cemeteries. Might as well remove the cemetery if religion in the game is an issue. Burying the dead is a religious practice. A shrine is a religious practice, if those are in the game why not a church?


Lol, the reason for no religion is that in this world there is no religion boggles the minds of those who think there should be religion — because……

Really, that’s all there is? Because… Lol!

In an infinite possibility of realities, there always has to be religion?

Well there’s a shrine so there’s at least some level of worship/spirituality in Frontierville

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How about adding a courthouse and a jail?

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That’s fair, but I think I speak for a lot of us when we say we’d love to see it. So please put it up on some masterplan :slight_smile:

That being said, is there a way that for now the terrain generation system can be tweaked so that if it creates an island it raises a land bridge between the island and the nearest point of land, and that if a map is cut in two by water it connects the halves?

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There is an alternative to this imo, the game could have a church/chapel/temple to mourn the dead
A priest could be there to console visitors

The decision is fine I guess, it is very modern and fits the ‘atheist thought’ that all drama stems from religion, which is of course very shallow
We live in a day and age where mankind is its own god and burns the world
Maybe the game could have an apocalypse? :grin:


I agree with it, reading it in a modern way. Religions, whatever one is talking about (Greek / Roman, Celtic, monotheistic pantheon and any other before or after) has always existed and has always influenced humanity, for good (arts) and for evil (oppressions and / or wars) . To have some kind of idolatry (optionally) simply to characterize a little of the society reproduced in the game, without the slightest external political or social consequence, seems to me appropriate.
My two cents about it.

В любом случае церков это одно из красивых построек и не важно с какой верой это связоно. Да для каждого человека можно добавить настраиваюмую религию где можно выбрать храм для служение.

I guess the Farthest Frontier earth, has a main advantage over our earth.

No religion, so no bullshitting in the names of gods or believes!

I like that! :+1:


Fair enough.

Any chance the map generation algorithm/rule set could be modified to prevent fish and mineable etc spawning on inaccessible islands though?

It’s just a little painful when they are wasted spawns :wink:

And there’s always being a little creative and using the imagination too!


“Where the game is set is something we’ve largely left for the player to decide.”

Nothing in the game looks Chinese, Arabic or Aztec. Nor Greek or Roman, for that matter. There’s no gunpowder or any other obvious technology developed (in Europe) after the 14th century. No non-European or non-medieval products like coffee, cotton or silk. There’s no bronze or anything reminding us of antiquity. The setting doesn’t look tropical, Mediterranean or like any place in Africa, for example. It has deer, boar and bears.

I’m no historian but the game is pretty obviously set in central or Northern Europe, sometime between the 6th and 14th century, I’d guess. The only unusual thing is the Sumac, I think. Oh, and the North American buttonbush. But I guess super-early European settlers to North America would work too, maybe.

It doesn’t have to be historically accurate at all (even for a frontier settlement, women are remarkably similarly treated to men), but not implementing a church because we might feel it making the game too European-looking seems almost ridiculous to me. Imagine seeing an Mayan pyramid, Greek or buddhist temple in this! Even a basilica would look out of place. The setting simply isn’t as open as that.

On the other hand, I don’t mind them keeping it fictional and avoiding Christian or other symbols. The “church” can simply be a prayer hall, and named such. Just a place for the community to come together and tend to their spiritual needs. It’s just something people at the time really needed, even if our settlers are religiously persecuted refugees in an alternate universe (instead of tax evaders as the intro implies :wink: ).

Of course, a “make your own religion” system is always pretty fun, especially when not too gamey and more for roleplaying and maybe aesthetic reasons. A loftier goal, but something I would throroughly enjoy as well!

Clearly, my people need to capture raiders for human sacrifices. What could be controversial about that? :stuck_out_tongue:


From where you quoted:


And yet, wouldn’t you say an acropolis, mosque or step pyramid as places of worship would be at odds with the rest of the look? It’s too obviously inspired by one part and time of the world. The intention may be to leave things ambiguous and vague, but I just don’t see that working in practice. In an alternate world, you can of course mix and match anything if you like, but this kind of stark contrast isn’t used at all in the current build.

Most such Medieval city builders have churches in them, so I wouldn’t expect any drama about it. Though I absolutely understand the want for a deeper system than just another need of your people to be fulfilled (mechanics-wise), instead of just copying those builders. But to pretend this could just as likely be set bordering the Aksumite or Ghana Empire than the HRE or Poland? The architecture, climate, flora and fauna, technology used, it all points to a certain time and area. Players can’t really decide to set their village into 17th century China or 2nd century Rome, because it looks nothing like that!

So when adding a “prayer hall” or “community hall”, I still think it should look like a Central or Northern European Medieval church (which already includes a vast range of styles), because everything else is done in this style. What really is the problem with that?


Honestly, I hate religion in games. I hate it in real life, too. Waste of time and money. Pretty buildings, pretty music, ugly wars, bigoted laws, banned books, illiterate followers… not a great tradeoff. Balancing out AI’s religious preferences and keeping them happy because of that level of nonsense is annoying. No thanks.