I’ve heard that certain sets only drop in high SR. I would like to know which items(excluding MIs) need to be target farmed from specific enemies or encounters.
SR sets are Ember’s Calling, Goredrinker, and Veilkeeper, then there is also the Shattered Guardian which is bought
Only the sets specific to SR.
Otherwise you’re talking sets like Lokaar’s on Ultimate which is only available if you target farm it, but that’s not in SR.
Krieg’s set has also only individuals to drop the pieces. They won’t drop from Totems or SR.
Krieg set is technically an MI, so that would be why
legendary MIs: Grim Dawn Item Database, has to be targetfarmed from their respective boss, many/most(all?) wont even drop in SR/Crucible either
There’s also the Vanquisher set which only drops from chests at the end of the roguelike dungeons.
Alky rings and weapon, Gargabol pistols, Morgos stuff, Magi rings etc… plus superboss items
Thanks everyone. The particular set I was interested in was Bonemonger. It seems like it’s not locked behind anything, so that’s good.