Why not make CC work on bosses?

https://www.grimtools.com/monsterdb/262/skills Though it is not listed as Nemesis.

Annie still has purple name even when you hit nemesis against her. That version (the 169 version for cruci peeps) is technically the nemesis but the game just doesn’t consider her as such.

Okay. Lmao. So 169 = celestial + nem + Dravis

This happens surprisingly more often than you’d think. :wink:

The guaranteed ‘heroes’ in Arkovian Undercity and the Grand Viziers in the Dermapteran Hive have boss stats, but count as heroes for name/faction purposes. They were changed for faction farming reasons I believe but their stats - to my knowledge - never retreated.

Also. Annie drops are celestial-tier. A blue helmet on lower levels and a purple one on higher levels. Now look at what ravager, mogdrogen and calla drops.

@ceno so that’s why they’re a threat when levelling, huh. Except for the dermapteran, he sucks.

Yeah. But Annie’s drop isn’t garaunteed whereas that of ravager is

Oh right. Let’s try again. Roguelike tier drop would me more appropriate


Back in my legit days, it took hundreds of 170 cleats for me to get 1 Annie helm

Noob. I never even farmed for that item. It just appeared instantly!


In my first character, I farm her for two days and not a single drop of anal purple helm.

Then the next day, I played crucible a couple of times and the anal helm dropped.

There should be an item/potion to increase drop rate of enemies, like jrpg style…

I dunno how you would wear this.


I can think of ways :slight_smile:

i can’t help but think that the current cc mechanics of gd is similar in its utility as the power up skills that only trigger for a few seconds when you kill something in borderlands series.

in borderlands, if you use those power-up-from-killing skills, you’re basically wanting to farm an area that has a lot of mobs to exploit it, or a boss that has weak minions.

however, if you face a single boss enemy that has totally no other enemies in its vicinity (basically a duel with the boss), such as s4turn, all your entire power-up-from-killing skills become totally useless aside from working as a step-stone to get higher tier skills.

even so, borderlands series still gives you a lot of opportunity to gain many benefits from those power up skills however, since most unique enemies, badasses, and red chests that offers good loots are surrounded by mobs most of the time.

in grim dawn though, end game bosses and champions immune to cc are numerous. and you can only get a lot of good loots in a short time by defeating them. if the situation in gd are put in the scope of borderlands game, it feels like your power-up-from-kill skills only triggers at under 10% chance when you’re killing enemies, thereby making players asks what good are those power up skills if they rarely activate when we kill enemies anyway? better put those points to boost more important things elsewhere.

so i still think that making cc effects’ interaction to the cc-immune enemies changed; such as freeze/stun become slow/reduced damage/OA, will still make cc relevant in end game without making it overpowered.

Regardless of number, there has certainly been a shift in the community towards builds being posted aimed at clearing Gladiator 150-170 or high shards (65-66 or 75-76) in record times.

I don’t want to throw out any names or make any personal attacks but this shift has been slowly and steadily influenced by the hardcore playerbase. That is what Zantai meant I believe.

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Maybe his wearing it is what made it purple

This shift has been made by the world. This is the reality we live in. People want to farm faster on flashy speeds because this is how current generations consume the content (too much content in the world, not enough time to consume everything). Not my type of thing at all, then again, i’m not a 17 college boy. I’m 31 with a degree in maths, i can’t compare my needs to the next generation needs. But i can observe them nonetheless.

Don’t overestimate the influence of hardcore players. At the end of the day everyone plays how they like and every global shift happens naturally, not by the will of any small group of “influencers”. And the shift is towards speed. You can choose to ignore it and stand your ground. But to specifically fight it? A big fat waste of time in my opinion.


Damn, there should be real kill skills in GD. The only decent one here are judicator rings. I didn’t like that they “buffed” bloodrager proc cause that was the only other good kill proc.

I do think that with players getting more and more experience in both buildmaking and piloting it is very natural for builds getting increasingly faster and should not be considered “bad” as it sometimes makes the impression. Additionally this community is only a small part of the playerbase according to Z. Without going too far into the discussion I want to remind that there is also the more casual player view of this topic.

I think casual players do not only underestimate how many enemies are vulnerable to CC, they also do not value CC much at all. Right, you can CC trash but even casual players don’t care about trash too much as it serves little thread usually. And when the casual player notices that without further precautions CC doesn’t really work against bosses he disregards its effect and shifts his attention to other factors of his build. In the end CC becomes something “that happens aswell, I guess”, which is sad as CC can add a very exciting dimension to the gameplay. I for one only ever use CC because it’s part of a skill that serves more important uses (CoF etc.)

I would really like GD to implement CC in a way that really changes the dynamic of fights and become more of an active factor in build design. And the possibility of CC’ing bosses is certainly one way to achieve this.
That being said, I don’t think it is worth the balancing effort for doing this in GD1. But I would like Z and the guys to keep the topic in the back of their head for GD2.

edit: spelling


I’m only seeing a mechanic being abused to turn bosses into literal jokes like it has happened in the past. I’m not basing it in some undocumented evidence, it has happened. And then literal months upon months trying to bring it to something resembling balance.

Another thing that can make CC abusable is because enemies are on a skill rotation. They use their skills in a specific order. So someone that has memorized Grava’s skill rotation will know when he uses the null and then just CC to prevent him from using the null. And that’s a boss that becomes a joke without needing to be CC chained, you can just CC him out of null and thus basically remove his major threat. And it doesn’t take much skill to stop it because he takes a couple of seconds to even use it, so you have an huge window to just CC him.

And this is just me, but seeing what is supposed to be an unstoppable juggernaut getting stunned for even just a second kind of takes away a lot of the threat.

That really doesn’t explain why people bitch about Arcane and healer heroes. If people just explode them, why are they are complaining about them?

Agreed. It would be interesting to see the new aRPG with some classic flavor where you actually have to put in some thought in fighting bosses with your abilities, not just loldps everything with occasional dodging

The only common complaint i remember is you can’t really see them in the crowd to deny their one time strong and annoying abilities. Whether you explode them or CC doesn’t really matter at that point cause their job of annoying you is already done. CC would matter much more if heroes had 3x+ of their current health. And would spawn together with bosses.

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