Why not make CC work on bosses?

What disappoints me most about this discussion is how people seem hyperfocused on the strengths of glass cannons - I.e. supersonic clear speeds, and flashy DPS values.

IMO - this is merely indicative of such a build doing its job well.

What is neglected, however, is that the vast majority of these builds are destroyed as quickly as they destroy things.

Again - a hallmark characteristic of glass cannons.

Adding a split second of CC minimizes this danger tremendously.

  1. Maiden charging at you? CC her, move close. Finish her. #fatality
  2. Grava about to fire his ball? CC him. He’s harmless for the next few seconds.

The list goes on.

Also, this DPS Meta is adopted only by a handful of experienced players imo. In the many help-me-please GT’s I’ve given feedback on, 9/10 of them err too much on defense IMO. But that’s something I personally try not to tweak as it all boils down to player preference.

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I enjoyed way more campaign fights over the harder content, because I feel like my skill plays more of a meaningful role in the outcome, like dodging nukes, knowing whats gonna happen, etc. When doing SR (only 61 and normal) I feel like its just a DPS battle, they go down before I go down, not that my skills play a major role on it.

SR is universally agreed to be heavily RNG influenced past a certain point. Crucible, however, is entirely skill dependent.

Hence the speed-demons.

What is a speed demon?

I think the “problem” of the DPS meta is that it boils to: “minimize the interaction between a build and its enemies”.

It would be interesting to hear your opinion on toning down the overall damage (both player and enemies). That would allow and force builds to interact with their opponents.

Edit: This would create overall more meaningful encounters IMO. You would acually have to regard opponents skills and actions instead of killing them before they become appearant.

Edit2: Dont get me wrong I do think that glass cannon playstyle feels more exciting from a pilot point of view but why not try to enable interactive fighting AND glass cannon playstyle. Glass cannon playstyle should not be an argument against enabling game mechanics such as CC (or others).

Yeah, the damage from both parties is way too high, I get sometimes oneshot in 0.15 seconds, without even knowing what is going on. That should change.

It would make defensive options kind of pointless because you are no longer taking major damage. And you would no longer need to care about enemy’s major attacks since they don’t deal as much damage as before.

Then you would need to tone down the defensive options to match the offensive ones and we would back to where we are now.

There is minimal interaction because everything is pre-emptively done.

It’s far more engaging.

Here’s a brief explanation of but one example

Takeaway the DPS, and this archetype is rendered obsolete.

It’s hard to have a unbiased conversation about this topic, since plenty of players dedicated hundred of hours on builds, which would mean if anything remotely resembling a change might happen, that effort would be in vain, thus the overall vibe of: “things are OK how they are, dont touch it”.

I’m not talking about a specific build. I’m talking about an entire genre of build types.

Again. This is but one example of my thought process when playing a glass cannon, and it changes based on the spec I’m piloting.

I.e. how I piloted nery’s AAR spec is entirely different from how I piloted my dark ones

Because they are annoying when you don’t notice them. If you do, they go down pretty fast in my experience. It is mostly about one on the corner of your screen, doing its damage while you are busy with something else in the middle.

That ofcourse doesn’t apply to situations where there are a couple of Healers with resistance to your dmg type, healing each other while being outside the range of your AoE so you can only focus on one at a time.

But that has only ever been a problem for me in SR where it is easily countered by simply running away and killing something else to fill up the bar.

To all the players here who think DPS builds trivialize the game, I’m more than happy to upload a series of specs I’ve created that I can pilot consistently in crucible for them to have a go.

I don’t know if the reply made as a reply to me was intentional. Probably not, but since it did happen I might as well use this chance to further clarify my stance on this :stuck_out_tongue:

All I want is for CC to be something viable to go for in the same line as DPS, or Tank.

Just like one can make glass cannons or stone walls, I would like the option to make characters that focus on weakening enemies, freezing them, stunning them, slowing them etc to get stuff done.

Ofcourse given the age of the game, such a change could end up more trouble than it is worth. So perhaps for GD2…

And personally I don’t see the problem with CC working on everything because other games manage to pull it off without breaking anything. But since Grim Dawn is Grim Dawn, I rather not draw parallels.


It wasn’t intentional. The button was just right there. Sorry!

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I thought so :yum:

He just wanted to spank you.

This is very very true. But in the current state of GD1, where every build has access to both some form of CC, as well as DPS possibilities, the only way this can happen is through itemization.

Which would still make CC unavailable to most builds.

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i wonder, if you want to gather a lot of materials/MI from a specific mobs (undead corpse dust/ectoplasm and spectral weapon MI’s for example), does end builds investing heavily on cc can farm them faster compared to end builds that doesn’t invest into cc at all? if the farm speed differences are negligible, then cc may have its end game place on farming specific monster materials/MI.

cc are still really good for levelling though. just like how crate handle the state of cc to their liking. crate’s cc power on gd players to maintain the status quo of cc is astounding.

I don’t think so. Very few items give -X% CC to enemies

Mageslayer, rimetongue, that blue inquisitor set, and some modifiers in the conduits.

That being said, you could probably use CC vastly to Your advantage if executed well