Are you talking about the resist reduction on viper? Because if so it is calculated last and relative to enemies final resistances…so tends to be very weak.
Its not ocultist that should be nerfed its soldier, or to be more precise, cadence and specially break morale.
The wording on Viper is “x% reduced resistances”. I am not referring to that.
i said -11% x resistance on top -100%x resistance. If they stack it’d be -111% x resistance.
I want to know opinions on which should i prefer - a little extra OA (which i can compensate through gearing) and Chariot’s Heal proc vs the extra 11% resistance shred
There’s no exact grimcalc to this, it’s just a doubt that arose in my mind. I personally would go with shred, but would like to know what others think
The devs said they intended Cadence to be a good single target damage skill which it is. I noticed when using grimcalc that at ultimate levels the cd of the skill lines perfectly with the duration for which the resistances will remain broken ensuring the enemies resistance remain broken at all times
In that case it would be a 5.5% increase in total damage done, or more if the target had >0% resistance to start with. That is almost certianly more DPS than the OA from chariot is bringing (you’d need it to be adding 5.5% crit chance if you average crits in the X2 damage range) and I never much cared for the chariot heal…
Actually I can see this one going either way. 5.5% total damage is the figure to beat and you try with and without chariot to see how that OA affects you. And then there is the matter of how much the chariot heal/da buff is worth to you.
The cooldown is 7.5 seconds and the resistance break is 5. Not sure where you are seeing this figures but I doubt it is break morale.
It’d be about timing my potions and heal spells. Like i said i can compensate the OA through gear. It’d lack a bit but not much.
Also, what do you mean by this?
or more if the target had >0% resistance to start with
Oh yeah i misread it, the disruption goes on for 7.5 seconds+ at ultimate levels, thanks
You said you already have -100% resistances (absolute resistances)
This means that if we are looking at a target with 0 base resistances:
0 - 100% = -100%, or exactly 200% of sheet damage.
0 - 111% = -111% or exactly 211% of sheet damage. This is a 5.5 percent increase in damage dealt.
If the target has say 50 base the numbers become -50% and -61%, or 150% sheet damage and 161% sheet damage. This is a 7.33% increase in damage done. Hence absolute resist reduction gets more powerful the more resistance a target starts with.
Viper type resistance reduction scales the opposite direction FYI with the 0 base resistance and -100 absolute modifier being the break even point where -X% and X% reduced are point for point equal.
Nerfing Cadence would be really stupid. People spent a long while complaining that it sucked (and it did) and they finally decided to buff it to be actually good. And now people want it nerfed again? Just no, just no.
Yes, Cadence is good now
It doesn’t have to be nerfed…
True nerfing Cadence would be stupid, but same goes for nerfing CoF
Thanks for clearing it up
One thing is good single target dmg , although its not just single target, and completely other is by far best auto atc replacer.
With buffed cadence soldier became by far best class in game, anything that uses soldier and goes sword and board can trash the game just by holding LMB with below average gear (yes, even batlemage I tried it).
What a hell why nerfing anything then, and in the past almost everything got nerfed to make game more ˝balanced˝.
And dont get me wrong I dont want it to be nerfed just stating obvious.