Will of Rattosh could use some serious buffs

Being nitpicky as hell here as well but Physical/Bleed pet builds have been known to go Blind Fury and bind it to one of their pets alongside Howl of Mogdrogen as well


For sure, doesn’t the bleed stack from each of the 3 summons for around 900 over 2 s?

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Should do. If grimtools is right, each Shadow also has 3 separate WPS with Bleed on each one, unfortunately they have a 4s cooldown so a good amount of Bleed duration is needed for more uptime. Also means their total Bleed output can be a bit sporadic because of each WPS having a 15% proc chance and the 4s cooldown.

Indeed, with 4 Blade Spirits and that scarab shield on top you can get absurd bleed ticks by just running around

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Quick sketch https://www.grimtools.com/calc/D2p9MJyV I made for that concept

Right, life leech RR is very powerful against Nem, but not nearly as noticeable against lesser hero/boss because they are less dangerous and vit already typically has the most life steal. A small radius wouldn’t change all that much, it would just help cooldown skills (without duration/tics, e.g Bone Harvest) proc it more frequently because of the 1 proc per cast/tic limitation.

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