Will the 64 bit client reduce stuttering?

EDIT: Issue appears fixed using Afterburner and Rivatuner to limit the framerate to 60. Even with V-sync, there seems to be some issue with framepacing and microstutter in this old engine, at least with some hardware. On a 1080ti I should have no issues with this game. But without AB the game is honestly a stuttering mess. It’s not big jumps but very small hitches when rotating the camera even when very little is going on. It seems to be an issue with frames and the engine. Thanks for the replies. I also use nocommit too because the constant saving was annoying anyway.

This is my only problem with the game at this point. I love just about everything else. I play on a 1080ti and 2600K and quite honestly the stuttering is pretty annoying all told. I was hoping some improvements could be made with one of the updates coming along. I saw the 64 bit client notice, but I know we can’t really use it. My hope is that it runs the game a lot smoother.

Have you tried adding /d3d9 to launch options?

I have horrible performance issues with gd too. Actually had the stuttering and strange hiccups from the start, seems those issues only gotten worse in recent time though.

Stuttering is and has always been a problem fixable on the players end and has nothing to do with an x64 client. Some cases may be caused by using cloud-saving and there have been a number of people that have stopped it by disabling it and switching to local saves. Another cause can be using the in-game Vsync. Disabling it and creating a game profile for GD in your GPU’s control panel and then forcing Vsync there instead may resolve it as well.

Some people recommend/prefer to run GD in Borderless which more or less can achieve the same thing as well. For my part I recommend just disabling Vsync in-game and forcing it in your GPU’s CP.

Trying either of these three usually solves the problem in most cases that I’ve read/seen. It is very rare that someone reports it not working and in those cases my best guess is a) the person simply doesn’t know what they are doing on PC, or b) they got shit hardware that doesn’t live up to the minimum specs. The majority of us here play GD with zero stutter. You can too and you can do it without assuming it’s something that needs to be fixed by the devs. It’s not.

Either that or a new PC solves the problem. My toaster runs GD almost flawlessly, I sometimes lag (game freezes for 0.5 - 5 secs), but it’s only because my PC is not a gaming PC but some random, old trash (from 2011 btw). Most people usually have weaker PCs and can’t afford a new one, that’s the most common reason why games are “not optimized”.

5th October stream:

"kobrao : oh and hows the internal testing of the 64 bit version going ^^ does it bring some fps improvements @Zantai_GD

Zantai_GD :I don’t expect the 64bit version will improve performance for most people"

Has there been an official poll or anything?

Just curious

Do you need a poll? Do you think that people just keep playing a game that constantly stutters?

Just curious. I know I wouldn’t.


Some of the people I have “spoken” with says that they don’t mind stuttering now and then - but if it was constant stuttering you are probably right.

One could also argue that “most of us” play GD just because we have no stuttering issues and those that had/have such problem has given up GD. So your answer/reasoning is based on selection. And how many are these “most of us” compared to the 1000000 or so people who have bought the game?

I didn’t think it was that kind of a conversation. Didn’t think we were going to be nitpicking the topic and haggling over what hundreds of thousands of people who don’t come to the forum do or do not do. I think it’s safe to say tho that they aren’t here complaining that their game is stuttering. Don’t much matter. It’s a problem that can be fixed by the player fairly quickly in nearly all cases.

*“Most of us” naturally means most of us who frequent the forums. You could probably get away with also subtly implying most everyone who has bought (and at least played) the game and who has also not left a crappy “tech” support review on Steam, or emailed Crate for tech, or posted anywhere else for tech problems for GD. Factor in GD’s all around “high marks” from reviewers most everywhere and I think you could make a case for it.

Never experienced “stuttering” in gd, but fps drops are real. Doubt nothing will really fix that though.

Also try /nocommit as a launch option.

What does that one do? I know /d3d9 does (something that I’m unclear on) that slightly reduces graphics quality but drastically smoothed FPS - at least for me…

/d3d9 forces the usage of the old renderer since some hardware doesn’t like the DX11 one.
/nocommit reduces the constant saving the game attempts I think. Without it on, the game tries to save whenever you pick up an item, which caused a noticeable stutter for me even with an SSD.

It doesn’t cause any progress loss if you crash, it still saves plenty often.

I run a 1080ti and a 2600K. There are zero problems with my PC. Zero.

SO I will try these things to see if they work.

Best of luck then. I gotta GTX 960 (prior to that was using a GTX 760) and an i5-3350P. Nothing wrong with my setup either and yet… no stutter :wink:

The idea is this game has always had issues. My PC is far more powerful than yours and should not have a single issue here. It doesn’t have issues in any other games. I am running ultra at 1440p, but 1080p shows the same kinds of issues.

/nocommit did nothing.

Cloud saves did nothing or very little. It seems to be some issue with v sync.

What kinda stutter are we talking about here, btw, constant microstutter no matter what’s going on? Or are you confusing fps drops from massive onscreen activity to stuttering? There’s a difference and I suppose some people might confuse that difference.

The point of me telling you my specs was to show you that I can run it on less powerful hardware just fine at medium-high settings, 1080p. No problem.

This is microstutter. And no it isn’t solved either atm. Tried forcing vsync and changing allowed frames ahead and whatever else in inspector. I think with nocommit it might have been smoother but IDK. Bud, I’m not a PC noob, so stop acting like I don’t work with PCs. I’m 34 and extremely well ingrained into PC culture.

Now it’s back to its shitty self again micro stutter everywhere.

IDK maybe you don’t use all Ultra settings. Maybe it’s that you aren’t actually maxing this game or something. I should not be having these issues. It could be their ultra shadows at work. I am the one that actually asked for those before they were implemented. I will do more testing.

I don’t really like clicking cloud saving as then my save doesn’t even show up. I should not have to mess with such a setting to reduce microstutter in game. Will investigate nocommit more.