[WIP][MASTERY] The Rift Wardens

“The Rift Wardens”

Possible Class Image:

Preface – I have very limited modding skills so this will take some time to flesh out, but I am confident I can get this done. We have a great community that is willing to lend a hand so I am sure I can get the resources I need. This will be a great learning experience for me and am very excited to venture down this road.

Also please excuse the terrible writing of the backstory. Mainly there to justify/explain the idea behind the class.

Outline of Goals:
-Create Rift Warden Mastery
-Create Rift Warden set items and unique items (possibly with custom meshes, let’s see how far I can get first)
-Create Rift Warden Faction: This is actually what I am most excited for myself. I would love to have a custom hideout, complete with a full quest line, items, NPC’s, and maybe even a repeatable dungeon of some sort.

Rift Wardens are an ancient cult who focus their time traversing rifts to rid the land of foul beings. First discovering rifts thousands of years ago, they have remained in secret until the day of the Grim Dawn. Gathering recruits from a very early age, often in secret or against peoples will, they will do whatever necessary to protect the world of Carin. Their training allows them to travel short distances through the rift to close gaps on enemies and traverse the world faster than a normal human. Rift Wardens rely on focusing their energy to deal Chaos and Vitality damage, literally ripping the life force from their enemies. Some very experienced Rift Wardens can harness that life force to bolster their own or unleash it with devastating force. Years of battle have left many with some form of corruption leading many to become tormented by the very demons they fight. This torment allows them to further their destructive capability, however at a great costs to their fortitude.

When the Grim Dawn occurred Rift Wardens started to become more common, often stepping through rift gates stained in blood of their enemies. As more and more rifts opened, their true value became apparent to the remaining members of the military. They formed a temporary alliance to achieve a common goal of ridding Carin of evil. The additional training received from the military only furthered their skills in battle, with many becoming skilled warriors of both blade and magic.

With the war ongoing new Rift Wardens are being recruited every day to join the ranks against evil, perhaps you will be the next?

Play Style:
I want to design the mastery to be flexible in combat offering a wide variety of play styles while still maintaining a common theme. Combat skills will include debuffs to enemy resistances, tormenting lesser beings causing them to flee in fear or cause battlefield confusion, life/energy stealing, and powerful spells to vanquish your foes. On the defensive side, teleporting or Rift Walking as we will call it, will allow the Rift Warden to travel short distances either offensively or defensively, offering him/her great mobility on the battlefield. Other options include cloaking yourself in Rift energy to enhance your combat abilities or weaken your foes.

Skill Tree:

Added a spreadsheet with what I am working on. All skills have comments with their descriptions and functions.

If anyone has any ideas/suggestions you might want to see I am highly open to skill discussion or backstory flesh outs. Again this is my first time doing a mod so I have a lot to cover but I am sure we have plenty of good ideas floating around.

Attachment: images.jpg
Attachment: grave_knight_by_deivcalviz-d5zo3qs.jpg
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Sounds like…Zenith. :eek:

I’m not entirely sure whether you can do Rift of Corruption or not. You’ll probably need to finagle with pets to get it to work.

Erm, just making an aoe which causes mind control should do the trick just fine…


So? It only applies once? Assuming it only applies to each target once (and not just the first target and thats it), it wouldn’t matter if the duration of the mind control is equal or greater the duration of the effect which causes the mind control. I’m assuming with a 30 second cooldown, the duration would only be around 10 seconds, and the mind control he says was 12-20 soooo despite that inconvenience, he’s in the clear.

I apologize for it sounding similar, however I assure you that I didn’t intend for it to be that way. Fact of the matter is I haven’t even clicked your mod thread prior to you mentioning something. I was bored at work and had time to kill so I cam up with this.

On a side note the Editor, and Asset Manager are super confusing and we don’t have video tutorials on this stuff yet. I shall persevere!

I made a video tutorial for making masteries in the Asset Manager.

I’ll make something for the world Editor when I figure out how to use it myself without crashing the program.

Elfe made a HUUUUGE, extremely detailed World Editortutorial already.

Of course, I’m sure people would rather have it in video format but I think elfe left nothing untouched in that tutorial. He spent weeks making it, lol.

Cheers! thanks!

I have a question about skills. Are we limited in the fact that each skill template can only do one action such as a bolt, aoe, passive, etc? My modifier skill “Lingering Void” would cause rift bolt to split upon impact(like the replicating missile) and then create small AoE’s on the ground of the first target each bolt hits. Is that something that is possible without custom scripting, or am I limited to just splitting the bolts, or just an AoE effect?

Also just poking around a little last night, the asset manager isn’t as bad as it looks. Figured out how to open the tutorial map and was looking at skills in there, seems pretty straight forward. Ceno I still need to get through your whole video, was only able to watch about 10 minutes last night.

You can probably do it with autoCastSkills. Use the records/controllers/itemskills/cast_@enemyonattack_100%.dbr autoCastController.

Basically what you would do is make a skill record with the skillModifier template, and then leave it more or less completely blank aside from skillTier, skillMaxLevel, skillUltimateLevel, relevant UI information, and the autoCast information. Then you would actually create your AoE skill however you want and just link it to the skillModifier via autoCastSkill.

Edit: Actually, also assign projectileFragments (and an associated #) in the Projectile Config header of the modifier, too. The fragments will be able to proc the autoCastSkill.

Thanks Ceno I appreciate it! I have a feeling I will be asking many many more questions as things progress.

Am I mistaken in thinking that adding an autocast controller to skills prevents them from being used with devotions?

Just something to consider, if this is the case.

If you do it to a skill modifier it will work like an autocast thing but you can still assign a Devotion to the base skill.

From Zenith:

Edit: You are correct though. If you wanted to edit Devotion skills to accept skill_modifier.tpl skills, assigning an autoCastController in this manner would prevent such Devotions from being used on otherwise applicable skills.

Hey friends,

Thanks to Ceno’s video tutorial I was able to make my first skills with custom icons and all. I used savagery as a base skill, however when I put damage modifiers on there it seems to have multiplied them all by a power of 2 or so.

For simplicity sake I used “Offensive Chaos” making the minimum value 10, but in game it shows as 23 and I have no idea why.

Any ideas?

What is your weapon damage? Charge multipliers? And what modifiers do you mean? It’s hard to say what is causing what without knowing everything.

Hey my bad for not elaborating, still working my way around the databases :slight_smile:

Anyway here is a quick summary of what I have:
-Using a chargedscaling.tpl
-Under skill config I set 5 charge levels(50%,75%, 100%, 125%, 150%)
Weapon damage % is set to 100 for all levels. Is this the % of your equipped weapon damage to use in calculation of the skill prior to charge levels?
-Offensive Absolute values are “Chaos” at “Chaos Min” array starts at 5 then 10, 15, etc.
-Offensive Slow Life is set to the same values above with the addition of “Duration Min” at 3.0

Here is what shows in game:

I have no idea why its showing as 11 and 33 damage when it should be 10 and 10. Also where is the 100% to All Damage coming from? I looked everywhere and could not find it.

If you need more screenshots let me know. And thank you for your patience I really appreciate both of you taking the time to lend a hand. I searched and searched tutorials but we don’t really have a large database of them right now.

I personally am working to compile a list of database definitions as many are missing and very confusing for someone new to the editor.

Let me guess, you have more than 50 spirit?

Was just using a test character and his Spirit is showing as 55. After you mentioned that I remembered that it will increase those damages by .33% per point. Although that still raises the question how is it I set the Vitality Damage to be 10 and it shows 33?

11 * 3 = 33