[WiP][MOD] Deviant Dawn

Welcome to Deviant Dawn. The goal of the mod is to take everything in Grim Dawn and multiply the fun factor by x1 million.

Seriously though, the original goal is to rework all mastery skills and make them more satisfying to play. This also includes adding new skills.

Another goal is basically everything else once I’m done with each mastery.

  • Devotion - rework existing procs and add new ones, potentially rework all defense only constellations into offense

  • Items - incorporate existing mods (wink wink) and also adjust items for added/modified skills

  • World - expand it. Will see when the time for this will come.

Current status


NEW SKILL - Panetti’s Replicating Strike
– a default charged weapon attack that spawns orbiting Panetti missiles (same as the revamped Missile skill) and also fragments on higher levels

Panetti’s Replicating Missile
– reworked the original skill to be a visual eye feast and just plain more awesome. Also does weapon damage.

Olexra’s Flash Freeze
– now a toggle perma buff that activates when you’re hit

Trozan’s Sky Shard
– original skill is now more akin to Devastation in behavior but with a short cooldown.

  • Frozen Core now activates an aoe field of icy death :smiley:
  • Shattered Star now activates an electrical storm… :smiley:

Maxed out Trozan’s Sky Shard line demo:

Albrecht’s Aether Ray

  • original skill now pierces. Doesn’t have annoying cooldowns and the rotation doesn’t suck. Also does weapon damage.
  • Tainted Power is now Frost Power and converts Aether to Cold
  • Disintegration triggers a fiery AOE… Hell yes! :smiley:

Callidor’s Tempest

  • now a damaging aura (damage types similar to original skill) that ticks faster the more you level it up
  • not 100% satisfied with the animation, need to tone down the intensity perhaps

Other skills:
will add an awesome pet
exclusive skills had some hopefully cool changes :wink:
did plenty of stuff but still not satisfied with all to write about it yet.

Also worth noting: all skill procs I add scale with skill level unlike item procs which are fixed.

When will the mod be finished? Who knows really… took me some time to work the ins and outs of skills (the channeled skills still elude me grrrr) but now it’s taken off. I would say at least a week for each mastery so at least 5 more weeks until those are all done (probably more depending on work).

Much more to write but later :stuck_out_tongue:

Reserved for more bla bla :cool:

I’m really digging that Replicating Missile and the Aether Ray. Nice!

Following this as part of Project Cornucopia. We’ve already revamped Arcanist (didn’t make AAR pierce, though the topic came up). I’ll be interested to see where you take things.

Replicating Missile, Aether Ray, and Sky Shard look sick. I love that you are reworking the skills to be more flashy. Definitely going to be following development.

Ah !
So it’s you who made those really awesome youtube videos :slight_smile:

Very nice job with the spell effects!
I love where you’re going!

Olexra’s Flash Freeze
I’m guessing the conversion will also make the skill trigger from Devotion so we will be able to apply a Devotion to it.
That was the main issue for me with this mastery.
Olexra’s Flash Freeze always been useful and was one of the few skills available to the Arcanist but was not really useful since no Devotion could be linked to it.
(Might have been changed in latest builds, been a while since I played)

EDIT: Did you make custom effects for most of the skills?
They looks really good and I recognize a few of them but they all modified :slight_smile:
That’s pretty cool!

Are you doing your own art?

You motherfucker you finally released the first version? Congrats, can’t wait to try it out tomorrow. Looks fun as fuck.

Yeah, this looks great! Cant wait for a release!

Nice :slight_smile: I’ve no doubt you guys did a fine job and I’ll look more into Cornucopia for adjusting balance for my own mod. Especially when it comes to skill etc. damage numbers.

I do want to keep things balanced but with the ability to go “OP” if you really invest in certain skills.

In these first stages of dev. I had some problems with the particle editor so I basically re-used available effects. Though for example if you take a loot at my Panetti Missile… the used effect is by default a lobbing missile and I changed it into a straight line so it feels better. But yes there will be more custom effects as the need comes up.

You mean textures or? I’ll be making my own textures for new skills. Though I’m no artist and can’t draw for shit :stuck_out_tongue: so Photoshop magic to the rescue.

:smiley: no release yet dude. Though I could provide a test release at some point if there’s interest.

no release yet dude. Though I could provide a test release at some point if there’s interest.

Oh, You can count me in for that! If you would need some testing done :slight_smile:

Here’s a video of my new pet prototype for Arcanist

Basically took an existing pet summon item skill (that I’m not sure if it’s even available in the game?) which is some sort of Flesh Hulk and modified it’s animation parameters so it can dual wield weapons of my choice.

Also replaced the running animation so it’s an awesome fast Aetherial killer lol

The inital pet deals aoe Aether resist debuff + slow and naturally a basic dual wielding single target auto attack. Any wishes for secondary skills?

Honestly i would like to have a test version … i really like how your changing a lot of the skills to be more appealing … as well as adding alot of function to them.

Considering mods like grimmest just up the amount of mobs and boss encounters … this would be great to have fun and test with … so im all for it.

So far it looks really promising … keep up the good work and if you can link to a test version … would be very appreciated.

I love your work ! Really good changes to aether ray that way so slow.Now gameplay feels smooth and fluid.
Also I like you missiles changes ;).

First I need to finish at least 1 mastery. At least the visual/technical aspect of the skills so I can move on to another while you guys hopefully give some feedback :slight_smile:

I like the Trozan’s Sky Shard animation but seem a bit too much projectiles for a low class skill would take much away from devastation maybe start sky shard at 3 then every 3 levels +1 projectile ?

p.s i am in awe of the rpmissles

I’d be more than happy to give you any and all feedback you require but don’t rush lol, I can wait for this type of quilty.

I liked your reworked skills and that new arcanist pet :wink: but… aren’t they going to be just a bit OP? For example, that pet seems to have too much aggro (taunting).

All skills shown are at max level with modifiers… and yeah it’s not finalized. Also, I’ll replace Devastation with something more awesome since it’s too similar to Sky Shard now. EDIT: I’ll be removing Devastation and moving up the last Sky Shard modifier with lightning storm procs.

It was just a prototype. Now it actually has the same aggro parameters as Briarthorn.

As for OP etc. well all the skills will require some number balance passes … also probably ramp up monster numbers aka implement Grimmest or similar. We’ll need to test the difficulty curve for sure.

Not a problem… I am more just excited to try the stuff since I’m kind of amazed on what you have accomplished so far… keep up the good work … and keep us posted. :slight_smile: