[WiP][MOD] Deviant Dawn

You know what’s cool? You can make monsters dual wield 2H weapons :smiley:

After hours of experimentation on how to make debuff auras tick faster (and the conclusion it’s basically not possible) I decided to use a hack of my own making and created the new Callidor’s Tempest that’s now a damaging aura:

Mind you, this is v1 not 100% complete, especially the animation.

What’s the hack? Well I basically use a buffattackradiustoggled template as the base skill which then uses autocast to proc a buffattackradiuslightning template without an effect and a short duration. This way we can control targetinterval :smiley:

Arcanist is now almost complete… .still have to decide what to do with Nullification and perhaps add another modifier to Sky Shard.

That’s pretty neat!
I’ll have to try it myself and see how it works :slight_smile:
autoCastController is 100% chance on attack?

I’m just wondering how this work :slight_smile:
Which template deal the damage, buffattackradiustoggled or both?
Anyway, love it!

Your spells are epic :smiley:

For my case yes… Doesn’t have to be though.

Again, depends on what you want. For Calidor’s only 1 does damage which is the one that is autocasted… the first skill is simply used as a trigger.

The previously made skill Iskandra’s Rage has been scrapped (I’ll use the ice crystal summons for another mastery).

Instead we now have Panetti’s Replicating Strike… because Panetti wanted to smash monsters face to face! :smiley:

Makes for some fun melee playstyle :wink:

Also modified Maiven’s animation… basically just has that “invisible” distorted outline of the bubble… removed the flashy stuff from the inside. Oh and merged Mirror of Ereoctes with the Maiven skill line. Basically the whole line is now a worthy investment that can grant you mitigation/life regen/reflect/retaliation… depending on how you invest.

The realization that I can’t use both devotions and autocast on the same skill (as they’re both considered celestial powers) made me come up with an even better idea… I hope.

Move the procs to invisible devotion stars… so basically the more you use a skill as you level up the stronger it’s procs become! Will test this idea out over the weekend.

How heavy is CT on a gpu now with that constant big spiral ?

CT is no problem from my testing. The bigger problem is Panetti when missiles start to fragment all over the place at max levels.

Nightblade’s companion can get enraged… with a growth buff :smiley:

How did you get that growth buff :stuck_out_tongue: i wouldn’t mind doing something like that for the hell hound. if you don’t care to share.

For a buff that causes growth you can check out the possesion (with an X at the end or something) .dbr file in Occultist. It’s the old one that made your char grow.

I then attached it to a pet skill as a proc.

Very awesome, thank you!

First tests with a channeled chain lightning

Man this is so awesome i actually read all pages and view all videos.

Keep it up man!

So many talented modders i see around here!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I know I’ve been quiet on details, sorry 'bout that folks. Initially I wanted a test build out once I had at least 1 mastery somewhat done.

However with the good progress I’ve been making it seemed off to release anything yet. I’m currently at 3 Masteries (Arcanist, Duelist, Shaman) 99% done. Tons of reworked skills. With that said here’s a new teaser:

Earthquake - a new Shaman skill :smiley: The big rocks come with it’s modifier.

Man I cant wait for you to finish this mod…looks so damn awesome.

DUELIST!? New Class, or misstype?

Oh dear I messed up :eek: misstype sorry. Though with all the changes I’ve made it’s basically like getting 6 new classes.

Speaking of which here’s some new teasers:

Blessed Hammer for Soldier, maxed out:

Forcewave rework:

Blade Spirit rework:

Forcewave rework:


Ah… I see… the changes look absolutely amazing… I cant wait!