[WiP][MOD] Deviant Dawn

All these skills look absolutely amazing ! Cant wait to try them out. Of courser, i hope the difficulty is raised aswell :wink:

Yeah there will be adjustments needed once the skills are ready. There will be lots in play here though since I also plan on:

  1. removing all defensive Devotion options and implementing more defense into masteries
  2. change up items etc.

But yes, once Iā€™m mostly satisfied with how skills work itā€™s time to adjust their damage numbers. The plan is to make a lot of skills viable end-game if you can reach their ultimate levels and invest into all their modifiers.

Then weā€™ll see how it all works in Ultimate.

Did you abandon this mod?

Looks like he dead.

RIP LuxDelux 2015-2016

Damn before dying at least give us the source code and your gorgeous FXs :smiley:
I seriously hope this mod is not dead, was look forward to it !

At least you got to applaude him for being the first modder here to abandon his project.


No hating of course, he was pretty cool.

Ahah, thatā€™s a bit harsh though :stuck_out_tongue: We donā€™t even know if he has abandonned his mod yet, heā€™s probably just busy with life :slight_smile:

I hope he is. I was just doing some banter at him.

click on this link


those are definately abandoned projects :smiley:

Are they? I donā€™t see one. Maybe the ā€œSimple and Cheatā€ but it doesnā€™t seem like he need to work more on his stuff.

: Nevermind the previous page got a bunch of dead projects.

im sad for the dead of this mod:cry:

Apologies for not logging in guys. I was reaaaaaly busy the last few weeks and just didnā€™t have the energy to fiddle around the mod (or anything not work related for that matter lol).

Iā€™ll give it some effort today and over the weekend.

And rest assured, even if I decide to abandon it Iā€™d first release the work done so far :cool:

edit: working on Demolitionistā€¦ man that stuff is gonna be awesome :slight_smile:

Awesome dude

life goes onļ¼Œ just have a rest怂waiting for your good news

I have great expectations. The changes you have made so far looks absolutely amazing.

Iā€™d really love to try your mod if you are interested. I would be testing it with a friend of mine. We are both experienced players in Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Diablo 2 & 3, Path of Exile and Torchlight 2 so if youā€™re looking for valuable input, we could most certainly provide it.

Feel free to send me a PM here on the forums if this interests you.

Can we get an update on this mod? Iā€™ve been waiting for this since you started work on it. If you are unable to finish it can you provide what you have so far? Thanks!!!

very good ideas, keep up the good work !
Would be great if it was added to the DAIL pack

Heā€™s dead, man :frowning:

Can you leave us the files so someone else can work on this mod? Thanks!

Any news on this? The mod looks sick.