It’s very strong setup on standart game (my opinion). Can you help me with optimalization of armor for endgame? And, is this build useable in cruicible and SR? Thank you for your advice.
its really hard to say until you hit level 100 and start slaughtering stuff in ultimate. But witchblade well i have one that can do crucible easy SR 75 not so much but its a 2hander i dont think its what you want to play.
I don’t really have any experience with witchblade but I’d put Eldritch flame on pox and and flame torrent on cadence and abomination on charge. I think pox will proc so much better for eldritch flame
Thank you for advice. I have some additional questions.
Sorry for incomplete devotins on 100 lvl (on 66 lvl is full).
Why don’t use abomination with combination daying god? In future will be problem with CC’s duration time reduction and with attack damage convert to HP and attack speed? My vision is in compensation less dmg (shield) combinations daying god and abomination
Why you using abomination proc on cadence skill? Is it for comfortable playing? I use POX => every tick will have chance proc abomination. Cadence for eldritch fire. Is blitz necessary? On medal I have Northern Ram (glyph) => Better CD and I can safe 1 point. Hungering void = solael’s flame (no CD and small flat dmg).
Thank you for answers. Maybe, can you explain me important mechanics in your build? I have only 1 lvl 100 char and I’m newbie in grim dawn:)
DG is considered to be a must have constellation for chaos, but I couldn’t find a way to get DG and abom while still having decent core stats. It’s a typical problem for chaos devotion route, not just for your chaos Witchblade. Part of the reason why chaos is frowned upon by experienced buildmakers.
I haven’t been thinking all that much about it, just the first thing that looked ok at first glance. Consider the whole build I gave you to be a rough draft.
Ty for answers. I changed devotion settings for basegame. Link on build is below. Elite is now funny (realy big dmg and survival with nice hp pool). Problem is with resistance, but ultimate is far a way.
Cause RR is king and neither Soldier or Occultist have native RR. But chaos is also lackluster damage. It works well end game only with specific gear and even then isn’t impressive.
Basically what Nery said. Chaos is the weakest and least supported damage types and got just a few medium-strong archetypes. Soldier isn’t in any of them. If you want Shards and Crucible, don’t go for Chaos on your Witchblade. If you care only about campaign, sure, play Chaos, doesn’t matter much.
If you play DW physical builds, yes. It converts quite a lot of damage. For Cadence builds, DW are fine. For Blade Arc 2h. But basically physical is the strongest damage for Witchblades. But doesn’t matter if you enjoy playing chaos