Wolcen now on Early Access on Steam

There’s some progress.

Kind of…

Did you restart Steam and verify the cache? Supposedly that is helping other folks on the Steam forums.

Couldn’t help myself and bought the game.

It’s unplayable for me.

Crashed two times. Once in the menu and once when i started walking.

This has potential but i would definitely wait before buying in the EA.

Yes and yes. Nothing changed.

Guess I’ll wait a year or two before playing that piece of garbage.

…it’s early access.

you know. about how Grim Dawn was once, in a horrible buggy alpha state?

Complaining about it as snarky as one can on this forum isn’t really helping =\

Having said that, I will wait until it’s patched up a bit before giving money.

Crate at least waited until the game was in a playable state before putting GD on Early Access.

This game is more like a pre-alpha and shouldn’t be sold in its current state.

Eyyy, loved that heavy snow storm mod!

Gameplay vids - looks open world like Scared 2 is

2+ hour twitch stream broadcast

Live streams

The visual looks amazing with cry engine.
Reminds me the first time watching a demo of titan quest back in the days when the hero runs across the grasslands.

I have not made any purchase, still waiting for more reviews.
Few things I hope they get it right;

Gameplay. This need to be smooth and responsive.
LoadingTime. Faster the better.
Stability. No crashes.
Music. Pretty good at the moment.
Sound. Decent at the moment.
UI. Decent streamline at the moment.
Animation. Looks decent but need to be more fluid.
Gamepad. I hope they will work on supporting controllers.
Content. Need to be 100 hours+.

Overall impression… positive with a ton of potential for it to be one of the great arpg to come.

I was a kickstarter on this. It’s leaps and bounds above the prototype but still an early alpha and they state that. I can get a solid 65+ fps with my rig at max settings and its a beautiful game. I have occasional crashes and bugs but its expected. However, it has not been unplayable for me.

The game has massive potential if they can pull it off. Some of the early spells are quite impressive. The dev’s state the game is in early alpha and loaded with bugs etc. and warn people before they purchase. A lot of the Steam whining is people expecting a solid build at this stage and crying about wanting a refund.

I am honestly excited to see how this progresses forward. So much potential to topple all arpg’s for me ( no offense GD I love youz).

After giving it a whirl for an hour give or take a few minutes, I can say that the gameplay is going to be amazing, and so are the graphics…

…but the optimization needs to be HEAVILY focused on. I very much outrank the “recommended” requirements, and it runs like a 15 FPS slideshow on my rig.

I run Grim Dawn on all max settings like buttered crystal glass (except overly foggy areas where there is a very small interruption in smoothness), but this game runs horribly.

Spell effects are badass. I don’t mean this as a slam, but Grim Dawn could do well to mimic those lightning effects. THey’re -beautiful-

Model movement? Awful. Just…god awful. I hope they reconsider it. It’s like you’re playing a Quasimodo amputee with prosthetics as legs.

However, if these things get improved upon, this will be a very, very good ARPG I can sink my teeth into.

Grim Dawn uses Titan Quest’s engine, one that is 10 years old now, and you didn’t need to have a good PC to play that game. Cryengine came out around that time too, but they kept updating it adding new features, and even 10 years ago it was a demanding engine, which it still is today. Also, this game features scenery destruction.

That said, I wonder why does the game run so bad for some of you, maybe not optimized for Nvidia? This guy shouldn’t be getting those FPS if the GTX 980M truly equals GTX 970 (which I doubt because GTX 960M = 750 Ti, roughly). Nonetheless I get almost stable 60 FPS on my HD 7950 Boost (= R9 280) on Windows 8.1 with high settings at 1080p, so it’s gotta be something Nvidia related.

It just had another update. 479mb

Fix: crash at the end of the cave, close to the second spell book, entrance of the temple
This fix is caused by a bug of the renderer, we applied a temporary fix that transform the dynamic vegetations into normal vegetations. We look forward to make a full fix.

Fix: Correct version ID not appearing
Fix: Volumetric fog at startup
Fix: River sometime disapearing in the open world
Fix: Some Rocks disapearing in the open world

new: Zombie Dogs Level of Details, improving performance

Fix: Skull Crusher using the default pose
Fix: Many issue with Bandits being stuck in certain animations
Fix: Player Crossbow idle pose
Modified: All ghoul animation are updated
New!: Ghoul have new attack animation

Game runs horrible right now, for those holding out you should continue. Quite Sad as the lightning skill seems fun. I requested a refund might check it out later after it gets some optimization done to it. And yes I have a Nvidia

I have a gtx970 sc (single card currently) and I run a solid 65+ FPS at 144Hz.

Bought it and couldn’t play more than 2 minutes. Lacks a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT optimization

interesting, I have a GTX980M which is more or less the same, and I have 8 FPS or so at 1920x1080…

Me run perfectly! GTX890M at 1920x1080

Maybe your PC is set to power saving mode? Saw a guy the other day that had problems on his laptop due to this lol :undecided:

Not going to lower myself by complaining about an ALPHA build. All i know is the game is going to look sick. I got stuff i can do in the mean time. Be back to see how its getting on in 6 month.