Wolcen now on Early Access on Steam

No doubt. I agree that practice should stop. I also agree they were forced to go this route because of the a obscenely long dev time and poor choices with no money left.


D3 was the same too.

Can’t play on line, check
Broken builds (immune archon, demon hunters abusing environment) check
Bait and switch, check. D3 was only act one. We had no clue what was after.

Any argument that says this game is worse then that is one in semantics. Bad launch is bad launch regardless of the name of the company backing it.

This is why I stated wait for a bit.

I paid full price. Saved the money for a bit to buy it. Do I regret it, no. I already got my monies worth if I compare it to watching 3-4 movies at a theater without food (where I live movies are 10-12$ for 2 hrs)

GD is where it’s at. My wish now is Crate reconsidering “finishing this game” and go the route of keep it going with small quarterly things like more gear (like 3-5 items every 3 months), any other quality things (like that one mod that shows the rarity of affixes on the gear), adding floors to the rogue likes that have the newer mobs in them for example 2 more floors of BoC that have the AoM mobs and a chance to spawn grava. I feel there is too much life left in GD to go to “finished”

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Well, we are playing different versions then :smirk:

Because I am not impressed with what they have given us versus what was supposed to have been given us. I am really not impressed with how they screwed over their early access backers and essentially cut them out of the loop. And honestly, nevermind the server issues - there are bugs everywhere and a general lack of polish.

I could literally make a list of issues that are things that they should have seen on their own with no testers except in-house. Glaring examples that when I personally see these things tells me that they didn’t even play or test their game at all - that’s how obvious some of these issues are.

No, this game could have released in a better state if they hadn’t of screwed their early access over and actually let them play the game. They couldn’t even do that - which is standard procedure for an early access.

Wolcen gets a 3/10 from me and a big ass middle finger for being shitty devs in general.


Wolcen gets 0/10 for me. Stupid game was better in early axis (lol, I meant access, but this typo is symbolic now that I think of it) when it would at least not freeze at the white and black W startup screen.

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It’s a shame that was only a fake demo to keep us occupied while they made something else :unamused:

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Yeah seriously, totally different area, totally different beginning from what it looks like, is there still a “build your own house” mode or whatever the hell that was? And the endless dungeon is that still something?

Supposedly that’s supposed to come later on in a “free update”.

That I’m not sure about actually.

Can you still completely mold your characters body mass?

That may be where we are differing then. What actually did they supposedly to have given us?
That point I have obviously missed in the aether.

All points taken, but that aside didn’t Grim Dawn go through similar issues? The game is now great and tuned now, but some earlier versions had some real serious issues.

Ok, if they screwed their early access funders then that is a NoNo and I was not aware of that,

Negative. They ripped that out in favor of picking from a handful of faces, choosing your eye color and your hair. That’s it.

That’s lame. I had a guy who I made look like skinny as a toothpick with old man hair and face, I was looking forward to at least roleplaying an old fart character when (and if) I could start the game and get it to run

The list is crazy long… I’d have to do tons of digging. Maybe others can more readily find actual material on all that.

No sir. Except for random oddballs here and there the Grim Dawn community has always stuck behind Crate because Crate has always stuck with us. They’ve had no more serious issues then than they do now.

If Wolcen had stuck with their community they wouldn’t be sitting there right now with a piddly 63% Steam rating. That all wasn’t “just” because of the servers being down… that helped for sure but it’s because there are more issues than just that.


Just read their Kickstarter page



Was this ever implemented;

Dunno, but definitely in the tutorial start my warrior transformed into a winged demon at some instance?

Meh. Would have been cooler if this transformation occurred spontaneously based on your playstyle rather than based on class chosen, if that’s what this basically means

I will just further note that while my salt levels are high toward them and I would definitely gloat if they crashed and burned completely I would also like them to turn it around and actually make it better. Waaaaay better than what they put out there.

  1. I’m pissed they essentially only used their early access as a cash cow. No up to date builds to play ever. It sucked and it really sucked because I knew full well how Crate did early access. With GD we got to play the new stuff once it was made and tested enough to be stable and relatively bug-free. That’s how you treat your backers.

  2. I think that the game right now needs at least 6 months to a year of good, solid patches and fixes before it’s in an acceptable state. Problems range from general polish and numerous bugs to poor balance in the passive trees and skills AND items.

It could be done if they quit sucking as people and actually pay attention to the playerbase. Guess we’ll see what’s what.

Agreed, I see many glitches and anomalies while playing, but as you you say, a year or two down the line they need to get their ducks in a row and focus on the game. Unfortunately I do not know them as people, so I cannot comment if they suck or not :grinning:

That’s part of the reason I get so pissed about this when I read people’s comments on the Steam forum defending them saying “Oh give 'em a break - they just launched - they aren’t AAA” blahblahblah…

Most these people either don’t realize or are trying to ignore the fact that all of this could have been avoided, alot of these glitches and anomalies could have been fixed and smoothed and polished over the years it was in early access IF they had been letting the community play the game they were working on. But all they did was stick us with a demo version and threw in some skill updates into it every once in a while, while they worked on something else.

This is why I get angry - because I know it could have been preventable.

Coming from a developer is not professional such comments. I think you should be a little more understanding with the guildmates, more so, being a similar genre.