Wolcen now on Early Access on Steam

It looks gorgeous, but the gameplay does seem really bland. Just lots of special effects and enemies not really doing anything.

Let i be guys.

What a disaster of a launch, wow. I’m convinced that they will manage to No Man’s Sky through this awful start, though. The gameplay seems solid enough.

No can do… I’m here to watch it burn.


I feel a price is owed for snubbing their early access backers like dat and thinking they could just get away with it scot-free but down, down, down it goes…


trash game, super rubbish in all aspects! so glad I refunded this crap.

Perhaps its time for Crate to announce something just anything now to rescue us arpg lovers from this nightmare…

Well it is a certain Monday… so you know what that means. Gunna be another 11 hours give or take before we hear anything tho.

totally forgot :laughing:

hoping for online improvements for the game and Crate reveals today a brand new dlc and name it “Loads of Servers!” Its about time! :grin:

So i was so stuck at the Chapter 2 phase 2 boss that i had to rethink my build and to have a final push finish this abomination which i did in less than 14 hours lvl 42.

Oh god why did i had to do that to myself, really the game is just bland, empty and shallow - i think those words describe the current situation best.

Post Story mode you get a new endless grind called Champions of Stormfall where you typically for a mobile game - have to endure mindless and boring grind for money and resources to “build” your town.
Building structures gives you some placebo useless things like - 1 ! extra stash tab, 2! extra skill points (for which you need to play extra 20+ hours mind you) and a bit of magic find as a passive bonus etc.

Building takes “turns” where each turn accumulates resources allocated automatically to your “projects” - the longer the mission / dungeon you play - the more “time” passes.
Here you can choose between single missions (exactly like D3 normal rifts but without an end boss), and Grift variation with an end boss where you can choose to continue on a next level with higher monster level.

I relatively quickly reached lvl 50 from where on grinding starts to get tedious, upgrades thanks to the bland itemization system are pointless and retarded (like 110 all res vs 100 etc) - the entire game system is copy-pasted from D3 i cant believe how bad that is - just pump your main stat and be done with it.
And actually you are forced to put all your attribute points each level up at your main stat - as otherwise due to scaling you become weaker, your crit becomes lower - i have tracked it actually so without any passive every level up i put all in Ferocity (str) which increases Crit % - my Crit stayed the same every level :slight_smile:

Anyway i fucking pray that Crate has something in the pipeline to satiate those ARPG needs we have - otherwise the future of the genre looks hopelessly bland.

Hm, I wonder what, if any, input Tencent has had in the game to try and aim it for the mobile market? Sounds the posts/threads I’ve read about the game it seems to be trying to be all things to all players and failing miserably.

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Well what i fear is that the hard needed updates and patches aren’t really gonna come anytime fast either. The investors probably put their fist on the table and said they needed to complete the game or get fired. That the launch is shabby i had no doubt.

Anyone knows if a Crate man or Zantai himself is playing this game? Maybe they can learn a thing or two how to successfully " manage" servers that can be applied for our grim future here :grin:

I just leave it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbXOKcTx9Tg

I’ll probably give it a year before I touch that game.

On different note, I’m expecting an influx of new players to GD seeing that it’s getting lots of mentions on Youtube videos, forums and Reddit posts talking about Wolcen.

The replies in this thread. Popcorn isn’t enough…have to devils advocate here, however there are more cons then pros.

The.Game.Just.Launched. Give it some time. It will get better (hopefully?!)

It’s something else to play when you get burnt out

Passive skill tree offers some uniqueness. Such as the multiple counter systems and specn into other paths that are reachable because the tree is small. However the rotating, to me is pointless after initial set up of the wheels.

Gearing is a bit more diverse then D3. Don’t make like we all don’t pump everything in “cunning” once you met reqs for gear lol hypocrites.

The town builder is a way to extend end game. Although grindy I would rather that then D3s shit system of 5 stat every level.

Contrary to what some posters have placed in this thread, dots are not your end all be all. There are other builds that wreck.

Combat is clunky however I made a build that can ignore this fact so I only notice it from the fact that you have to punch buttons one at a time because if you are trying to push them in quick succession, things don’t work.

Don’t know why there are so many item tiers. All that time spent on making different armies and weapons could have been spent elsewhere

Skills are not good for the most part. Need more variation is the short of it.

Copying of skills is pointless. It’s easier to just respect the runes and save the mats

Not enough mob diversity

Uniques don’t all feel unique or game changing. Some are just huge stat sticks which D3 suffered from at launch

I feel that there is too much copy paste of other games in this one. Such as some of the skins for mobs and systems. Some of the copying is good though.

User UI and lack of tool tips of what does what is lame.

No timers on buffs. Lame

Monster hit boxes are wonky

Magic find NEEDS TO GO AWAY. Crate got this right (as with all other things :+1:)

Server issues however I play offline solo sf so no issue for me

Bad story


Lots more of course but I don’t want to write a book.

TL:DR: give it some time. Might get better. Might not. Best suggestion is wait for a sale and play it when burnt out on other things. If you don’t get burnt out on what you’re playing and don’t have money. You aren’t missing anything as of now.

With the current loot system and UI, they better of scrap all these random drops outside of unque items and make a proper crafting with players choosing items properties. Picking yellow shit w/o lootfilter and selling it is not exactly the best gameplay expirience.Not to say that even with 1000500 stacked %MF and chests bloating with red items it was near impossible to find upgrades with desirable base. That`s just absurd.

I would ignore most of the comments about the game’s performance and crashes. I don’t know why people with the latest and greatest CPU/Graphic cards are having such issues with this game?

Maybe their new modern gear they purchased cuts corners and is not as good as the older stuff, much like most of the boring lackluster modern car performance compared to the cars of days gone by.

My rig is well over 10 years old and is hardly state of the art anymore, but to this day I have never had an issue with any game I have purchased to date (including Wolcen)

Radeon HD 5850
i5-2500k 3.30Ghz
16GB Ram

I purchased and downloaded the game and it runs fine and in my opinion has HUGE potential.
Maybe I was just blessed and the Radeon HD 5850 was just a one of a kind war horse that could handle anything thrown at it? I have the settings medium to high in the options and the game plays smooth and looks great.

I have also now just finished a 3 hour session without a single crash, so stability is not an issue on my side.

Yes, the game is brand spanking new and there are going to be a few expected glitches and areas that need to be addressed and polished.

We all had the same experience with Grim Dawn, and look how that game progressed over the years and has ended up being one of the best RPG games out there. They listened to their player base and have refined the game to a masterpiece.

Wolcen also needs to do this. They are obviously getting huge feedback from players now after the release. This will give them far more insight into problems and bugs that any pre-release beta testers ever could.

As long as their developers commitment to the game is is on a par with the Grim Dawn Crate guys crowd, I think we may see a winner of a game here.

It does play very different to Grim Dawn, but in my opinion it is one of the best alternatives if you want to switch for a while to a different RPG.

POE and D3 never scratched this itch for me and I dread to think what the upcoming Blizzard’s D4 “console-smartphone-kiddie” brain dead excrement is going to present.

lmao. Sorry but this is a classic “How to spot the person who didn’t pay attention to Wolcen before release”. It’s clear you have no idea what went on during early access. I and others, on the other hand know very well what went on.

We didn’t get the game that they released to play. At all. So save it. No feedback could be given because the game was tested by noone. It clearly wasn’t tested by Wolcen Studios either. It’s a mess.

They aren’t even in the same league as Crate and this is a fact. Wolcen Studios has the worst early access period I have ever seen of any game. At least Crate let us actually play the actual game they were making as it was being made. Wolcen gave us a “demo” of a game that was nothing like what they put out on release and was nothing like what they were working on the entire time.

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That’s an actual argument against the state the game was released in. This “release it half assed, fix it later” is a horrible practice that needs to die.

I also played closer to the official release of Grim Dawn and the game didn’t had the many issues people are reporting Wolcen has. Stashes disappearing, bugs up the wazoo and so on.

I’m honestly starting to believe that they released the game to inject some money into development because they are running out of money.


it isnt they left us hanging for almost 4 years.

ow and the game itself there is passive nodes and skills that are so overpowered that its not even funny. Its not even got to do with balance, it looks like they just randomly put it in.

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Yes, you are quite correct in that I did not purchase early access. I did however follow all the hype and anticipations. The current game I have downloaded is in my opinion is quite a good contender for a future RPG favourite once they wring out all the bugs and glitches. It definitely plays better than POE in its current state.

LOL - No one is currently in the same league as Crate - with the tiny team thay have, there is no developer house that can even come close :grim_dawn:

Grim Dawn is my all time favourite time eater that I will eventually take to my grave playing, but there is always room for others who like to to take on the RPG God known as “Blizzard”